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The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a… Four Part 2,400 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion.

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Presentation on theme: "The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a… Four Part 2,400 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a… Four Part 2,400 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion questions, games, and much more. 14 page bundled homework package that chronologically follows the PowerPoint slideshow. Modified version and answer keys are provided. 14 pages of unit notes with visuals for students who require assistance and support staff. 1 PowerPoint review game, 10 worksheets that follow slideshow activities, many video and academic links, flashcards, rubrics, activity sheets, and much more. _Safety_Metric_Methods.html _Safety_Metric_Methods.html

2 More Units Available at… Earth Science: The Soil Science and Glaciers Unit, The Geology Topics Unit, The Astronomy Topics Unit, The Weather and Climate Unit, and The River Unit, The Water Molecule Unit. Physical Science: The Laws of Motion and Machines Unit, The Atoms and Periodic Table Unit, The Energy and the Environment Unit, and The Introduction to Science / Metric Unit. Life Science: The Infectious Diseases Unit, The Cellular Biology Unit, The DNA and Genetics Unit, The Life Topics Unit, The Plant Unit, The Taxonomy and Classification Unit, Ecology: Feeding Levels Unit, Ecology: Interactions Unit, Ecology: Abiotic Factors, The Evolution and Natural Selection Unit and Human Body Systems and Health Topics Unit Copyright © 2011

3 The Science Skills Unit Part I: Lab Safety and Magnification Part II: The International System of Units, Scientific Notation, Conversions and more. Part III: Base Units, Measuring, Measuring Skills. Part IV: The Scientific Method, Variables, Observation Skills, and more.


5 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

6 Keep an eye out for “The-Owl” and raise your hand as soon as you see him. –He will be hiding somewhere in the slideshow “Hoot, Hoot” “Good Luck!” Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

7 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

8 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

9 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

10 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

11 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

12 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

13 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

14 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

15 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

16 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

17 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

18 Class Expectations –You can show respect by… Listening when the teacher or others are talking. –One speaker at a time, please raise your hand. Please no cross-room conversations / shouting things out. –You can be responsible by… Staying organized and avoiding distraction. Staying focused on task completion. –You can make good choices by… Attending class regularly Doing your best and never giving up. –Be Safe! First, last, and always. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

19 RED SLIDE: These are notes that are very important and should be recorded in your science journal. BLACK SLIDE: Pay attention, follow directions, complete projects as described and answer required questions neatly. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

20 -Please make notes legible and use indentations when appropriate. -Example of indent. -Skip a line between topics -Don’t skip pages -Make visuals clear and well drawn. Please label


22 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


24 “I love my chocolate Milk!” Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy


26 “Oh no!”

27 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy








35 (K)ing (K)ing (H)enry (H)enry (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

36 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

37 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

38 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

39 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

40 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

41 (K)ing (K)ing (H)ector (H)ector (D)ied (D)ied (W)hile (W)hile (D)rinking (D)rinking (C)hocolate (C)hocolate (M)ilk (M)ilk Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

42 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector -Hectometer Hector -Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

43 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

44 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

45 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

46 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

47 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

48 King -Kilometer King -Kilometer Hector - Hectometer Hector - Hectometer Died - Decameter Died - Decameter While - Standard While - Standard Drinking - Decimeter Drinking - Decimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Chocolate - Centimeter Milk - Millimeter Milk - Millimeter Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

49 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

50 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

51 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

52 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

53 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

54 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

55 King - Kilometer1000m King - Kilometer1000m Hector - Hectometer100m Hector - Hectometer100m Died - Decameter10m Died - Decameter10m While - Standard1m While - Standard1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Drinking - Decimeter.1m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Chocolate - Centimeter.01m Milk - Millimeter.001m Milk - Millimeter.001m Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

56 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

57 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

58 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

59 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

60 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

61 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

62 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Hector- Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

63 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams

64 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams 12.36

65 King - Kilograms1000m10 3 Hector - Hectograms100m10 2 Died - Decagrams10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decigrams.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centigrams.01m10 -2 Milk - Milligrams.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams 12.36 1234512345

66 King - Kilograms1000m10 3 Hector - Hectograms100m10 2 Died - Decagrams10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decigrams.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centigrams.01m10 -2 Milk - Milligrams.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams 12.36 1234512345 5

