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Energy Medicine for Self Care Dr. Sandra Sulzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Family Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison & Eden Energy Medicine.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Medicine for Self Care Dr. Sandra Sulzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Family Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison & Eden Energy Medicine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Medicine for Self Care Dr. Sandra Sulzer Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Family Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison & Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner For NAMI Wisconsin Annual Conference 2015 : We’ve Got the Power!

2 Goals for Today  1. Understand the principles behind the body as an energetic as well as physical system  2. Learn the Daily Energy Routine  3. Learn connections between Daily Routine exercises and:  Depression  Anxiety  Stress  4. Leave with resources for home care

3 The Roots of Eden Energy Medicine  Trace back to ancient healing and spiritual traditions such as yoga, tai chi, and acupuncture.  A modern form:  No required adherence to any particular set of beliefs or practices.  Core Concept: personal well-being and effectiveness are directly related to the state of your body’s energies.

4 Background: What is Eden Energy Medicine?  Founder, Donna Eden  Nine Energy Systems  Manipulated using hands, magnets or crystals on the skin or in the energy field of a client  Participatory model of care  “Everything is energy”

5 What is “Energy?”  Many terms from many cultures:  Life force  Chi  Meridians  Chakras  Biofields  Auras  E=mc 2

6 E=mc 2  Matter is a form of energy  We’re working to understand this better scientifically  Some forms of energy in the body are already measurable:  EKG, EEG & MRI  Electricity & Magnetic Energy  These are a well-established part of allopathic or Western Medical care

7 Energy in Science  Some forms of energy present in healing traditions are referred to instead as “subtle energies”  We haven’t 100% figured out how to measure them  Sometimes we can study how manipulating them has an impact, even if we don’t understand how they work or what they are  Energy Medicine practitioners use their own testing

8 Some Great Research  Especially in acupuncture  Meridian pathways (also present in Energy Medicine)

9 EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAIN  Summarizes the results of 59 Systematic Reviews  21 Distinct Indications  Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, et al. Evidence Map of Acupuncture [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; 2014 Jan. EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR PAIN. Available from: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go v/books/NBK185071/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.go v/books/NBK185071/

10 EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR MENTAL HEALTH  Summarizes 17 Systematic Reviews  9 Distinct Indications  Hempel S, Taylor SL, Solloway MR, et al. Evidence Map of Acupuncture [Internet]. Washington (DC): Department of Veterans Affairs; 2014 Jan. EVIDENCE MAP OF ACUPUNCTURE FOR MENTAL HEALTH. Available from: books/NBK185076/ books/NBK185076/

11 How can you influence your energy system for self care?  The Daily Energy Medicine Routine:  3 Thumps  Cross Crawl  Wayne Cook Posture or Tibetan Prayer Pose  Crown Pull  Neurolymphatic Flush  The Zip Up  See:

12 Overlays with Mental Health  Depression  Cross crawl  Anxiety and Stress:  3 thumps & neurolymphatic flush  Pay attention to Spleen and Triple Warmer  Remember, this is not a replacement for medical diagnosis or treatment, or consultation with a mental health professional. These are self care techniques you may use in addition to receiving medical attention.

13 Additional Resources  Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden – Presents an overview of the entire system including most of these exercises.  The Little Book of Energy Medicine, by Donna Eden and Dondi Dahlin – Has diagrams and instructions for specific energy medicine exercises.  Alternate version of The Daily Energy Routine. Full explanation here: Short version to follow, here:

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