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Presentation on theme: "RACE TO THE TOP EARLY LEARNING CHALLENGE GRANT 2012 – 2015 Project Highlights"— Presentation transcript:

1 RACE TO THE TOP EARLY LEARNING CHALLENGE GRANT 2012 – 2015 Project Highlights http://marylandpublicschools.org/msde/divisions/child_care http://marylandpublicschools.org/msde/divisions/child_care

2 Develop local plans for implementing Maryland’s RTT-ELC state plan Project 1 Create 24 local early childhood councils 1

3 Implementation Grant 24 Implementation Grant Applications were received by MSDE December 4, 2013 Implementation grant funds (determined by a formula that considers high risk populations) will be used to provide support for overcoming local school readiness achievement gaps for children with high needs based on the unique needs of each jurisdiction: – Children from low-income families, children with disabilities, and English Language Learners. – Other identified high needs populations (homeless, child welfare, etc…)

4 LECAC Target Population Continued Poverty/Low Income =17 Jurisdictions Children with Disabilities= 10 Jurisdictions English Language Learners (ELL) = 7 Jurisdictions High Risk Area = 4 Jurisdictions Home/Informal Care= 4 Jurisdictions

5 Connections Made with other RTTT-ELC Projects Jurisdictions ROARLearning PartiesSEFELVioletsEXCELSParent Café 1. Allegany County 2. Anne Arundel County 3. Baltimore City 4. Baltimore County 5. Calvert County 6. Caroline County 7. Carroll County 8. Cecil County 9. Charles County 10. Dorchester County 11. Frederick County 12. Garrett County 13. Harford County 14. Howard County 15.Kent County 16. Montgomery County 17. Prince George’s County 18. Queen Anne’s County 19. St. Mary’s County 20. Somerset County 21. Talbot County 22. Washington County 23. Wicomico County 24. Worcester County TOTAL 16109885 B-HIPP= 1; Montgomery County Break Through Center = 1; Montgomery County

6 The terms of grant ends June 30, 2015.

7 Excellence Counts in Early Learning and School Age Care 6

8 Incentives Program Bonuses - awarded to participating programs based on the Check Level rating. Incentives, Grants and Supports - participating programs and their staff (if applicable) have access to quality improvement incentives, grants and supports. Credential Bonuses – full bonus amounts are available to the participating providers and staff. Tiered Reimbursement – additional funding for each child receiving child care subsidy (Levels 3-5) Family Child Care Homes Check LevelBonus Amount 1*$ 50 2*$ 150 3*$ 300 4*$ 500 5*$ 800 *Frequency and Amount of Bonus payments to participating programs: Levels 1-3 - one time only upon attainment of Check Level Levels 4 & 5 – full amount upon attainment, frequency and on-going amount to be determined. Child Care Centers Check Level Capacity 1-50 Capacity 51-100 Capacity 101+ 1*$50$100$150 2*$250$500$750 3*$400$800$1,200 4*$1,000$2,000$3,000 5*$1,500$3,000$4,500 Large Family Child Care Homes Check LevelBonus Amount 1*$50 2*$200 3*$400 4*$800 5*$1,000

9 NUMBER OF PROGRAMS Total participating programs: 3,735 Center Child Care: 1,095 (73 at Level 5) Family Child Care: 2,156 Programs with published ratings: 1,248 8

10 Head Start – 12-14 95 Head Starts participating (this total includes 3 in a collaborative partnership with Head Start Reginald Lourie, PACT’s Therapeutic Nursery, and Children First of Baltimore) 9 Head Starts on the pending list (applications submitted, waiting to be accepted) 35 Head Starts have a published rating with 15 at level 5. 9

11 Website http://marylandexcels.org 10

12 Project 3: Quality Capacity Building Early Childhood Breakthrough Centers A Maryland State Department of Education Partnership with - 11

