REVISION MEAT & FISH. Name 2 main proteins in muscles  Myosin  Actin.

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2 Name 2 main proteins in muscles  Myosin  Actin

3 Give examples of meat and their sources  Beef:Cow, cattle  Mutton:Goat, sheep  Pork:Pig  Veal:Calf  Venison: Deer

4 What are offals?  Edible internal organs of animals

5 Offals are rich in…  iron and vitamin B12 (liver and kidney)  Vitamin A (liver)  Glycogen (liver)

6 List 5 factors to consider when choosing meat Good characteristic colour No unpleasant smell Firm and elastic to touch, moist but not wet. Grain should be fine and even. Avoid too much bone, gristle or fat

7 Which is more tender? MMeat from young animals MMeat from the legs MMeat with concentrated visible fats MMeat from mature animals MMeat from the ribs MMeat with fat more evenly distributed

8 Give 5 reasons for cooking meat. To kill any harmful bacteria To make it tender and more digestible To make it look, taste and smell more appetizing To preserve food for later use To develop extractives for flavour

9 What is the effect of dry heat on meat? PProtein starts to coagulate at 60°C RRed meat changes to brown FFats melts and goes crisp making meat juicy MMeat shrinks as protein coagulates and shortens.

10 Explain the effect of moist heat on meat. Protein starts to coagulates at 60°C when outer layer is sealed lightly. Red meat changes to grayish brown. Fat melts partly and seeps into the gravy. Meat shrinks a little. The longer the cooking, the greater the shrinkage. Juices tend to come out of the meat into the gravy, developing a rich flavour in the gravy, with slight loss of flavour of meat.

11 What type of heat / cooking method is best for tender meat? Dry heat cooking (roasting, baking, grilling)

12 What type of heat / cooking method is best for tough meat? Moist heat method (boiling, stewing, frying)

13 State 3 ways to reduce fat content when consuming meat Use more poultry, reduce consumption of red meat Avoid frying. Grill or bake instead Remove fat before cooking

14 What is the difference between white fish and oily fish?  Oily fish has a higher fat content compared to white fish.

15 What are the 5 points to consider when choosing fish? Flesh is firm and springy to touch Eyes are bright and prominent and not sunken Gills are bright red Scales are moist and close to the skin and are bright and shiny No unpleasant smell

16 State 5 ways to preserve fish. Frozen Canned Salted Steamed Smoked

17 State 3 reasons why fish cook faster than meat. It has shorter and finer muscle fibre It has smaller amount of fine connective tissue It has no elastin

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