67 King - Kilograms1000m10 3 Hector - Hectograms100m10 2 Died - Decagrams10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decigrams.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centigrams.01m10 -2 Milk - Milligrams.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams 1234512345

68 King - Kilograms1000m10 3 Hector - Hectograms100m10 2 Died - Decagrams10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decigrams.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centigrams.01m10 -2 Milk - Milligrams.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12.36 kg to centigrams 1,236, 1234512345

69 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers

70 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers

71 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers 5

72 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers.000450.0 5 5

73 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers.00450 5 5

74 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers.00450 h 5 5

75 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 450 mm to hectometers.00450 h 5 5

76 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters

77 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters

78 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters 43.0

79 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters 43.0

80 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters 43.0 5 3

81 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters.043 5 3

82 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 43 cm to Decameters.043 d 5 3

83 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm 00000.

84 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm.

85 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm. 5

86 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm 5241.00000. 5 5

87 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm 5241 00000. mm 5 5

88 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5241 h to mm 524,100,000. mm 5 5

89 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 9.9 m to cm cm

90 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 9.9 m to cm Answer: 990 cm

91 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1351 Decimeters to cm

92 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1351 Decimeters to cm Answer: 13,510 cm

93 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12 mm to km

94 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 12 mm to km Answer:.000012 km

95 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5 m to decimeters

96 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 5 m to decimeters Answer: 50

97 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1.3 x 10 4 m to centimeters

98 What number is beneath the boxes below on these foreign dairy products?







105 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1.3 x 10 4 m to centimeters 1.3 x 10 4 = 13000 m

106 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1.3 x 10 4 m to centimeters 1.3 x 10 4 = 13000 m 1300 m = 13000 x 100 =

107 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 1.3 x 10 4 m to centimeters 1.3 x 10 4 = 13000 m 1300 m = 13000 x 100 = 1,300,000 cm

108 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 3.7 x 10- 9 m to mm

109 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 3.7 x 10- 9 m to mm 3.7 x 10 -7 =.0000000037 m.

110 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 3.7 x 10- 9 m to mm 3.7 x 10 -7 =.0000000037 m.0000000037 x 1000=

111 King - Kilometer1000m10 3 Hector - Hectometer100m10 2 Died - Decameter10m10 1 While - Standard1m10 0 Drinking - Decimeter.1m 10 -1 Chocolate - Centimeter.01m10 -2 Milk - Millimeter.001m10 -3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Please convert 3.7 x 10- 9 m to mm 3.7 x 10 -7 =.0000000037 m.0000000037 x 1000=.0000037 mm

112 “I order you to close your journals now.”
























136 “One more time.”



















155 It keeps going but we won’t use those as much because they are very large and very small. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

156 It keeps going but we won’t use those much because they are very large and very small. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

157 It keeps going but we won’t use those much because they are very large and very small. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy “Easy this process is, move the decimal places you do.”

158 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

159 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

160 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

161 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

162 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

163 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

164 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

165 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar. ???????????????????????????

166 Activity! Measuring the U.S. One Dollar.

167 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

168 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

169 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

170 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

171 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

172 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

173 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

174 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

175 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 dk While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

176 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 da While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

177 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 da While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

178 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 da While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

179 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 da While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

180 How many (k, h, da, m, d, cm, mm) is the printed dollar bill long? King.00015 km Hector.0015 h Died.015 da While.15 m Drinking 1.5 d Chocolate15 cm Milk150 mm

181 Area of Focus: Length. Area of Focus: Length. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

182 Activity! Measure the length of the lab table using the meter. How many…is it long? –Millimeters –Centimeters –Meters –Kilometers Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

183 Activity! Measure the length of the table using the meter. How many…is it long? –Millimeters 1530 –Centimeters153 –Meters1.53 –Kilometers.00153 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

184 Activity! Please measure the curvy line below in meters as a class. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

185 Answer! ? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

186 Activity! Measure the width of the assorted types of balls. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

187 Activity! Use the calipers to measure the width of each type of ball. –Caution! It does have a sharp edge. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

188 Activity! Use the calipers to measure the width of each type of ball. –Caution! It does have a sharp edge. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

189 Metric Conversion and Measuring Sheet Available. –Plastic Spoon and metric ruler needed.

190 Activity! Recreate a drawing of a plastic spoon in your journal without tracing it or freehand drawing. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