13 Quality Capacity Building Breakthrough Center approach: In Title One School areas Provision of capacity building, professional development, technical assistance services Collaboration with community programs Literacy, STEM, ELL, behavioral issues, children with special needs. Coaching, mentoring, relationship building, learning community emphasis Transitions Maryland EXCELS including accreditation, credentialing, other quality enhancements 12

14 Project 4 Promoting Use of Early Learning Standards A Guide to Early Childhood Pedagogy VIOLETS: Vocabulary Improvement and Oral Language Enrichment through Stories and 13

15 Maryland Guide to Early Childhood Pedagogy This one reform effort will align and raise standards for early learning and development programs, improve training and provide support for early childhood educators. The guide addresses: Culturally and linguistically diverse child-centered environments Strategies to fully engage English Language Learners Inclusive and fully accessible curriculum strategies to meet the needs of all children Strategies that promote family engagement, instruction and leadership *The Guide is now being disseminated in print and on-line formats to all early childhood programs. 14

16 VIOLETS: Vocabulary Improvement and Oral Language Enrichment through Stories VIOLETS is a research based early childhood language development program that promotes: Prereading, early literacy and listening skills, Oral language proficiency /vocabulary development and Background and conceptual knowledge 75 classrooms are implementing VIOLETS in 18 jurisdictions 50 classrooms will be added in 2015 15

17 Project 5 Conduct professional development to promote the use of early learning standards by all early learning and development programs.

18 Revise Maryland’s comprehensive assessment system in early childhood, including the Maryland Model for School Readiness Revise existing assessments for 36-72 months Develop new assessments and developmental screening for birth to 36 months Revise Kindergarten Entry Assessment Project 6

19 Developmental Screening for all Early Learning and Development Programs and Pediatricians Child Development Innovations: Early Intervention and Prevention Programs to Support Health and Behavioral Needs Maryland’s Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Project For Pediatricians Data Collection Project 7 Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning

20 Behavioral Health Integration in Pediatric Primary Care (B-HIPP) Phone Consultation Service – Clinical questions – Referral information – Links to family navigators Continuing Education Referral & Resource Networking – Building connections among PCPs and mental health professionals – Connecting providers with referral resources

21 Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning This webpage offers information, resources and training for families, caregivers and trainers to promote pro-social behaviors and prevent challenging behaviors in children birth to five years old. About SEFEL Resour ces Traini ng SEFEL in Maryland Researc h http://theinstitute.umaryland.edu/sefel/

22 Project 8 Create a Coalition for Family Engagement Expand Parent-Child Learning Parties to 25% of all early learning and development programs in Title 1 school attendance areas. Develop Maryland’s Family and Community Engagement Framework Expand Reach Out and Read program to primary care physicians and pediatricians. Distribute books and information to over 96,000 children and their families. Create Family Advisory Councils in local libraries in or near Title I school attendance areas, to include Family Information Centers and resource kits. 21 http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/divisions/child_care/docs/MdFamEngage_111213.p df?id=238651&type=Movie

23 Project 9 Workforce and Leadership Development Align the Child Care Credentialing Program with the Workforce Knowledge and Competency Framework. Initiate a Maryland Approved Alternative Preparation Program for Early Childhood Education (ECE-MAAPP) Develop an articulation agreement for pre-service courses between MSDE approved trainers and the state's community colleges. Developed Review the status of the Associate of Arts-Early Childhood Education Degree program and develop recommendations for the Governor's P-20 Council Conduct Leadership Learning Academies in sixty Title 1 schools for pre-K through Grade 2 and early childhood educators.

24 MD EXCELS Enrollment and Attendance Reporting Enhanced Child Care Administrative Tracking System Project 10 Early Care and Education Data System MD Longitudinal Data System

25 For More Information on Race to the Top: Early Learning Challenge Grant Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant http://www.marylandpublicschools.org/MSDE/divisions/child_care/challenge Maryland EXCELS (QRIS) http://marylandexcels.org 24

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