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Dark Romanticism Gothic Elements and Edgar Allan Poe.

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Presentation on theme: "Dark Romanticism Gothic Elements and Edgar Allan Poe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dark Romanticism Gothic Elements and Edgar Allan Poe

2 What is the scariest film or book you have ever seen/read? What makes this film/book stand out to you? What elements make this film/book so scary? The setting, characters, plot, sound, etc? BE SPECIFIC!

3 Brainstorm elements of a great horror film. How many of you like horror films or stories? Which horror films do you consider “classics?” How do you explain the popularity of horror films? Why do you think people go to see them?

4 Turn to p. 311:Copy down the Gothic Elements The story is set in bleak or remote places The plot involves macabre or violent incidents Characters are in psychological or physical torment A supernatural or otherworldly element is often present

5 "Carrie“ "Carrie“ "It“ "It“ "Blair Witch Project“ "Blair Witch Project“ "Halloween"

6 What do the film excerpts we just saw have in common? What characteristics of the horror genre do you notice in these clips? How do the elements we’ve listed build fear? **Rewatch two and look for elements that build fear

7 Are horror movies, stories and novels a genre worthy of study in an academic class? Why or why not? When is horror art and not just entertainment?

8 Dark Romantics Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne

9 Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven” While watching the clip, read along with the poem and mark any examples of gothic elements that you find. The Simpson's Version of "The Raven“ The Simpson's Version of "The Raven“ Mark the gothic elements in “The Raven”

10 On your copy of “The Raven,” annotate the following, Circle (2)- alliteration- the repetition of initial consonant sounds, primarily used in poetry (Ex. Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.) Underline (2)- repetition- the use, more than once, of any element of language Highlight and label one example of: assonance- repetition of vowel sounds followed by different consonants in 2 or more stressed syllables (ex. Strips of tinfoil winking like people consonance- the repetition in 2 or more words of consonants in stressed syllables (ex. add-read) internal rhyme- occurs when the rhyming words appear in the same line (ex. I bring fresh showers for the thirsting flowers)



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