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WEKA 3.5.5 (sumber: Machine Learning with WEKA). What is WEKA? Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. Weka contains.

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Presentation on theme: "WEKA 3.5.5 (sumber: Machine Learning with WEKA). What is WEKA? Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. Weka contains."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEKA 3.5.5 (sumber: Machine Learning with WEKA)

2 What is WEKA? Weka is a collection of machine learning algorithms for data mining tasks. Weka contains tools for –data pre-processing, –classification, –regression, –clustering, –association rules, and –visualization. It is also well-suited for developing new machine learning schemes.

3 Dataset A dataset is roughly equivalent to a two-dimensional spreadsheet or database table. A dataset is a collection of examples. The external representation of an Instances class is an ARFF file, which consists of a header describing the attribute types and the data as comma-separated list.

4 Dataset - ARFF The ARFF Header Section The ARFF Header section of the file contains the relation declaration and attribute declarations. –The @relation Declaration The relation name is defined as the first line. –The @attribute Declarations Each attribute in the data set has its own @attribute statement which uniquely defines the name and it's data type. The order the attributes are declared indicates the column position in the data section of the file.

5 ARFF - Header Section

6 ARFF - Data Types The can be any of the types: –Numeric: can be real or integer numbers. integer is treated as numeric real is treated as numeric –Nominal –String –Date The keywords numeric, real, integer, string and date are case insensitive.

7 ARFF - Data Types Example @ATTRIBUTE sepallength NUMERIC @ATTRIBUTE class {Iris-setosa,Iris-versicolor,Iris- virginica} @ATTRIBUTE LCC string @attribute date [ ] default format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss

8 ARFF - Data Section

9 ARFF - Data Section.. The ARFF Data section of the file contains the data declaration line and the actual instance lines. –The @data Declaration The @data declaration is a single line denoting the start of the data segment in the file. –The instance data Each instance on a single line Attribute values delimited by commas The order agreed the declaration in header section Missing values are represented by a single question mark Values of string and nominal attributes are case sensitive, and any that contain space must be quoted

10 Create an ARFF file

11 Create an ARFF file..

12 WEKA 3.5.5

13 Program LogWindow Opens a log window that captures all that is printed to stdout or stderr. Useful for environments like MS Windows, where WEKA is not started from a terminal. Exit Closes WEKA.

14 Program.. LogWindow

15 Applications Explorer: for exploring data with WEKA. Experimenter: for performing experiments and conducting statistical tests between learning schemes. KnowledgeFlow: supports essentially the same functions as the Explorer but with a drag-and-drop interface. One advantage is that it supports incremental learning. SimpleCLI: Provides a simple command-line interface that allows direct execution of WEKA commands for operating systems that do not provide their own command line interface.

16 Tools ArffViewer An MDI application for viewing ARFF files in spreadsheet format. SqlViewer represents an SQL worksheet, for querying databases via JDBC. EnsembleLibrary An interface for generating setups for Ensemble Selection.

17 ArffViewer

18 SqlViewer

19 EnsembleLibrary

20 Visualization Plot For plotting a 2D plot of a dataset. ROC Displays a previously saved ROC curve. TreeVisualizer For displaying directed graphs, e.g., a decision tree. GraphVisualizer Visualizes XML BIF or DOT format graphs, e.g., for Bayesian networks. BoundaryVisualizer Allows the visualization of classifier decision boundaries in two dimensions.

21 Windows Minimize Minimizes all current windows. Restore Restores all minimized windows again.

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