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Reliable Distributed Systems

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1 Reliable Distributed Systems
RPC and Client-Server Computing

2 Remote Procedure Call Basic concepts
Implementation issues, usual optimizations Where are the costs? Firefly RPC, Lightweight RPC, Winsock Direct and VIA Reliability and consistency Multithreading debate

3 A brief history of RPC Introduced by Birrell and Nelson in 1985
Pre-RPC: Most applications were built directly over the Internet primitives Their idea: mask distributed computing system using a “transparent” abstraction Looks like normal procedure call Hides all aspects of distributed interaction Supports an easy programming model Today, RPC is the core of many distributed systems

4 More history Early focus was on RPC “environments”
Culminated in DCE (Distributed Computing Environment), standardizes many aspects of RPC Then emphasis shifted to performance, many systems improved by a factor of 10 to 20 Today, RPC often used from object-oriented systems employing CORBA or COM standards. Reliability issues are more evident than in the past.

5 The basic RPC protocol client server “binds” to server
registers with name service

6 The basic RPC protocol client server “binds” to server
prepares, sends request registers with name service receives request

7 The basic RPC protocol client server “binds” to server
prepares, sends request registers with name service receives request invokes handler

8 The basic RPC protocol client server “binds” to server
prepares, sends request registers with name service receives request invokes handler sends reply

9 The basic RPC protocol client server “binds” to server
prepares, sends request unpacks reply registers with name service receives request invokes handler sends reply

10 Compilation stage Server defines and “exports” a header file giving interfaces it supports and arguments expected. Uses “interface definition language” (IDL) Client includes this information Client invokes server procedures through “stubs” provides interface identical to the server version responsible for building the messages and interpreting the reply messages passes arguments by value, never by reference may limit total size of arguments, in bytes

11 Binding stage Occurs when client and server program first start execution Server registers its network address with name directory, perhaps with other information Client scans directory to find appropriate server Depending on how RPC protocol is implemented, may make a “connection” to the server, but this is not mandatory

12 Data in messages We say that data is “marshalled” into a message and “demarshalled” from it Representation needs to deal with byte ordering issues (big-endian versus little endian), strings (some CPUs require padding), alignment, etc Goal is to be as fast as possible on the most common architectures, yet must also be very general

13 Request marshalling Client builds a message containing arguments, indicates what procedure to invoke Do to need for generality, data representation a potentially costly issue! Performs a send I/O operation to send the message Performs a receive I/O operation to accept the reply Unpacks the reply from the reply message Returns result to the client program

14 Costs in basic protocol?
Allocation and marshalling data into message (can reduce costs if you are certain client, server have identical data representations) Two system calls, one to send, one to receive, hence context switching Much copying all through the O/S: application to UDP, UDP to IP, IP to ethernet interface, and back up to application

15 Schroeder and Burroughs
Studied RPC performance in O/S kernel Suggested a series of major optimizations Resulted in performance improvments of about 10-fold for Xerox firefly workstation (from 10ms to below 1ms)

16 Typical optimizations?
Compile the stub “inline” to put arguments directly into message Two versions of stub; if (at bind time) sender and dest. found to have same data representations, use host-specific rep. Use a special “send, then receive” system call (requires O/S extension) Optimize the O/S kernel path itself to eliminate copying – treat RPC as the most important task the kernel will do

17 Fancy argument passing
RPC is transparent for simple calls with a small amount of data passed “Transparent” in the sense that the interface to the procedure is unchanged But exceptions thrown will include new exceptions associated with network What about complex structures, pointers, big arrays? These will be very costly, and perhaps impractical to pass as arguments Most implementations limit size, types of RPC arguments. Very general systems less limited but much more costly.

18 Overcoming lost packets
client server sends request

19 Overcoming lost packets
client server sends request Timeout! retransmit duplicate request: ignored ack for request

20 Overcoming lost packets
client server sends request Timeout! retransmit ack for request reply

21 Overcoming lost packets
client server sends request Timeout! retransmit ack for request reply ack for reply

22 Costs in fault-tolerant version?
Acks are expensive. Try and avoid them, e.g. if the reply will be sent quickly supress the initial ack Retransmission is costly. Try and tune the delay to be “optimal” For big messages, send packets in bursts and ack a burst at a time, not one by one

23 Big packets client server sends request as a burst ack entire burst
reply ack for reply

24 RPC “semantics” At most once: request is processed 0 or 1 times
Exactly once: request is always processed 1 time At least once: request processed 1 or more times ... but exactly once is impossible because we can’t distinguish packet loss from true failures! In both cases, RPC protocol simply times out.

