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Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 1 66-2210-01 Programming in Lisp Lecture 6 - Structure; Case Study: Blocks World.

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1 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 1 66-2210-01 Programming in Lisp Lecture 6 - Structure; Case Study: Blocks World

2 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 2 Structure  Lisp's use of pointers  Let you put any value anywhere  Details are taken care of by the Lisp interpreter  What goes on "under the hood"?  It's useful to know this sometimes  Some functions let you get down to low level details of pointers

3 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 3 Shared Structure  Lists can share conses in common > (setf part (list 'b 'c)) (B C) > (setf whole (cons 'a part)) (A B C) > (tailp part whole) T ABC PART WHOLE

4 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 4 Tailp  Definition of tailp  (tailp object list) –returns T if object is a tail of list  Example implementation > (defun our-tailp (x y) (or (eql x y) (and (consp y) (our-tailp x (cdr y)))))  An object is a tail of itself (base case)  NIL is a tail of every proper list –Recursively take cdr's of the list, until you test for (eql NIL NIL)

5 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 5 Shared Structure  Lists can share structure without either being a tail of the other > (setf part (list 'b 'c) whole1 (cons 1 part) whole2 (cons 2 part)) 1 BC PART WHOLE1 2 WHOLE2

6 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 6 Top-Level List Structure  Sometimes want to treat data structure as a list  Include only the conses that make up the list  Don't recurse into conses that make up elements  This is the top-level list structure  Other times, want to treat data structure as a tree  All conses are important and treated uniformly AD BC

7 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 7 Copy-list vs. Copy-tree AD BC Original Copy-list AD BC Copy-tree

8 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 8 Copy-list vs. Copy-tree (code)  Example implementation of copy-list > (defun our-copy-list (lst) (if (null lst) nil (cons (car lst) (our-copy-list (cdr lst)))))  Example implementation of copy-tree > (defun our-copy-tree (lst) (if (atom tr) tr (cons (our-copy-tree (car tr)) (our-copy-tree (cdr tr)))))  Lisp handles pointers automatically  Then… why do we care?  Because some Lisp functions can modify structures

9 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 9 Setf revisited > (setf whole (list 'a 'b 'c) tail (cdr whole)) (B C) > (setf (second tail) 'e) E > tail (B E) > whole (A B E) ABC TAIL WHOLE

10 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 10 Operators  Avoid modifying lists  Operators like setf, pop, rplaca, …  If you need to (or want to) modify a list  Make sure it's not shared  Or, make sure the shared update works as expected  Or, make changes to a copy of the list > (setf whole (list 'a 'b 'c) tail (cdr whole)) (B C) > (setf tail (cons (first tail) (cons 'e (rest (rest tail))))) (B C) > tail (B C) > whole (A B E)

11 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 11 Parameter passing  Parameters are passed by value  The value is copied into the function  If the value is a list…  The entire list is not copied  The reference to the list is copied  A function can permanently alter a list passed in as a parameter!  Similar to parameter passing in Java  Can cause unintentional errors  But, can also be useful

12 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 12 Queues  Queue data structure  First in, First out  Compare to stacks (last in, first out)  Stacks are easy in Lisp –Insert (push) / Retrieve (pop) happen at the same end of the list  Queues are harder –Insert (enqueue) / Retrieve (dequeue) happen at opposite ends ABC Q1

13 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 13 Sample implementation  Implementation of Queue (Inefficient) > (defmacro dequeue (q) `(pop,q)) > (defmacro enqueue (o q) `(setf,q (append,q (cons,o nil))))  Implementation of Queue using CLOS (Inefficient) > (defclass queue () ((front :accessor front :initform nil))) > (defmethod dequeue ((q queue)) (pop (front q))) > (defmethod enqueue (o (q queue) &aux (node (cons o nil))) (setf (front q) (append (front q) node))) –Example usage > (setf a (make-instance 'queue)) > (enqueue 'a a) > (enqueue 'b a) > (dequeue a)

14 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 14 Efficient Queue Implementation  Efficient Implementation of Queue using CLOS > (defclass queue () ((front :accessor front :initform nil) (back :accessor back :initform nil))) > (defmethod enqueue (o (q queue) &aux (node (cons o nil))) (if (eql (front q) nil) ; first one? (setf (front q) node (back q) node) (progn ; not first time (setf (cdr (back q)) node) (setf (back q) (cdr (back q)))) )) > (defmethod dequeue ((q queue)) (if (eql (cdr (front q)) nil) (setf back nil)) ;last one (pop (front q)))

15 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 15 Destructive Functions  Several functions update the lists passed to them  Examples  Delete (destructive version of remove) > (setf a '(a b a d a)) (A B A D A) > (remove 'a a) ; Doesn't change A (B D) > (delete 'a A) ; Changes A (B D)  Nconc (destructive version of append) > (defun our-nconc (x y) (if (consp x) (progn (setf (cdr (last x)) y) x) y))

16 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 16 Case Study: The Blocks World  Rules  There are three kinds of movable objects: bricks, wedges, balls.  Robot has one hand. It can grasp any movable block that has nothing on top of it.  Every block is either held by the hand or supported by exactly one brick or the table. No block can overhang from its support.  Although a movable block can be moved to the top of a wedge or a ball, neither wedges nor balls can support anything.  Supporting bricks can support more than one block, as long as there is room.  The table is wide enough for all of the blocks to fit on it at once.

