The Pathway to Success Creating a Gateway to ISU and a Connection to ‘riverSCAPE’ Goal PS – Initiative 5.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pathway to Success Creating a Gateway to ISU and a Connection to ‘riverSCAPE’ Goal PS – Initiative 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pathway to Success Creating a Gateway to ISU and a Connection to ‘riverSCAPE’ Goal PS – Initiative 5

2 The Pathway to Success Introduction & Purpose: The 2009 ISU Campus Master Plan listed eight tenets for the plan. Tenets #5 - Improve the campus in a manner that supports the redevelopment of the riverfront in downtown Terre Haute, and Tenet #6 – Provide a growth option for the campus that supports the provision of on-campus athletic facilities that are competitive with the ISU peer group in the Missouri Valley Conference.

3 The Pathway to Success Methods: Working in conjunction with the ‘riverSCAPE’ and the 2009 ISU campus master plan: Future athletic campus boundaries along the river were identified (to the south - U.S. 40, on the west - the Wabash River, Third Street – to the east, and Sycamore Street to the north) Current Property Owners were identified as well as each parcel’s current ‘true tax value’ Responding to the publication of the University’s master plan, contacts were made with land owners

4 The Pathway to Success Benchmarks: Continue to complete the land acquisition (‘land banking’) phase of development and complete all required environmental ‘due diligence’ in preparation of individual venue construction Once a sufficient number of parcels are obtained, existing improvements are razed (currently sufficient amount to begin the Track and Field/Soccer venue) Development of new infrastructure occurs and removal of unnecessary infrastructure occurs As funding permits, Design/construction new venues/master plan

5 The Pathway to Success Discussion: The ‘Athletics’ Campus identified venues to be planned and located along the Wabash River (west of Third Street - U.S. 41) Practice Fields for Football New Indoor Practice Facility for Baseball/Softball/Football New Softball Varsity Field (replacing the current St. John Complex along 4 th Street) New Track and Field/Soccer Venue (replacing Marks Field east of Third Street at Chestnut Street) New Football Stadium (replacing Memorial Stadium some 2-3 miles east of campus)

6 The Pathway to Success Summary: Since December, 2009 All potential needed real estate parcels and their ‘true tax value’ have been identified, (15 have been acquired, with another 7-8 currently being studied). Unneeded structures are being razed Design work is currently underway for the: ‘riverSCAPE’ Track and Field/Soccer Venue Extension of the Heritage Trail from the ISU campus through the ‘Athletic Venue’ campus south to Fairbanks Park

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