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Session 2: task 3.2 GCM, Kracow, June 27 2006 l Current status of GCM Denis Caromel (10 mn each talk) l Wrapping CCA Components as GCM Components Maciej.

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Presentation on theme: "Session 2: task 3.2 GCM, Kracow, June 27 2006 l Current status of GCM Denis Caromel (10 mn each talk) l Wrapping CCA Components as GCM Components Maciej."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session 2: task 3.2 GCM, Kracow, June 27 2006 l Current status of GCM Denis Caromel (10 mn each talk) l Wrapping CCA Components as GCM Components Maciej Malawski, Marian Bubak l Grid and Large Scale GCM Component Experiments Nikos Parlavantzas, Vladimir Getov l Non-Functional Features and Autonomic GCM Components Jeremy Buisson, Marco Danelutto, Marco Aldinucci l Towards GCM Metadata Framework Alexander Bolotov, Vladimir Getov

2 Current status of GCM Denis Caromel 1.GCM Architecture and Principles 2.Specificities: Multicast, Gathercast 3.Towards Autonomy 4.Strongly related EU project: GridCOMP 5.Interactions and Relations

3 A Fractal Component

4 GCM in short 1. Component Specification: ADL, an XML schema or DTD  Hierarchical: Primitives and Composites 2. Definition of Interfaces:  server, client, event, stream,...  various interface specifications: Java Interface, C++.h, Corba IDL, WSDL, etc. 2. Run-Time API defined in several languages 3. Packaging described as an XML schema (Fractal packaging) 4. Specification of Grid aspects:  Parallelism, Distribution, Virtual Nodes, QoS, File Transfer, etc. 5. Interoperability:  Export WSDL, use Web Services

5 Programming Model – Component Model l Component = Interface  Remote Method Invocation l GRID (Distribution and Parallelism):  One to many communications  Scattering, Gathering, Redistributing  Asynchrony l GCM = Unifying RMI and GRID:  Scattering, Gathering, Redist. at the Cp. level : Specif  High-Level Composition To be compared with low-level, Message Based MPI

6 Multicast interfaces Transform a single invocation into a list of invocations Multiple invocations  Parallelism  Asynchronism  Dispatch Data redistribution (invocation parameters)  Parameterisable distribution function  Broadcast, scattering  Dynamic redistribution (dynamic dispatch) Result = list of results


8 Multicast interfaces Results as lists of results Invocation parameters may also be distributed from lists

9 Gathercast interfaces

10 Transform a list of invocations into a single invocation Synchronization of incoming invocations  ~ “join” invocations  Timeout / drop policy  Bidirectional bindings (callers  callee) Data gathering Aggregation of parameters into lists Result: redistribution of results Redistribution function

11 On-going : MxN Redistribution M components N components GATHERING: Gathercast SCATTERING: Multicast REDISTRIBUTION from M to N

12 On Going: Dynamic Controllers An extension of Fractal: controllers can be components (they still belong to the membrane)

13 Extension of the Fractal-ADL for Behavior Specification of Components with Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Rep., Santiago, Chile, … Goal:  Specifying and verifying behavior  Coherent notations for compatibility Mean:  Extension of the ADL  Behaviors can be attached to components, to interfaces, or to bindings  Referring to external formats: e.g. Lotos specification

14 Typical Usage :. Input : ADL + Interfaces + Behaviour specs Finite Model Generation Tool Model Checker


16 Anim

17 GridCOMP Objectives l Get money to implement and experiment with the GCM l Build a solid, usable implementation with tools l Asses GCM in an industrial framework l Provide feedback to CoreGRID

18 GridCOMP Partners

19 Approach & Work Packages Structure Grid Component Model (GCM, NoE CoreGrid) as a starting point, with ObjectWeb ProActive implementation Interoperability with other standards: EGEE gLite, UNICORE, NorduGrid, Globus, Web Services, etc., Coordination with the NESSI initiative: involvement of ObjectWeb, IBM, ATOS Structure:  WP 2: core Components Framework Implementation  WP 3: Non-Functional Cp Feature  WP 4: Grid IDE  WP 5: Industrial Use Cases

20 Relations : WP 3 -- GridCOMP GridCOMP:  Implementation of GCM specification  Experiments with Industrial Use Cases  Assessment and Recommendations CoreGrid:  Specification of the GCM  Experiments with Research, Scientific Use Cases Integration  Contributions to the Open Source base

21 Session 2: task 3.2 GCM, Kracow, June 27 2006 l Current status of GCM Denis Caromel (20 mn each talk) l Wrapping CCA Components as GCM Components Maciej Malawski, Marian Bubak l Grid and Large Scale GCM Component Experiments Nikos Parlavantzas, Vladimir Getov l Non-Functional Features and Autonomic GCM Components Jeremy Buisson, Marco Danelutto, Marco Aldinucci l Towards GCM Metadata Framework Alexander Bolotov, Vladimir Getov

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