17 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 17 Case Study: The Blocks World Table B1 B4 B2 B3 W7 W5 B6 L8  Several moves are required to put block B1 on block B2  Sample path  Move W7; Move B4; Move B1 onto B2  <=== Robotic Hand

18 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 18 Class Hierarchy Basic-block Load-bearing-blockMovable-block TableBrickWedgeBall Hand

19 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 19 Class Definitions  Basic-Block > (defclass basic-block() ((name :accessor block-name :initarg :name) (width :accessor block-width :initarg :width) (height :accessor block-height :initarg :height) (position :accessor block-position :initarg :position) (supported-by :accessor block-supported-by :initform nil))) Supported-by => What the block is supported by (what's underneath it)  Movable-block > (defclass movable-block (basic-block) ())  Load-bearing-block  Has new field > (defclass load-bearing-block (basic-block) ((support-for :accessor block-support-for :initform nil))) Support-for => What the block is a support for (what's on top of it)

20 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 20 Class Definitions (cont.)  Brick, wedge, ball, table > (defclass brick (movable-block load-bearing-block) ()) > (defclass wedge (movable-block) ()) > (defclass ball (movable-block) ())  Table > (defclass table (load-bearing-block) ())  Robotic Hand > (defclass hand () ((name :accessor hand-name :initarg :name) (position :accessor hand-position :initarg :position) (grasping :accessor hand-grasping :initform nil)))

21 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 21 Creating Blocks in Blocks World (defvar *blocks* (list (make-instance 'table :name 'table :width 20 :height 0 :position '(0 0)) (make-instance 'brick :name 'b1 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(0 0)) (make-instance 'brick :name 'b2 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(2 0)) (make-instance 'brick :name 'b3 :width 4 :height 4 :position '(4 0)) (make-instance 'brick :name 'b4 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(8 0)) (make-instance 'wedge :name 'w5 :width 2 :height 4 :position '(10 0)) (make-instance 'brick :name 'b6 :width 4 :height 2 :position '(12 0)) (make-instance 'wedge :name 'w7 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(16 0)) (make-instance 'ball :name 'L8 :width 2 :height 2 :position '(18 0)) )) (defvar *hand* (make-instance 'hand :name '*hand* :position '(0 6))) Table B1B4B2 B3 W7 W5 B6 L8 

22 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 22 Initializing Blocks World  Create other global variables for convenience > (dolist (l *blocks*) (set (block-name l) l)) This sets the global variables TABLE, B1, B2, … W7, L8 to their respective block  All blocks rest on the table initially > (dolist (l (rest *blocks*)) ; For each, except table (setf (block-supported-by l) table) (push l (block-support-for table)))  Load-bearing-block has a method block-support-for  This was automatically generated  Create a dummy stub for this method in basic-block > (defmethod block-support-for ((object basic-block)) nil) By default, basic-blocks do not have anything on top of them. Only Load-bearing- blocks may have something on top of them.

23 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 23 Block-Support-For Basic-block Block-Support-For Load-bearing-block Block-Support-For Movable-block TableBrickWedgeBall Hand Returns Nil Returns value of Slot Support-For

24 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 24 Put-On  Want a method, PUT-ON, that places one object on another  Get space for the object (may have to move things around)  Grasp object (may have to remove things on top of the object)  Move object  Ungrasp object  Basic Prototype > (defmethod put-on ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) … )

25 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 25 Put-On  Implementation > (defmethod put-on ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) (if (get-space object support) (and (grasp object) (move object support) (ungrasp object)) (format t "~&Couldn't get space to put ~a on ~a." (block-name object) (block-name support))))  get-space, grasp, move, ungrasp have yet to be defined  Get-space either finds space or makes space > (defmethod get-space ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) (or (find-space object support) (make-space object support)))  find-space, make-space have yet to be defined (do this later)

