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“Nutritional constraint to dairy production in the Andes” UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Carlos A. Gómez, PhD Presented at U.Bonn on 11th July.

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Presentation on theme: "“Nutritional constraint to dairy production in the Andes” UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Carlos A. Gómez, PhD Presented at U.Bonn on 11th July."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Nutritional constraint to dairy production in the Andes” UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Carlos A. Gómez, PhD Presented at U.Bonn on 11th July 2003

2 UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AGRARIA LA MOLINA Main campus in Lima with 3 main research sites in the Coast, Highlands and Tropical Forest 4200 Students (85 % Undergraduates/15 % MSc level) Agronomy Food technology Agricultural engineering Forest Science Rural Economy Environmental Sciences Biology Animal Science Last year we had 100 aniversary

3 ANIMAL SCIENCE STUDIES Offers a BSc program of five years in Animal Science ( 50 students finish yearly) and a MSc program (50 students enrolled regulary) Teaching staff of 52 among them 18 professor

4 Two research groups involved in Ruminant Nutrition and pasture utilization A.-Profs. Enrique Florez and Lucrecia Aguirre 1 Associated professor 6 MSc students/ 4 BSc honors dissertation Grassland ecology Pasture-ruminant interactions in the andes

5 B.-Prof. Carlos Gomez 2 Associated professors/1 research associate 5 MSc students/ 6 BSc honors dissertation Beef and dairy nutrition in pasture and intensive production systems - Intensive: Nutritional evaluation of agroindustrial byproducts and cultivated forages/ Feeding strategies for small dairy producers - Pasture: Developing of appropriate feeding strategies in andes pastures (Cultivated and natural) Research supported by FAO-IAEA, ILRI, IDRC(Canada)

6 Natural regions in Peru

7 Highlands have potential for: Cropping (Potato, cereals) 4 million Has Cultivated pastures 2 million Has Native pastures20 million Has Weather (seasonal precipitation and frost) and altitude contraints Mining is the principal economic activity at present

8 Milk production in Peru grows up around 4% annually, due to the increased domestic demand for dairy products which are made of imported milk on aprox. 50%. Low intake of milk and derived products (42 kg percapita yearly) Three predominant systems: Coast Highlands Mixed/crop Pastoral

9 Costal low performance dairy production

10 Structure of milk-producing farm types (in Ha) and market destination for milk in Peru


12 Milk production in main regions of Peru

13 Agriculture limited by: Frost events Temperature Water supply Slope Andean crops (potatoes, Quinua, Corn)

14 Dairy in mixed farm systems (2500-3400 masl) Dairy production and beef prefattening Utilization of agricultural byproducts (barley straw, maize stover) and cultivated pastures (alfalfa, rye grass trifolium) B.Swiss, Holstein Genotype 2000-4000 kg of milk per lactation

15 Main issues * Evaluation of appropriate strategies to improve nutritive value of agricultural byproducts and overcome dry season effects * Evaluation of supplementary feeding (concentrates- cultivated forage for silage making) * Genotype-environment interaction

16 Dairy in cultivated pastures (2500-4000 masl) BSwiss genotype (1-3 head/ha) 2000-4000 kg/milk/lactation

17 Chemical composition (% D.M.) of rye grass x trifolium pasture

18 Change of native to cultivated pasture


20 Fertilization strategies


22 Phosphorous content (%) in pasture Rye grass / Trifolium Díaz, 2001

23 Fertilization with phosphorous: Nutritive value of Rye grass / Trifolium Díaz, 2001

24 Main issues * Evaluation of improved pasture species different to available at present including rzyobium * Selection of appropriate grazing strategies(Stocking rate/grazing pressure) * Evaluation of supplementary feeding (concentrates- cultivated forage for silage making) * Genotype-environment interaction

25 Dairy in native pastures (4000-4300 masl) Criollo X B.Swiss genotype (0.2-0.4 head/ha) Suckling calf + 400-800 kg/milk/lactation

26 Native pasture includes 10-20 species. No possibility for other cropp sucesfully Land use mostly under comunal management Strong effect of dry vs rainy season of the year on productivity and nutritive value

27 Alpaca and llama Sheep

28 Vicugna

29 Protein and mineral content of native pastures

30 Deteriorating effects of mining on pastures in the highlands

31 Main issues * Dry season undernutrition/Nutrition-reproductive performance interaction Multinutrient supplementation Utilization of block Urea-molasses-Minerals Strategic use of cultivated pastures to complement animals during certain times of the year * Soil conservation (Overgrazing) Development of apropriate stocking rate and grazing management * Genotype-environment interaction

32 Danke schoen ---------- Muchas gracias

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