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International Taxation of Equity Returns An imbroglio of tax laws and the MacDougall Model.

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Presentation on theme: "International Taxation of Equity Returns An imbroglio of tax laws and the MacDougall Model."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Taxation of Equity Returns An imbroglio of tax laws and the MacDougall Model

2 Distinction between debt returns and equity returns In most tax structures taxes are levied only on returns on equity. Therefore: –Debt financing is favorable in high-tax environments –Equity financing is favorable in low-tax environments

3 Host Government Tax Policies FIRST!!! Host country takes first crack –Investor direct rate of return Foreign rate of return * (1-foreign tax rate) Withholding Taxes –Penalty for parent paying

4 Home Government Tax Policies Policy considerations –Treatment of foreign income and foreign taxes paid Exemption Tax crediting Deduction Double tax –Taxation timing

5 Assessment of International Tax Policy and Management The dichotomy of interest between host and home countries

6 Fundamentals Maximize profits by avoiding taxes Equity taxed by host Debt taxed by home

7 The MacDougall Model of International Capital Flows Fixed supply of capital (k) Downward sloping marginal product of capital (MPK) Real interest rate GDP

8 Maximum Global Capital Welfare Tax Neutrality –Capital export neutrality violation OO* r r R(1-t) K”K’K R* MPK MPK(1-t) MPK* R* B C D A Taxes Collecte d Loss of World Welfare

9 The Worldwide Principle –Capital export neutrality corrected OO* r r R(1-t) K’K R* MPK MPK(1-t) MPK* R* B CD A MPK*(1-t) R*(1-t) Total Home Taxes

10 Capital Import Neutrality –Import neutrality holds OO* r r R(1-t) K”K’K R* MPK MPK(1-t) MPK* R* B C D A

11 Capital Import Neutrality –Import neutrality does not hold OO* r r K’K R* MPK MPK(1-t) MPK* R* B CD A MPK*(1-t) R*(1-t) K”

12 Evident Points Dependence of neutrality One or the other Neutrality perfect system

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