26 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 26 Grasp  Grasp  Puts desired object in robot's hand > (defmethod grasp ((object movable-block)) (unless (eq (hand-grasping *hand*) object) ; already holding? ; Make sure nothing else is on top of object (when (block-support-for object) (clear-top object)) ; Make sure robot isn't holding anything else (when (hand-grasping *hand*) (get-rid-of (hand-grasping *hand*))) (format t "~&Move hand to pick up ~a at location ~a." (block-name object) (top-location object)) (setf (hand-position *hand*) (top-location object)) (format t "~&Grasp ~a." (block-name object)) (setf (hand-grasping *hand*) object)) t)  Need to define: Clear-top, top-location  Function returns T if successful

27 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 27 Ungrasp  Ungrasp  Releases object, if object is being supported by something else > (defmethod ungrasp ((object movable-block)) (when (block-supported-by object) (format t "~&Ungrasping ~a" (block-name object)) (setf (hand-grasping *hand*) nil) T))  Get-rid-of  puts object on the table (out of the way) > (defmethod get-rid-of ((object movable-block)) (put-on object table))

28 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 28 Make-space  Clear-top  Gets rid of everything on top of an object > (defmethod clear-top ((support load-bearing-block)) (dolist (obstacle (block-support-for support) t) (get-rid-of obstacle)))  Make-space  Clears away just enough room to put block –Algorithm keeps getting rid of things on top of block –Until the find-space function returns that there is enough space available > (defmethod make-space ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) (dolist (obstruction (block-support-for support)) (get-rid-of obstruction) (let ((space (find-space object support))) (when space (return space)))))

29 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 29 Move  Moves an object on top of a support > (defmethod move ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) (remove-support object) (let ((newplace (get-space object support))) (format t "~&Move ~a to top of ~a at location ~a." (block-name object) (block-name support) newplace) (setf (block-position object) newplace) (setf (hand-position *hand*) (top-location object))) (add-support object support) t)  Calls remove-support, add-support –These are methods for bookkeeping –They maintain the bi-directional links (support-for, supported-by) –Remove-support removes the bi-directional links of an object –Add-support adds bi-directional links for an object that is to be placed on top of a support

30 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 30 Remove-support  Remove-support  This is a bookkeeping method that removes bi-directional links > (defmethod remove-support ((object movable-block)) (let ((support (block-supported-by object))) (when support (setf (block-support-for support) (remove object (block-support-for support))) (setf (block-supported-by object) nil) t)))

31 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 31 Add-support  Adding support, for general case  This is just a stub (does no operation)  Can't really put an object on top of any basic-block > (defmethod add-support ((object movable-block) (support basic-block)) t)  Adding support, for specific cases  For load-bearing blocks, we can put an object on top  Bookkeeping needed for this is to update bi-directional pointers > (defmethod add-support ((object movable-block) (support load-bearing-block)) (push object (block-support-for support)) (setf (block-supported-by object support)))

32 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 32 Top-location  Returns the location of the top (center) of a block  Example Usage > (block-position b3) (4 0) <-- Lower left position of block > (block-width b3) 4 > (block-height b3) 4 > (top-location b3) (6 4) <-- X = Pos.X + (width/2.0); Y = Pos.Y  Implementation > (defmethod top-location ((object basic-block)) (list (+ (first (block-position object)) (/ (block-width object) 2)) (+ (second (block-position object)) (block-height object))))

33 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 33 Find-space  Find-space  Basic algorithm –For each possible location on top of support that the object can be placed, – Is the position occupied? If not, we've found the space; else continue > (defmethod find-space ((object basic-block) (support basic-block)) (dotimes (offset (+ 1 (- (block-width support) (block-width object)))) (unless (intersections-p object offset (first (block-position support)) (block-support-for support)) (return (list (+ offset (first (block-position support))) (+ (second (block-position support)) (block-height support)))))))  Intersections-p is to be defined next B6 B4 B6 B4

34 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 34 Intersections-p  Intersections-p  Checks for intersections (only checks the X dimension) > (defun intersections-p (object offset base obstacles) (dolist (obstacle obstacles) (let* ((ls_proposed (+ offset base)) (rs_proposed (+ ls_proposed (block-width object))) (ls_obstacle (first (block-position obstacle))) (rs_obstacle (+ ls_obstacle (block-width obstacle)))) (unless (or (>= ls_proposed rs_obstacle) (<= rs_Proposed ls_obstacle)) (return t))))) Obstacle Proposed Object Location

35 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 35 Blocks World Usage  Sample usage of blocks world > (put-on b4 b1) > (put-on w7 b2) > (put-on b1 b2)

36 Alok Mehta - Programming in Lisp - Lecture 6 36 Final Exam  Next time  Open book, open notes  No calculators, computers, etc.  No lisp interpreter!  Mostly programming type questions  Write a program to …  Exam may contain material from  Chapters 1-12, plus case studies: Expert Systems, Blocks World  Anything from lecture notes

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