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United States Army Combined Arms Center Mission Command Systems Integration Course (MCSIC)

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Presentation on theme: "United States Army Combined Arms Center Mission Command Systems Integration Course (MCSIC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 United States Army Combined Arms Center Mission Command Systems Integration Course (MCSIC)

2 United States Army Combined Arms Center Actions: Conduct Mission Command Systems Integration Course Overview. Conditions: In a classroom environment, given a Tactical Mission Command (TMC) System CPOF software installed and CPOF reference materials to include the Quick Reference Guide (QRG). Standards: A. Define Administrative Procedures. B. Identify Course Purpose, Objectives, and Material. C. Define Mission Command Digital Master Gunner/Mission Command Systems Integration Course Concept. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

3 United States Army Combined Arms Center Administrative Instructions Course Contact Numbers  (785) 393-5161 (Chuck Cooley)  (913) 680-9397 (Daryl Hinrichs) Personal Data Sheets must be completed on the Tactical Web Portal

4 United States Army Combined Arms Center Administrative Instructions Classroom ROE  Phones  Computers  No extraneous cables plugged in to our ports!  Food/Drinks  Lunch  Student Participation

5 United States Army Combined Arms Center Administrative Instructions Driving on Post Parking Building Entry Building Layout

6 United States Army Combined Arms Center Medical Facilities Military Medical Facilities  Ft Leavenworth Gentry Clinic  Leavenworth VA Facilities / 24 Hour Emergency Room  Smith Dental Clinic Leavenworth Civilian Medical Facilities  Cushing Memorial Hospital  St John’s Hospital

7 United States Army Combined Arms Center Ft Leavenworth Medical Facilities -Military Medical Facilities Ft Leavenworth Gentry Clinic  550 Pope Ave, Ft Leavenworth  (913) 684-6671 Clinic Desk  (913) 684-6250 Tricare Apt Line  Thomas L. Smith Dental Clinic  520 Pope Ave, Ft Leavenworth  (913) 684-5516 -Military Medical Facilities Ft Leavenworth Gentry Clinic  550 Pope Ave, Ft Leavenworth  (913) 684-6671 Clinic Desk  (913) 684-6250 Tricare Apt Line  Thomas L. Smith Dental Clinic  520 Pope Ave, Ft Leavenworth  (913) 684-5516

8 United States Army Combined Arms Center Leavenworth VA Medical Facilities Dwight D. Eisenhower VAMC, 4101 4th St. Trafficway, Leavenworth, Kansas 66048 Main Hospital PH # 913-682-2000 N

9 United States Army Combined Arms Center Leavenworth Civilian Hospitals Metropolitan Ave 7 7 7 5 92 73 US Penitentiary Ft Leavenworth Missouri River BCTC 4 th Street 7 th Street Broadway St 10 th Street20 th Street 5 th Ave 2 nd Ave Shrine Park Eisenhower Rd Muncie Rd Limit St Thornton St Vilas St County Rd 5 Spruce St Highland Rd Shawnee St Delaware St Cushing Hospital Cushing Hospital St John’s Hospital St John’s Hospital Cherokee St 4 Choctaw St 2 nd Street 10 th Street N 1 2 Cushing Hospital 711 Marshall Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 684-1100 St John’s Hospital 3500 South 4th Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 680-6000 Cushing Hospital 711 Marshall Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 684-1100 St John’s Hospital 3500 South 4th Street Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 680-6000 1 2

10 United States Army Combined Arms Center Administrative Instructions Student Take Home Folders  Schedule  CD with Lesson Material  Quick Reference Guide  Course Descriptions  Practical Exercises

11 United States Army Combined Arms Center Our Expectations of You Challenge the course. Ask questions and be engaged during class. Share your knowledge and experience. Relay what else you need & want to know. Honest feedback on the course during AARs.

12 United States Army Combined Arms Center Introductions Name? Your organization? What is your current duty position? What is your digital background? Why did you select this training? What do you perceive as the biggest challenge to staff operations in a digital TOC?

13 United States Army Combined Arms Center Course Purpose The Mission Command Systems Integration Course (MCSIC) is the Army’s overarching training strategy to provide operating force Commanders with a system integrator for the Mission Command digital systems in a Tactical Operations Center (TOC). Graduates of the MCSIC are the commander’s SMEs on systems integration for Mission Command digital systems leading to the Common Operational Picture (COP) development and display in the TOC.

14 United States Army Combined Arms Center Course Objectives Equip Soldiers with the knowledge, skills and abilities that provides the expertise to coordinate the connectivity and configuration of digital Mission Command systems in a TOC to affect the display of information needed on the COP. Provide an instructional knowledge base that allows the Soldier to coordinate with system DMGs in the TOC regarding COP contribution and display. Allows the student to receive the right type of training, in the right environment and in the right sequence to achieve the most comprehensive digital training available anywhere.

15 United States Army Combined Arms Center Mission Command Systems Integrator Concept Group of SME’s working together; orchestrated by the MCSI to provide the commander relevant and actionable information. Protection DMG Intel DMG Network DMG Sustainment DMG Aviation DMG Maneuver DMG MC DMG Fires DMG MCSI

16 United States Army Combined Arms Center AMCS Training Integration Challenges Effective Mission Command Systems Training Maturity of Systems (Software Changes) Command Post Configuration Changes Funding Time Personnel

17 United States Army Combined Arms Center AMCS Collective Training Strategy AMCS is a Very Complex System Individual Training by PM Teams Integration Training  Right Soldier not attending training  Not designed to include leaders (Cdr/Staff)  Not realistic  Lacks simulation support  Lacked continuity of Instructors  Focused on technology, not the fight

18 United States Army Combined Arms Center SUMMARY Our Expectations of You Course Purpose and Objectives MCDMG Concept Training Challenges Training Strategy DMG Course Proponents

19 United States Army Combined Arms Center QUESTIONS/COMMENTS

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