TMB-RAT Software Update USCMS Slice Test Rice University August 16, 2004 Martin Von der Mey / Yangheng Zheng* University of California, Los.

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Presentation on theme: "TMB-RAT Software Update USCMS Slice Test Rice University August 16, 2004 Martin Von der Mey / Yangheng Zheng* University of California, Los."— Presentation transcript:

1 TMB-RAT Software Update USCMS Slice Test Workshop @ Rice University August 16, 2004 Martin Von der Mey / Yangheng Zheng* University of California, Los Angeles  TMB-RAT related Peripheral Crate control software update  Plan

2 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 2 Software update after April Emu meeting  Frank created a “tmbtiming” module in PCC for timing in the TMBs (used in May beam test)  Add RAT module XML configuration variable (Thanks to Alex and Rick)  Update trigger modes in TMB/CCB class (ALCT and CLCT self triggering modes added)  Add ALCT and TMB (online/offline) CRC check routines in ALCT/TMB class  Add CFEB/AFEB pulse pattern injector functions in “tmbtiming” module. (Thanks to Jianhui)

3 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 3 tmbtiming module  April-May features:  TMB/CFEB delay constants  TMB tx/rx delay constants  TMB scope data for adjusting ALCT and CLCT matching window and delay  Recent additions:  ALCT/TMB online/offline CRC checks (can check raw hit data before DDU )  CFEB pulse pattern injector  AFEB pulse pattern injector

4 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 4 CFEB/AFEB injectors : Why?  Without turning on the gas and HV system for the chamber, you can  debug the TMB-RAT system (maybe other system),  test CFEB and ALCT cable connections,  get TMB and ALCT delay timing constants in a fast way,  simulate the single muon, cosmic ray or test beam patterns …

5 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 5 CFEB pulse pattern injector  Generate half-strip patterns for all strips  Control sequence: tmbtiming module  DMB registers  CFEB buckeye chips  pulses on strips  CFEB pulse are well-determined charges.  Input: half-strip patterns for buckeye chips; output: CLCTs  CLCTs generating rate: buckeye rate

6 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 6 CFEB pulse pattern injector (cont.)

7 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 7 AFEB pulse pattern injector  Generate ALCT patterns  Control sequence: tmbtiming module  CCB registers  TMB registers  ALCT registers  pulses on cathode test strips (1 strip/layer)  CCB provides 500ns gate to enable the ALCT testing pulses  capacitive coupling between test strips and anode wire groups  hot wire mask on ALCT board  ALCT patterns

8 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 8 AFEB pulse pattern injector (cont.)  Input: key wire group number; output: ALCT pattern  ALCTs generating rate:  computer instructions rate

9 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 9 AFEB pulse pattern injector (cont. )

10 08/16/2004 Slice Test Workshop@Rice University 10 What’s next  Improve the user interface for CFEB/AFEB pulse pattern injectors (create a new class?)  Get TMB and ALCT timing constants directly from CFEB/AFEB pulse pattern injectors in a fast way  Create the simulators for single muon, cosmic ray and test beam using injectors

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