191 Activity! Recreate a drawing of a plastic spoon in your journal without tracing it or freehand drawing. –Use the calipers / ruler to measure widths and lengths and transcribe information back into your journal. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

192 Notes will look like the following. LengthMeter (m) MassKilogram (kg) TemperatureKelvin (k) TimeSeconds (s) AmountMole (mol) ForceNewton (n) Electric CurrentAmpere (a) Luminous Intensitycandela (cd) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

193 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

194 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

195 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

196 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

197 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

198 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

199 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol ForceNewtonN ForceNewtonN Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

200 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol ForceNewtonN ForceNewtonN Electric Current Amperea Electric Current Amperea Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

201 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol ForceNewtonN ForceNewtonN Electric Current Amperea Electric Current Amperea Luminous Intensity Candela cd Luminous Intensity Candela cd Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

202 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol ForceNewtonN ForceNewtonN Electric Current Amperea Electric Current Amperea Luminous Intensity Candela cd Luminous Intensity Candela cd VolumeLiterl VolumeLiterl Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

203 QuantityBase UnitSymbol QuantityBase UnitSymbol LengthMeterM LengthMeterM MassKilogramkg MassKilogramkg TemperatureKelvinK TemperatureKelvinK TimeSeconds TimeSeconds AmountMolmol AmountMolmol ForceNewtonN ForceNewtonN Electric Current Amperea Electric Current Amperea Luminous Intensity Candela cd Luminous Intensity Candela cd VolumeLiterl VolumeLiterl Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

204 Quiz Wiz 1-10 Name the quantity, base unit, and symbol for each picture. –Two will be used twice. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

205 1

206 2

207 3

208 4

209 5

210 6

211 7

212 8

213 9

214 10

215 Bonus: I won three Piston Cups.

216 Answers1-10 Name the quantity, base unit, and symbol for each picture. –Two will be used twice. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

217 1

218 1 Force, Newton, N

219 2

220 2 Electric Current, Ampere, a

221 3

222 3 Time, Seconds, s

223 4

224 4 Mass, Kilogram, kg

225 5

226 5 Amount, Mole, mol

227 6

228 6 Length, Meter, m

229 7

230 7 Temperature, Kelvin, K

231 8

232 8 Luminous Intensity, candela, cd

233 9

234 9 Volume, Liter, l

235 10

236 10 Length, Meter, M This is an altimeter.

237 Bonus: I won three Piston Cups.

238 Bonus: Hudson Hornet from the Pixar movie Cars.

239 Area of Focus: Mass Area of Focus: Mass Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

240 Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. On earth, mass and weight are the same. On earth, mass and weight are the same. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

241 Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. On earth, mass and weight are the same. On earth, mass and weight are the same. “I’m weightless but I still have mass.” Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

242 Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Weight has to do with gravity. On Earth, mass and weight are the same. On Earth, mass and weight are the same. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy METRIC

243 The standard unit of mass in the metric system is the gram. The standard unit of mass in the metric system is the gram. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Metric

244 Each box is a gram. A gram is the weight of one centimeter cubed full of water. 1cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

245 Activity Sheet Available: Mass and Weighing

246 Activity! Using an equal balance. –Please sketch a picture of an equal balance in your journal. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

247 Activity! Using an equal balance. –Task #1) Use the bin of various objects and try to balance the scale. What objects were they? –Task #2) Using a gram set, weigh two objects? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

248 Activity! Using a Triple Beam Balance. –Zero the scale using this dial so the balance lines up here. –Teacher will demonstrate. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

249 Activity! Using a Triple Beam Balance. –Make a sketch of four objects from the bin in your journal Please weigh each of the objects and record the weight next to the picture in grams. –In what ways was this balance better or worse? –Weigh the bouncy ball? Can you solve the problem of it rolling off? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

250 Activity! Using an Equal Balance –Please find the weight in grams of the two density blocks that you have. Record a description of your blocks so you can obtain it later to get it’s volume. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

251 Activity! Digital Balance. –Make sure to zero the scale before you begin and that the scale is set to grams. –Place Petri-dish on scale, and then hit the zero button. What happened? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

252 Activity! Digital Balance. –Sketch three objects into your journal and then weigh them in grams. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

