Yi-Ping Hung Professor, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia National Taiwan University.

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Presentation on theme: "Yi-Ping Hung Professor, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia National Taiwan University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yi-Ping Hung Professor, Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia National Taiwan University

2  On-Surface Interactions Multi-Touch Tangible Object Detection  Beyond-Surface Interactions Interactive 3D Viewer Motivation

3 IDEA: Using an Invisible Projection Location & Orientation : 6 degrees of freedom ColorProjector IR Projector IR Cameras x 2 Mirror

4 Applications

5 iLamp  Project high-resolution content on the surface, mimicking the use of a desk lamp.

6 iFlashlight  A mobile version of iLamp, facilitating information explorations and cooperative tasks.

7 iView  An intuitive tool to see 3D content or augmented information from different perspectives.

8 Implementation

9 Marker Split and Merge  Adapting the maker size  Markers split, when camera at closeup  Markers merge, when at far distance

10 Marker On/Off  Marker on for camera positioning  Marker off for finger detection  Finger-ROI detection for marker on/off With Marker OffWithout Marker Off ROI

11 IR Projector IR Cameras IR Camera of Mobile Device Smoothing Simulated Background Observed ImageForegrounds Tangible Objects Finger Touches Layout Manager Prediction Color Projector ROI Applications Kalman Filtering Real scene Block Diagram

12 Video Demo

13 Thanks

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