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UC 2006 Tech Session 1 David Maidment Steve Kopp Nawajish Noman Dean Djokic Louis Wasson GIS Hydro 2006 Part 1 An Introduction to GIS and Surface Hydrology.

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Presentation on theme: "UC 2006 Tech Session 1 David Maidment Steve Kopp Nawajish Noman Dean Djokic Louis Wasson GIS Hydro 2006 Part 1 An Introduction to GIS and Surface Hydrology."— Presentation transcript:

1 UC 2006 Tech Session 1 David Maidment Steve Kopp Nawajish Noman Dean Djokic Louis Wasson GIS Hydro 2006 Part 1 An Introduction to GIS and Surface Hydrology

2 UC 2006 Tech Session2 Outline Hydrology overviewHydrology overview GIS tools and data for hydrology – the building blocksGIS tools and data for hydrology – the building blocks GIS data models and specialized tools (ArcHydro)GIS data models and specialized tools (ArcHydro) 10:15 Break10:15 Break A user’s perspective on ArcHydroA user’s perspective on ArcHydro Hydrologic modelingHydrologic modeling Hydraulic modelingHydraulic modeling

3 UC 2006 Tech Session3 Water Resources Overview 2 broad categories of terrestrial water2 broad categories of terrestrial water –Surface water –Groundwater 2 broad categories of water modeling2 broad categories of water modeling –Quantity –Quality Today’s focus surface water quantityToday’s focus surface water quantity

4 UC 2006 Tech Session4 Surface Water Quantity How much water is there?How much water is there? –Rainfall-runoff modeling, a type of hydrologic modeling, determines for a given storm on a landscape, how much water will become runoff. Where will it go?Where will it go? –Hydraulic modeling takes the quantity of water and the shape of the landscape and stream channel and determines how deep the water will be and what area it will cover in the event of a flood.

5 UC 2006 Tech Session5 Hydrologic Modeling Goal: Find stream discharge, Q, at a location for a given precipitation.Goal: Find stream discharge, Q, at a location for a given precipitation. GIS is used to summarize terrain and hydrologic characteristics of the watershed for input to a model.GIS is used to summarize terrain and hydrologic characteristics of the watershed for input to a model. Many ways to calculate Q.Many ways to calculate Q. –Statistical methods USGS regression equations (NFF, StreamStats)USGS regression equations (NFF, StreamStats) –“Physical” modeling (rainfall-runoff models) HEC-HMS (successor to HEC-1), etc.HEC-HMS (successor to HEC-1), etc.

6 UC 2006 Tech Session6 Hydrologic Modeling Map natural processes onto software tasksMap natural processes onto software tasks Aggregate landscape characteristics to simplifyAggregate landscape characteristics to simplify –“Lumped parameter model”

7 UC 2006 Tech Session7 Hydraulic Modeling Goal: to predict water surface elevations for the creation of flood inundation maps.Goal: to predict water surface elevations for the creation of flood inundation maps. –Also predict velocity, sedimentation, quality Input: channel and floodplain geometry with hydraulic characteristics, plus discharge and initial water surface level.Input: channel and floodplain geometry with hydraulic characteristics, plus discharge and initial water surface level. Output: water surface elevation at each cross section and other characteristics.Output: water surface elevation at each cross section and other characteristics.

8 UC 2006 Tech Session8 GIS Data for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling Digital Elevation ModelDigital Elevation Model Watershed boundariesWatershed boundaries HydrographyHydrography SoilsSoils LandcoverLandcover Current and historic water recordsCurrent and historic water records Climate, weather, rainfallClimate, weather, rainfall Channel geometry (cross sections)Channel geometry (cross sections)

9 UC 2006 Tech Session9 Elevation Data TypesTypes –DEM : Digital Elevation Model –DSM : Digital Surface Model Data StructureData Structure –Raster –TIN

10 UC 2006 Tech Session10 Where do you get DEM data? SourcesSources –USGS DEM, NED, DTED, ETOPO30, SRTM –Interpolated from points and lines –Generated photogrammetrically –LiDAR Created with interpolation toolsCreated with interpolation tools –especially TOPOGRID, TopoToRaster What cellsize and accuracy?What cellsize and accuracy? –Horizontal and Vertical resolution must be appropriate for the landscape and scale being modeled.