253 Activity! Using the Digital Balance. –Zero a 100 milliliter graduated cylinder. –Place 50 milliliters of water in the container and weigh it. How much did it weigh? –Place 50 more milliliters in? How much does it weigh? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

254 Special Relationships –1 cubic meter of water has a mass of one ton, thus… 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram, 1 milliliter of water is one cubic centimeter. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

255 Special Relationships –1 cubic meter of water has a mass of one ton, thus… 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. 1 milliliter of water is one cubic centimeter. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

256 Special Relationships –1 cubic meter of water has a mass of one ton, thus… 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. 1 milliliter of water is one cubic centimeter. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

257 Special Relationships –1 cubic meter of water has a mass of one ton, thus… 1 liter of water weighs 1 kilogram. 1 milliliter of water is one cubic centimeter. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy 1 1 1

258 This is one ton of gold Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

259 These are one ton bags of grain. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

260 Metric Ton of Coal

261 Metric Ton: A cubic meter filled with water or 1,000 kilograms. Metric Ton: A cubic meter filled with water or 1,000 kilograms. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

262 Activity! Making a metric ton. –Please use the tape and the meter sticks to create one meter cubed. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

263 Activity! Who wants to submerge themselves in a trash can full of warm water so the class and figure out your volume by water displacement. –You need a bathing suit and towel. –Activity will occur in two days. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy No plastic bag liner and hopefully the barrel will be clean.

264 You can now be right here on your bundled homework package. (7/8)

265 Area of Focus: Volume, Liter, l Area of Focus: Volume, Liter, l How is your HW? I Love the Metric System

266 Volume: The three-dimensional space an object occupies. Volume: The three-dimensional space an object occupies. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Metric

267 Volume and Density Available Sheet. –Additional classwork / homework







274 The standard unit of volume in the metric system is the liter. The standard unit of volume in the metric system is the liter. A liter is 1000 milliliters A liter is 1000 milliliters Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

275 Always measure a liquid at the bottom of the curved meniscus. –How many milliliters is this? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

276 Answer: 6.8 ml (milliliters) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

277 Answer: 6.8 ml (milliliters) Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

278 Activity! –Please fill a measured container with 100 ml of liquid. Add one drop of food coloring. –Please fill another container with 500 ml of water. Add a different drop. Mix the colors. I hope you are current on your homework. I love the Metric System and Want to Use it.

279 Activity! Use the colored liquid to measure 100 ml in a 100 ml graduated cylinder. –Use the cups nearby for the extra fluid. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

280 Volume is also the space that matter occupies. Volume is also the space that matter occupies. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

281 Volume is also the space that matter occupies. Volume is also the space that matter occupies. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

282 How do you find the volume of a cube? How do you find the volume of a cube? Length x Width x Height - ____cm3 Length x Width x Height - ____cm3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

283 How do you find the volume of a cube? How do you find the volume of a cube? Length x Width x Height = ____cm3 Length x Width x Height = ____cm3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

284 Activity! Finding the volume of a cube. –Please measure the length, width and height and multiply L x W x H to get answer. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

285 What is the volume of this cube? 5 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

286 Answer: 5 3 or 5 x 5 x 5 = 5 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

287 Answer: 5 3 or 5 x 5 x 5 = 125 cm 3 5 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

288 What is the volume of this cube? 40 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

289 Answer! 40 x 40 x 40 = 40 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

290 Answer! 40 x 40 x 40 = 64,000 cm 3 40 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

291 What is the volume of this rectangle? Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

292 Answer! 144 cm 3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

293 What is the volume of this rectangle? Each unit is equal to 1 cm 3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

294 Answer! 5 (L) x 4 (W) x 3 (H) = Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

295 Answer! 5 (L) x 4 (W) x 3 (H) = Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

296 Answer! 5 (L) x 4 (W) x 3 (H) = Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

297 Answer! 5 (L) x 4 (W) x 3 (H) = 60 cm 3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

298 Find the volume of the density cubes? 2.5 cm Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

299 Answer! 15.625 cm 3 2.5 cm

300 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

301 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy Diameter

302 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Volume of a cylinder: Where Pi = 3.14 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

303 Activity! Can you find the volume of the cylinder below using the equation. Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

304 Volume = π x r 2 x h Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

305 Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume to be π(10 2 )(7) = Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

