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Sinergia strategy meeting of Swiss neutrino groups Mark A. Rayner – Université de Genève 10 th July 2014, Bern Hyper-Kamiokande 1 – 2 km detector Hyper-Kamiokande.

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Presentation on theme: "Sinergia strategy meeting of Swiss neutrino groups Mark A. Rayner – Université de Genève 10 th July 2014, Bern Hyper-Kamiokande 1 – 2 km detector Hyper-Kamiokande."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sinergia strategy meeting of Swiss neutrino groups Mark A. Rayner – Université de Genève 10 th July 2014, Bern Hyper-Kamiokande 1 – 2 km detector Hyper-Kamiokande

2 Sinergia strategy meeting of Swiss neutrino groups Mark A. Rayner – Université de Genève 10 th July 2014, Bern Hyper-Kamiokande 1 – 2 km detector Hyper-Kamiokande SN 1987a in Super-K

3 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 3Hyper-Kamiokande Can be ×10 the mass of LAr for the same cost

4 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 4Hyper-Kamiokande Normal hierarchy δ CP = ½ π CPV is sub-leading Matter effects are relatively unimportant Maximal θ 23

5 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 5Hyper-Kamiokande Given large θ 13 Compare P( υ μ → υ e ) and P( υ μ → υ e )

6 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 6Hyper-Kamiokande

7 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 7Hyper-Kamiokande The 4 th open meeting took place in Tokyo in January The 5 th open meeting will take place in Vancouver in July The 2 nd EU meeting took place at CERN in June

8 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 8Hyper-Kamiokande The Science Council of Japan selected Hyper-Kamiokande as one of 27 important large-scale projects in the “Master plan 2014”

9 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 9Hyper-Kamiokande

10  CP Sensitivity MH Sensitivity Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 10 Normal hierarchy Inverted hierarchy (Assuming T2K and NOvA use 1:1 nu:nubar) MH also from DB + 60km JUNO detector, INO and PINGU 90% Wark, EU meeting Hyper-Kamiokande Where will be by 2020?

11 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 11Hyper-Kamiokande  A binned likelihood analysis  reconstructed neutrino energy distribution  appearance and disappearance samples are fitted simultaneously  As before:  sin 2 2θ 13 and δ CP are fitted  Now also:  sin 2 θ 23 and Δm 2 32  Systematic uncertainties are estimated based on the experience and prospects of the T2K experiment  7.5 MW × 10 7 seconds is assumed  1.56×10 22 POT with 30 GeV J-PARC beam  neutrino : anti-neutrino running time = 1:3  expected number of events are approximately the same for nu and nubar mode Sensitivity analyses

12 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 12Hyper-Kamiokande Reconstructed neutrino energy distribution of the υ e candidate events N.B. the π 0 background is reduced to about 30% compared to the previous study

13 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 13Hyper-Kamiokande Reconstructed neutrino energy distribution of the υ μ candidate events significant wrong-sign component

14 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 14Hyper-Kamiokande

15 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 15Hyper-Kamiokande statistical errors

16 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 16Hyper-Kamiokande total uncertainty flux – and – cross section constrained by ND cross section not constrained by ND far detector conservatively, same as T2K estimated from atm. υ control sample decrease by > factor ten except E-scale and FSI Uncertainties for the χ 2 definition appearance disappearance target nucleus uncertainties → negligible

17 2011 LoI Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 17Hyper-Kamiokande 90% confidence regions

18 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 18Hyper-Kamiokande significance to exclude δ CP = 0 2011 LoI

19 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 19Hyper-Kamiokande Atmospheric mixing parameters with accelerator neutrinos 90% confidence regions

20 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 20Hyper-Kamiokande Atmospheric neutrinos

21 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 21Hyper-Kamiokande Joint atmospheric + accelerator analysis degeneracy with mass hierarchy

22 TITUS : The Tokai Intermediate Tank with Unoscillated Spectrum Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 22Hyper-Kamiokande

23 TITUS : The Tokai Intermediate Tank with Unoscillated Spectrum Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 23Hyper-Kamiokande

24 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 24Hyper-Kamiokande υ n → ℓ p υ p → ℓ n detect with Gd ε Q ≈ 88%

25 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 25Hyper-Kamiokande mean ε Q = 81% in the oscillation region E υ <2GeV Considering a magnetized muon range detector Currently, 18% of μ escape the TITUS Cherenkov tank

26 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 26Hyper-Kamiokande Morgan Wascko

27 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 27Hyper-Kamiokande

28 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 28Hyper-Kamiokande

29 nuPRISM Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 29Hyper-Kamiokande Instead of calculating neutrino energy using the interaction models, use the flux model

30 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 30Hyper-Kamiokande nuPRISM Mike Wilking

31 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 31Hyper-Kamiokande First steps with an imaginative analysis method Mark Scott

32 Hyper-Kamiokande Summary 2018 start excavation, 2020 begin photo-sensor production, 2025 start taking data Accelerator neutrinos Exposure of 7.5 MW × 10 7 seconds (1.56×10 22 POT with a 30 GeV proton beam) CP violation to more than 3σ (5σ) for 76% (58%) of δ CP space δ CP to better than 19° Accelerator neutrinos >3σ on the mass hierarchy and the octant Nucleon decay 90% CL of 10 35 years for p → e + π 0 and 10 34 years for p → υ K + Astrophysical neutrinos 200 8 B υ / day, 200,000 υ / SN burst, xsec limit for solar WIMP annihilation Near detector upgrade possibilities TITUS – identical near detector, optimized for charge ID HP-TPC – good for studying multi-nucleon effects nuPRISM – attempt to bypass nuclear model systematics Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 32Hyper-Kamiokande Plenty of exciting physics!

33 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 33Hyper-Kamiokande

34 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 34Hyper-Kamiokande Backup slides

35 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 35Hyper-Kamiokande

36 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 36Hyper-Kamiokande

37 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 37Hyper-Kamiokande

38 Sinergia strategy meeting Bern, 10th July 2014 38Hyper-Kamiokande Experiments proposed in the 2020s HK can measure the MH using atmospheric neutrinos But we can assume that another experiment will already have measured it

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