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Analyzing differences between groups. CHAPTER 13 Analyzing Differences between groups.

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1 Analyzing differences between groups

2 CHAPTER 13 Analyzing Differences between groups

3 Difference Analysis Examines difference between Independent variables (IVs) using discrete categories. This means that you come the responses for subjects in each IV for how they responded to each variable/question. An example comparing M & F for each of the needs on the extra credit survey

4 Nominal level data Chi-square test—examines differences between categories of an independent variable with respect to dependent variables Example –comparing the 2 magazine in your content analysis

5 Interval level data T-Test – examines differences between 2 (IV) groups measured on an interval/ratio dependent variable Example –large or small screen size and subjects’ responses to credibility questions

6 T-Tests Independent t-test—examines 2 different groups Large versus small TV screen size Related-measures t Test-examines differences between 2 sets of related measures –Mainly used to compare pre- & post- test of the same group of subjects

7 ANOVA Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Similar to t-test except there are 3 or more Ivs Example: Year in college (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior and Overall satisfaction with CSU)

8 Correlations Tests relationships between variables Types of correlations

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