306 Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume to be π(10 2 )(7) = PEMDAS – Must do exponents first Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

307 Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume to be π(10 2 )(7) = PEMDAS – Must do exponents first Volume to be 3.14 (100 )(7) = Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

308 Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume to be π(10 2 )(7) = PEMDAS – Must do exponents first Volume to be 3.14 (100 )(7) = 2,198 cm3 Copyright © 2010 Ryan P. Murphy

309 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h r 8 cm Height 20 cm

310 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (8 2 ) (20) r 8 cm Height 20 cm

311 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (8 2 ) (20) Volume = 3.14 (64) (20) r 8 cm Height 20 cm

312 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (8 2 ) (20) Volume = 3.14 (64) (20) Volume = 4019.2 cm 3 r 8 cm Height 20 cm

313 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h r 60 cm Height 510 cm

314 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (60 2 ) (510) r 60 cm Height 510 cm

315 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (60 2 ) (510) Volume = 3.14 (3600) (510) r 60 cm Height 510 cm

316 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (60 2 ) (510) Volume = 3.14 (3600) (510) Volume = 5,765,040 cm 3 r 60 cm Height 510 cm

317 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h π = 3.14 r = 175 h = 20

318 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (175 2 ) (20) π = 3.14 r = 175 h = 20

319 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (175 2 ) (20) Volume = 3.14 (30,625) (20) π = 3.14 r = 175 h = 20

320 What is the volume of this cylinder? Volume = π x r 2 x h Volume = 3.14 (175 2 ) (20) Volume = 3.14 (30,625) (20) Volume = 1,923,250 cm 3 π = 3.14 r = 175 h = 20

321 Activity! Assume the soda can is a perfect cylinder. What is it’s volume.

322 h = 12 cm R = 3 cm

323 Activity! Assume the soda can is a perfect cylinder. What is it’s volume. h = 12 cm R = 3 cm V = π r 2 h

324 Activity! Assume the soda can is a perfect cylinder. What is it’s volume. h = 12 cm R = 3 cm V = π r 2 h V = π 3 2 h

325 Activity! Assume the soda can is a perfect cylinder. What is it’s volume. h = 12 cm R = 3 cm V = π r 2 h V = π 3 2 h V = 3.14 (9) (12) =

326 Activity! Assume the soda can is a perfect cylinder. What is it’s volume. h = 12 cm R = 3 cm V = π r 2 h V = π 3 2 h V = 3.14 (9) (12) = 339.12 cm 3

327 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

328 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

329 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

330 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

331 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

332 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

333 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

334 How much is Bowser by water displacement? 1000 ml 500 ml

335 What is the volume of Toad? 1000 ml 500 ml


337 The Science Skills Unit Part I: Lab Safety and Magnification Part II: The International System of Units, Scientific Notation, Conversions and more. Part III: Base Units, Measuring, Measuring Skills. Part IV: The Scientific Method, Variables, Observation Skills, and more.

338 The Entire Science Skills Unit includes a… Four Part 2,400 Slide PowerPoint roadmap full of class activities, video links, red slide class notes, discussion questions, games, and much more. 14 page bundled homework package that chronologically follows the PowerPoint slideshow. Modified version and answer keys are provided. 14 pages of unit notes with visuals for students who require assistance and support staff. 1 PowerPoint review game, 10 worksheets that follow slideshow activities, many video and academic links, flashcards, rubrics, activity sheets, and much more. _Safety_Metric_Methods.html _Safety_Metric_Methods.html

339 More Units Available at… Earth Science: The Soil Science and Glaciers Unit, The Geology Topics Unit, The Astronomy Topics Unit, The Weather and Climate Unit, and The River Unit, The Water Molecule Unit. Physical Science: The Laws of Motion and Machines Unit, The Atoms and Periodic Table Unit, The Energy and the Environment Unit, and The Introduction to Science / Metric Unit. Life Science: The Infectious Diseases Unit, The Cellular Biology Unit, The DNA and Genetics Unit, The Life Topics Unit, The Plant Unit, The Taxonomy and Classification Unit, Ecology: Feeding Levels Unit, Ecology: Interactions Unit, Ecology: Abiotic Factors, The Evolution and Natural Selection Unit and Human Body Systems and Health Topics Unit Copyright © 2011


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