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Industry-IOOS Workshop March 2004 Marathon, Houston IOOS -COASTMAP Model and Management System Eric Anderson ASA Narragansett, RI.

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Presentation on theme: "Industry-IOOS Workshop March 2004 Marathon, Houston IOOS -COASTMAP Model and Management System Eric Anderson ASA Narragansett, RI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industry-IOOS Workshop March 2004 Marathon, Houston IOOS -COASTMAP Model and Management System Eric Anderson ASA Narragansett, RI

2 Presentation Overview ASA History, Client Base COASTMAP System –Commercial applications Demonstration Conclusions

3 Environmental Consulting Surface Water Surface Water Worldwide Worldwide

4 ASA Offices

5 ASA Agencies

6 ASA Clients : Oil Companies



9 ASA Clients: Port Authorities

10 History Experience Founded in 1979 - Ocean Engineering, URI 40 Staff -- Advanced degrees and expertise in: Modeling Oceanography Ocean, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Biology Geology Computer Science

11 ASA Expertise Biological Impacts and Biological Impacts and Ecological Risk Ecological Risk Natural Resource Damage Natural Resource Damage Assessment Assessment Search and Rescue Search and Rescue Modeling and Analysis of: Hydrodynamics Hydrodynamics Pollutant Transport Pollutant Transport Oil and Chemical Spills Oil and Chemical Spills Water Quality Analysis Water Quality Analysis

12 ASA Expertise As well as: Geographical Geographical Information Systems Information Systems (GIS) (GIS) Windows Interface Windows Interface Development Development Real-Time Data Real-Time Data Integration Integration

13 GIS EnvironmentalDataReal-TimeData Model Result ArcInfoArcViewMapInfoIntergraph Hydrodynamic Water Quality Sediment Transport Oil Spill Chemical Spill Ecological Model

14 Applications Environmental risk assessment Environmental risk assessment Impact assessment permitting Impact assessment permitting Water quality analysis Water quality analysis Natural resource damage assessment and Natural resource damage assessment and restoration planning restoration planning Contingency planning Contingency planning Emergency spill response Emergency spill response Search and rescue response Search and rescue response

15 COASTMAP Background Original development at URI Ocean Engineering Extended in Narragansett Bay NOPP Project (2000-2003) Commercialization in progress: –Coastal waters of U.S. and Great Lakes –Selected foreign areas (NAVO) –Coastal waters of Mexico (Mexico Navy) –Narragansett Bay Commission –USCG search & rescue –Govt. of Spain, search & rescue

16 Coastmap Server Internet Data Sources Coastmap Model Server Hydrodynamics Pollutant Transport GIS/Charts Coastmap Professional Client Data Management/Analysis Models Resource Management Coastmap Web Client

17 COASTMAP Super User COASTMAP Client: PC based, professional user (small client base, high technology) Environmental regulator/dischargers Emergency responders Homeland security Research

18 COASTMAP Thin Client COASTMAP Web: Web browser based user (large client base, low technology level) Public Recreational users Marine transporters Public heath officials

19 COASTMAP Interface Overview

20 Data Sources NWS Weather Forecast –Text based for any station Images –World wide satellite Enhanced IR and IR coverage –Web Cam –RADAR Web Data Links –CO-OPS Water Levels –USGS River Flow –PORTS Data and Graphics –NDBC Data COASTMAP Data and Model Results –Currents –Waves –Winds –Extratropical Storm Surge –PORTS Archive –CODAR

21 NWS Data Link Search available locations Pick geographic location Text forecast displayed Download data

22 Satellite Images Pick geographic location Pick image type Available images listed Animate images

23 Web Based Data Linkages -PORTS Pick data type Pick region and location Available data listed Pick and display Download data

24 Web Based Data Linkages – CO-OPS Pick CO-OPS data Pick location Pick data type from list Download data

25 CODAR Data Pick CODAR data Pick from list of available files Download and display

26 Data Time Series Display

27 COASTMAP Water Levels

28 COASTMAP Currents


30 Crisis Management Systems Accidental or intentional oil or chemical spills Search and rescue support Response Models

31 Crisis Management System Management/Training –Oil Spills –Chemical/Gas Releases –Search and Rescue –Marine Emergency –Nuclear Fall-Out Resource Management Environmental Data Management Contingency Plans/Action Lists Networked Application

32 Applications/Users US Navy/Coast Guard Mexican Navy/Coast Guard Argentine Navy/Coast Guard Irish Coast Guard SASEMAR (Spanish Coast Guard) MCA China AMIS

33 US Navy Oceanographic Office COASTMAP Application Client/Server application Real time data from 275 sensors Supports operational modeling and homeland security activities Application to seven bays and harbors in US, Timor Sea, Straits of Taiwan and elsewhere

34 USCG: SAROPS - Search and Rescue Optimal Planning System

35 Demonstration

36 Conclusions COASTMAP provides –Data linkage and analysis backbone Oceanographic Meteorological –Transport models Oil, chemical, search & rescue –Response Management tools –Re-locatable –Extensible

37 Conclusions, cont. Demonstrated linkages –Atmospheric model (NOAA regional) –Water level data (PORTS) –Hydrodynamics –Pollutant transport –Emergency management

38 IOOS Specific Questions –Modes of cooperation –Private sector needs, conflicts –Business opportunities –Potential areas of conflict

39 Modes of Cooperation Needs –access to data, metadata –(especially data availability) Contributions –Bottom up approach –Client centric focus

40 Business Opportunities Cooperative development projects –e.g. SAROPS project Partnerships bring good value to client Areas of Conflict –Collisions in servicing perceived client base

41 end


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