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Lecture 05 - Arrays. Introduction useful and powerful aggregate data structure Arrays allow us to store arbitrary sized sequences of primitive values.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 05 - Arrays. Introduction useful and powerful aggregate data structure Arrays allow us to store arbitrary sized sequences of primitive values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 05 - Arrays

2 Introduction useful and powerful aggregate data structure Arrays allow us to store arbitrary sized sequences of primitive values or sequences of references to objects easily access and manipulate the values/objects that they store Arrays are indexed by a sequence of integers classes use arrays as instance variables to store databases of value/references

3 Declaring Arrays int[] A = new int[5];

4 More About Arrays an array is a homogeneous data structure: each of its members stores the same type (either primitive or reference) the indexes go from 0 to one less than the length of the array each array object stores a public final int length instance variable that stores the length of the array we can access the value stored in this field, in the example above, by writing a.length int[] a = new int[]{4, 2, 0, 1, 3}; another way to create an array

5 Arrays

6 Accessing Arrays int[] a = new int[]{4, 2, 0, 1, 3}; System.out.println( a[0] ); if (a[2] == 0)...some statement if the value computed for the index is less than 0, or greater than OR EQUAL TO the length of the array – trying to access the memember at that index cause Java to throw the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException which contains a message showing what index was attempted to be accessed An array of Strings – String[] s = new String[]{"ABC", "LMN", "XYZ"};

7 A Graphical View

8 Processing Arrays Typically, a for loop is used to generate all the indexes for the array object. Study the following code carefully; int sum = 0; for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) – sum += a[i]; System.out.println("Sum = " + sum);


10 More Code What is the output of the following code? for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) System.out.print(a[i]+" "); System.out.println(); The following code computes and prints the maximum value stored in an array int max = a[0]; for (int i=1; I<a.length; i++) if (a[I] > max) max = a[i]; System.out.println("Max = " + max);

11 Arrays - Review An array is a data structure that groups and organizes data l Array is a list of values (int, double, aggregates) l The number corresponding to each position is called an index or subscript Index = 0 Value = 12 Index = 2 Value = 16 Index = 1 Value = 10

12 Declaring and using Arrays Arrays are objects Int [] height = new int[11] New operator allocates memory space to save values The type of the array is int [] Eg: Random x = new Random(); final int LIMIT = 15; int [] list = new int[LIMIT] for (int I=0; I<LIMIT;I++) { list[I] = x.nextInt(LIMIT);} for (int I=0; I<LIMIT;I++) { System.out.print(list[I]+”\t”);}

13 Declaring and using Arrays Two ways to declare arrays: int [] grades; int grades[]; No difference as far as compiler is concerned First one is more consistent with type declarations int [] A, B, C; int A[], B, C[];

14 Interactively Read a set of numbers into an Array import javax.swing.JOptionPane; boolean done = false; final int LIMIT = 15; int [] list = new int[LIMIT]; int index = 0; Int num; While (true) { num =Integer.parseInt( JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter an integer")); if (I==LIMIT-1 || num==-999) break; else list[I++] = num; }

15 An Array Example final int NUMCHARS = 26; String line = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a sentence"); char current; int other= 0; int [] upper = new int[NUMCHARS]; For (int I=0; I<line.length(); I++) { current = line.charAt(I); if (current >= ‘A’ && current <= ‘Z’) upper[current-’A’]++; } What does above program do?

16 More on Arrays Array Intializer int [] list = {1,2,3,4}; Array as Parameter An entire array can be passed as a parameter to a method A copy of the reference to the array is passed A method can change array elements permanently A method cannot change the reference itself

17 Two Dimensional Arrays (Matrices) A Table (Grid) of Rows and Columns Uses Two Indexes to refer to an element Two Dimensional Array(or Matrix) is an array of Arrays Eg: int [][] Table = new int[5][10]; for (int I=0; I<Rows; I++) for (int j=0;j<Cols;j++) Table[I][j]=I+j; for (int I=0;I<Table.length; I++) for (int j=0;j<Table[I].length;j++) System.out.print(Table[I][j]);

18 Two Dimensional Arrays ctd.. Int [][] Scores = {{2,3,3},{2,2,2}}; Defines a 2 by 3 matrix (I.e 2 rows and 3 columns) Finding Row Sum of Row 0 (first row) for (int j=0; j<Scores[0].length;j++) sum += Scores[0][j]; Finding Column Sum of Column 2 (third column) for (int i=0; i<Scores.length;i++) sum += Scores[i][2];

19 Exercises Write a method to find the row sum of a matrix Write a method to find the column sum of a matrix Write a method to find the maximum element in a matrix Write a method to swap two rows of a matrix

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