25 Implementing at most/least once
Use a timer (clock) value and a unique id, plus sender address Server remembers recent id’s and replies with same data if a request is repeated Also uses id to identify duplicates and reject them Very old requests detected and ignored by checking time Assumes that the clocks are working In particular, requires “synchronized” clocks

26 RPC versus local procedure call
Restrictions on argument sizes and types New error cases: Bind operation failed Request timed out Argument “too large” can occur if, e.g., a table grows Costs may be very high ... so RPC is actually not very transparent!

27 RPC costs in case of local destination process
Often, the destination is right on the caller’s machine! Caller builds message Issues send system call, blocks, context switch Message copied into kernel, then out to dest. Dest is blocked... wake it up, context switch Dest computes result Entire sequence repeated in reverse direction If scheduler is a process, context switch 6 times!

28 RPC example Dest on same site O/S Source does xyz(a, b, c)

29 RPC in normal case Destination and O/S are blocked Dest on same site
Source does xyz(a, b, c)

30 RPC in normal case Source, dest both block. O/S runs its scheduler, copies message from source out-queue to dest in-queue Dest on same site O/S Source does xyz(a, b, c)

31 RPC in normal case Dest runs, copies in message Dest on same site O/S
Source does xyz(a, b, c) Same sequence needed to return results

32 Important optimizations: LRPC
Lightweight RPC (LRPC): for case of sender, dest on same machine (Bershad et. al.) Uses memory mapping to pass data Reuses same kernel thread to reduce context switching costs (user suspends and server wakes up on same kernel thread or “stack”) Single system call: send_rcv or rcv_send

33 LRPC O/S and dest initially are idle Dest on same site O/S Source does
xyz(a, b, c)

34 LRPC Control passes directly to dest Dest on same site O/S Source does
xyz(a, b, c) arguments directly visible through remapped memory

35 LRPC performance impact
On same platform, offers about a 10-fold improvement over a hand-optimized RPC implementation Does two memory remappings, no context switch Runs about 50 times faster than standard RPC by same vendor (at the time of the research) Semantics stronger: easy to ensure exactly once

36 Fbufs Peterson: tool for speeding up layered protocols
Observation: buffer management is a major source of overhead in layered protocols (ISO style) Solution: uses memory management, protection to “cache” buffers on frequently used paths Stack layers effectively share memory Tremendous performance improvement seen

37 Fbufs control flows through stack of layers, or pipeline of processes
data copied from “out” buffer to “in” buffer

38 Fbufs control flows through stack of layers, or pipeline of processes
data placed into “out” buffer, shaded buffers are mapped into address space but protected against access

39 Fbufs control flows through stack of layers, or pipeline of processes
buffer remapped to eliminate copy

40 Fbufs control flows through stack of layers, or pipeline of processes
in buffer reused as out buffer

41 Fbufs control flows through stack of layers, or pipeline of processes
buffer remapped to eliminate copy

42 Where are Fbufs used? Although this specific system is not widely used
Most kernels use similar ideas to reduce costs of in-kernel layering And many application-layer libraries use the same sorts of tricks to achieve clean structure without excessive overheads from layer crossing

43 Active messages Concept developed by Culler and von Eicken for parallel machines Assumes the sender knows all about the dest, including memory layout, data formats Message header gives address of handler Applications copy directly into and out of the network interface

44 Performance impact? Even with optimizations, standard RPC requires about 1000 instructions to send a null message Active messages: as few as 6 instructions! One-way latency as low as 35usecs But model works only if “same program” runs on all nodes and if application has direct control over communication hardware

45 U/Net Low latency/high performance communication for ATM on normal UNIX machines, later extended to fast Ethernet Developed by Von Eicken, Vogels and others at Cornell (1995) Idea is that application and ATM controller share memory-mapped region. I/O done by adding messages to queue or reading from queue Latency 50-fold reduced relative to UNIX, throughput 10-fold better for small messages!