11 UC 2006 Tech Session11 DEM construction issuesDEM construction issues –Resolution and extent –Projection (for hydrology - equal area) –Source elevation data –Interpolation techniques (IDW, spline, via TIN) Problems with contour inputProblems with contour input –Specialized DEM construction software/components (ANUDEM, TOPOGRID, TopoToRaster) DEM Construction

12 UC 2006 Tech Session12 Drainage System Watershed (Basin, Catchment, Contributing area) Watershed Boundaries (Drainage Divides) Pour Points (Outlets)

13 UC 2006 Tech Session13 GIS Tools for Describing Surface Water Movement DEM FLOW DIRECTION SINK FILL FLOWLENGTH FLOW ACCUMULATION WATERSHED SNAP POUR Depressionless DEM Are there any sinks? No Yes STREAM LINE STREAM ORDER STREAM LINK Apply Threshold

14 UC 2006 Tech Session14 Flow Direction 64 128 116 824 32 128 2 22 2 2 2 4 4 4 8 112 1 4 2 8 4 4 8 2 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 4 4 4 16 4 878 74 72 67 69 56 71 49 58 50 69 64 53 58 44 55 37 22 38 31 48 24 68 74 61 53 47 34 21 12 16 11 19 12 46 49 Elevation Direction Coding Flow Direction

15 UC 2006 Tech Session15 Flow Accumulation 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 7 0 5 20 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 1 7 24 35 0 2 2 0 64128 116 824 32 Direction Coding


17 UC 2006 Tech Session17 Creating Vector Streams 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Value = No Data NET_GRID StreamToFeature RasterToFeature

18 UC 2006 Tech Session18 Stream Link Assign a unique value to each stream segment.Assign a unique value to each stream segment. –Can be used as input to Watershed tool

19 UC 2006 Tech Session19 Stream Ordering Strahler Shreve 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3

20 UC 2006 Tech Session20 Watershed Delineate the contributing area to a cell or group of cells.Delineate the contributing area to a cell or group of cells.

21 UC 2006 Tech Session21 SnapPour Snap the “pour point” of a watershed to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a neighborhood.Snap the “pour point” of a watershed to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a neighborhood. –Prevents accidental creation of tiny watersheds on channel side slopes. Snap distance Cell you clicked on The cell that will be selected (cell with highest flow accumulation) Stream

22 UC 2006 Tech Session22 Flow Length Calculate the length of the upstream or downstream flow path from each cell.Calculate the length of the upstream or downstream flow path from each cell.

23 UC 2006 Tech Session23 Using the tools in ModelBuilder

24 UC 2006 Tech Session24 DEM Errors – Sinks and Spikes Sinks: when sinks are (or are not) sinks – lakes, depressions, …Sinks: when sinks are (or are not) sinks – lakes, depressions, … –Global fill –Dealing with internal basins –Selective fill DepthDepth AreaArea Sink Filled sink

25 UC 2006 Tech Session25 DEM Editing Streams: when streams are not where they “should” beStreams: when streams are not where they “should” be –Flat areas – difficulty in determining the flow pattern –Barriers (roads) diverting the flow paths How to “model” bridges and culverts in DEMHow to “model” bridges and culverts in DEM How to model damsHow to model dams –Imposing the flow pattern - to burn or not to burn (beware of the scale issues and artifacts – Saunders, 2000) Simple burnSimple burn AGREEAGREE OMNROMNR

26 UC 2006 Tech Session26 DEM Editing (cont.) Boundaries - when watershed boundaries are not where they “should” beBoundaries - when watershed boundaries are not where they “should” be –To fence or not to fence –Ineffective flow areas

27 UC 2006 Tech Session27 DEM Editing (cont.) ToolsTools –Global operators FillFill Agree (burn/fence)Agree (burn/fence) OMNR (when it becomes available)OMNR (when it becomes available) SWFWMDSWFWMD Custom – model builderCustom – model builder –Micromanagement DEM Editing toolsDEM Editing tools Custom – model builderCustom – model builder

28 UC 2006 Tech Session28 Enhanced Flow Direction (OMNR – Kenny & Matthews) Main stepsMain steps –Standard flow directions (D8) –A hybridized raster/vector topological analysis to assign D8 flow directions to cells that intersect the network. –An iterative raster single cell dilation and D8 assignment from within water bodies to focus flow towards the virtual segments. –A merging of results from steps 1, 2 and 3 to produce a final “enhanced flow direction grid”.

29 UC 2006 Tech Session29 Summarizing Watershed Characteristics (Zonal Statistics) A zone is all the areas/cells with the same value.A zone is all the areas/cells with the same value. Calculate a statistic within the zones for each cell in a raster.Calculate a statistic within the zones for each cell in a raster. Input zones can be feature or raster.Input zones can be feature or raster. Output as a raster, summary table, or chart.Output as a raster, summary table, or chart. –Max flow length per watershed –Average slope per watershed –Average curve number per watershed

30 UC 2006 Tech Session30 Zonal Overlay (cont.) Slope Watersheds Mean Slope per Watershed

31 UC 2006 Tech Session31 Where is this functionality? ArcInfo GRID FunctionsArcInfo GRID Functions ArcView 3.x Spatial AnalystArcView 3.x Spatial Analyst –Avenue requests –Sample extension ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 8.xArcGIS Spatial Analyst 8.x –HydrologyOp containing ArcObjects methods –Sample Toolbar on ArcObjectOnline –ArcHydro data model tools ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 9.xArcGIS Spatial Analyst 9.x –Tools in the Spatial Analyst Toolbox

32 UC 2006 Tech Session32 Demonstration of Spatial Analyst Hydrology Tools

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