Connecting Pathology into The Healthcare Ecosystem.

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1 Connecting Pathology into The Healthcare Ecosystem

2 2 ©2015 General Electric Company – All rights reserved. The results expressed in this document may not be applicable to a particular site or installation and individual results may vary. This document and its contents are provided to you for informational purposes only and do not constitute a representation, warranty or performance guarantee. GE disclaims liability for any loss, which may arise from reliance on or use of information, contained in this document. All illustrations are provided as fictional examples only. Your product features and configuration may be different than those shown. Information contained herein is proprietary to GE. No part of this publication may be reproduced for any purpose without written permission of GE. DESCRIPTIONS OF FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY REFLECT CURRENT PRODUCT DIRECTION, ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY. TIMING AND AVAILABILITY REMAIN AT GE’S DISCRETION AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND APPLICABLE REGULATORY CLEARANCE. GE, the GE Monogram, Centricity, and imagination at work are trademarks of General Electric Company. Omnyx is a trademark of Omnyx, LLC. All other product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. General Electric Company, by and through its GE Healthcare division. Omnyx is a 50/50 joint venture of GE Healthcare and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.

3 Current State of Cancer Pathway 3

4 Physicians must correlate findings of many diagnostic reports 4 PathologistRadiologistLab Tests Oncologist

5 Pathology information is not easy to share 5 Today’s work Personal slide storage Teaching cases Last weeks’ cases

6 Pathology reports are challenging to use 6 Inconsistent Format Clinician must read through entire content to find information of interest Unstructured Text Not easy to search from database Unable to automatically check for correlation with other findings

7 Current outcomes of disconnected information pathway 9% of surgical plans are changed when the care team meets together to review the patient treatment planning 1 7% of radiological and pathology reports on the same patient state discordant findings 2 7 1.Newman EA, Guest AB, Helvie MA, et al. Changes in surgical management resulting from case review at a breast cancer multidisciplinary tumor board. Cancer. 2006;107:2346–2351. 2.Lee J-M, Kaplan JB, Murray MP, et al. Imaging Histologic Discordance at MRIGuided9-Gauge Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy. Am. J. Roentgenol. October 1, 2007 2007;189(4):852-859

8 Opportunity for Improving Cancer Pathway 8

9 Pathologist’s Role in Cancer Care Team 9 Pathology directs treatment 100 OF ALL cancer diagnoses 1 % 1. Connolly JL, Schnitt SJ, Wang HH, et al. Role of the Surgical Pathologist in the Diagnosis and Management of the Cancer Patient. In: Kufe DW, Pollock RE, Weichselbaum RR, et al., editors. Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine. 6th edition. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker; 2003. Available from:

10 Pathologist’s Role in Cancer Care Team 10 Family GPOutpatientOncologyPathologyHistologySurgeryRadiologyFamily GP Patient ill Sees doctor Doctor screens Lump Removed Tissue prepared Diagnosed Staging, Treatment Planning TreatmentMonitoringSurvivorship Pathologist is at the intersection of diagnosis and treatment planning.

11 Pathologist is positioned to be the diagnostic integrator 11 PATHOLOGIST Genomic Testing Molecular Testing Clinical History Intelligent Decision Support Radiology Case Management Advanced Diagnostic Processes Quantitative Image Analysis Tools

12 Intelligent reporting can connect cancer care team 12 Genomic Testing Molecular Testing Clinical History Intelligent Decision Support Radiology Case Management Advanced Diagnostic Processes Quantitative Image Analysis Tools Customizable based on templates Viewable over the web regardless of region or network Printable if required Integrated with EMR or LIS using industry standards (DICOM, HL7,CDA) Discrete data available for research Descriptions of future functionality reflect current product direction, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a commitment to provide specific functionality. Timing and availability remain at GE’s discretion and are subject to change and applicable regulatory clearance. Any patient-identifiable information contained in this document, including but not limited to name, age, gender, date of birth, medical record number, and exam date is fictitious information and was generated for the purpose of illustration only.

13 Intelligent reporting can enable pathologists with big data 13 Cognitive Consultant Pathologist has access to data on similar findings, provides recommendations for additional testing and articles on disease stat Benchmarking and Trending Statistics on laboratory and pathologist operations Descriptions of future functionality reflect current product direction, are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a commitment to provide specific functionality. Timing and availability remain at GE’s discretion and are subject to change and applicable regulatory clearance.

14 Omnyx TM Transformation 14

15 Omnyx Precision Platform 15 Case Detail Work list Microscopic Review Slide Tray Stacks of Cases Input Device

16 16 Questions

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