46 U/Net concepts Normally, data flows through the O/S to the driver, then is handed to the device controller In U/Net the device controller sees the data directly in shared memory region Normal architecture gets protection from trust in kernel U/Net gets protection using a form of cooperation between controller and device driver

47 U/Net implementation Reprogram ATM controller to understand special data structures in memory-mapped region Rebuild ATM device driver to match this model Pin shared memory pages, leave mapped into I/O DMA map Disable memory caching for these pages (else changes won’t be visible to ATM)

48 U-Net Architecture ATM device controller sees whole region and can transfer directly in and out of it ... organized as an in-queue, out-queue, freelist User’s address space has a direct-mapped communication region

49 U-Net protection guarantees
No user can see contents of any other user’s mapped I/O region (U-Net controller sees whole region but not the user programs) Driver mediates to create “channels”, user can only communicate over channels it owns U-Net controller uses channel code on incoming/outgoing packets to rapidly find the region in which to store them

50 U-Net reliability guarantees
With space available, has the same properties as the underlying ATM (which should be nearly 100% reliable) When queues fill up, will lose packets Also loses packets if the channel information is corrupted, etc

51 Minimum U/Net costs? Build message in a preallocated buffer in the shared region Enqueue descriptor on “out queue” ATM immediately notices and sends it Remote machine was polling the “in queue” ATM builds descriptor for incoming message Application sees it immediately: 35usecs latency

52 Protocols over U/Net Von Eicken, Vogels support IP, UDP, TCP over U/Net These versions run the TCP stack in user space! Later in course will look at other complex protocols over U/Net

53 VIA and Winsock Direct Windows consortium (MSFT, Intel, others) commercialized U/Net: Virtual Interface Architecture (VIA) Runs in NT Clusters But most applications run over UNIX-style sockets (“Winsock” interface in NT) Winsock direct automatically senses and uses VIA where available Today is widely used on clusters and may be a key reason that they have been successful

54 Broad comments on RPC RPC is not very transparent
Failure handling is not evident at all: if an RPC times out, what should the developer do? Reissuing the request only makes sense if there is another server available Anyhow, what if the request was finished but the reply was lost? Do it twice? Try to duplicate the lost reply? Performance work is producing enormous gains: from the old 75ms RPC to RPC over U/Net with a 75usec round-trip time: a factor of 1000!

55 Contents of an RPC environment
Standards for data representation Stub compilers, IDL databases Services to manage server directory, clock synchronization Tools for visualizing system state and managing servers and applications

56 Closely Related Topic Multithreading is a common performance-enhancing technique Idea is that server is often idle while doing I/O for one client, so use extra threads to allow concurrent request processing In the limit, leads to database transactional concurrency model, but many non-transactional servers use threads for enhanced performance

57 Multithreading debate
Three major options: Single-threaded server: only does one thing at a time, uses send/recv system calls and blocks while waiting Multi-threaded server: internally concurrent, each request spawns a new thread to handle it Upcalls: event dispatch loop does a procedure call for each incoming event, like for X11 or PC’s running Windows.

58 Single threading: drawbacks
Applications can deadlock if a request cycle forms: I’m waiting for you and you send me a request, which I can’t handle Much of system may be idle waiting for replies to pending requests Harder to implement RPC protocol itself (need to use a timer interrupt to trigger acks, retransmission, which is awkward)

59 Multithreading Idea is to support internal concurrency as if each process was really multiple processes that share one address space Thread scheduler uses timer interrupts and context switching to mimic a physical multiprocessor using the smaller number of CPU’s actually available

60 Multithreaded RPC Each incoming request is handled by spawning a new thread Designer must implement appropriate mutual exclusion to guard against “race conditions” and other concurrency problems Ideally, server is more active because it can process new requests while waiting for its own RPC’s to complete on other pending requests

61 Negatives to multithreading
Users may have little experience with concurrency and will then make mistakes Concurrency bugs are very hard to find due to non-reproducible scheduling orders Reentrancy can come as an undesired surprise Threads need stacks hence consumption of memory can be very high Deadlock remains a risk, now associated with concurrency control Stacks for threads must be finite and can overflow, corrupting the address space

62 Threads: can spawn too many
SCHED event

63 Threads: can spawn too many
Thread spawned, but blocks SCHED event

64 Threads: can spawn too many
SCHED Eventually, application becomes bloated, begins to thrash. Performance drops and clients may think the server has failed event

65 Upcall model Common in windowing systems
Each incoming “event” is encoded as a small descriptive data structure User registers event handling procedures Dispatch loop calls the procedures as new events arrive, waits for the call to finish, then dispatches a new event

66 Upcalls combined with threads
Perhaps the best model for RPC programming Each handler can be tagged: needs thread, or can be executed “unthreaded” Developer must still be very careful where threads are used

67 Recent RPC history RPC was once touted as the transparent answer to distributed computing Today the protocol is very widely used ... but it isn’t very transparent, and reliability issues can be a major problem Today the strongest interest is in Web Services and CORBA, which use RPC as the mechanism to implement object invocation

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