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Published byFelix Jennings Modified over 9 years ago
Transport & Security Standards Workgroup Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Dixie Baker, chair Lisa Gallagher, co-chair April 8, 2015
Agenda TopicTime Allotted NPRM Introduction20 Workgroup Discussion: NPRM Comments Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy & Security Automatic Access Time-Out End-User Device Encryption Integrity 60 Public Comment5 minutes
Interoperability Roadmap Comments Final Timeline We are here Thank you for your comments & discussion on the roadmap!
NPRM Introduction Michael L. Lipinski, Esq. Director, Division of Federal Policy and Regulatory Affairs, ONC
Supporting the Broader Care Continuum Current: Prior editions were adopted with a specific focus on the EHR Incentive Programs Proposed: A more accessible ONC Health IT Certification Program supportive of: Diverse health IT systems, including but not limited to EHR technology (“Health IT Module” instead of “EHR Module”) Health IT across the care continuum, including long-term and post acute care settings 5
Supporting the Broader Care Continuum: How Would It Work? The Past (2011 and 2014 Editions)The Proposed Future (2015 and Future Editions) ONC included policy that supported the EHR Incentive Programs in its previous Editions Defined the Certified EHR Technology (CEHRT) definition on behalf of CMS Required “meaningful use measurement” criteria Specified the minimum number of clinical quality measures developers must certify to in order to participate in the EHR Incentive Programs ONC does not include policy to support the EHR Incentive Programs in its Editions Each program sets its own requirements (e.g., CMS defines the CEHRT definition in its rule) ONC’s Health IT Certification Program is “agnostic” to settings and programs, but can support many different use cases and needs This permits the ONC Health IT Certification Program to support multiple program and setting needs, for example: EHR Incentive Programs Long-term and post acute care Chronic care management Behavioral health Other public and private programs
Other Programs Using the ONC Health IT Certification Program A number of programs currently use or propose to use ONC’s Health IT Certification Program. They include: Physician Self-Referral Law exception and Anti- kickback State safe harbor for certain EHR donations CMS chronic care management services Department of Defense Healthcare Management System Modernization Program The Joint Commission for participation as an (ORYX) vendor – eCQMs for hospitals
8 Certification Program Requirements Proposed 2015 Edition criteria pointed to by CMS for MU 3 & to implement statute (Base EHR definition) (n=37) Available proposed 2015 Edition criteria for certification (n=19) Criteria proposed as always required for 2015 Edition certification (n=2) Criteria proposed as conditional for 2015 Edition certification depending on capabilities in scope (n= 10) Quality Management System - (g)(4) Authentication, Access Control, Authorization- (d)(1) CPOE Medications (a)(1) Patient-specific Education Resources - (a)(17) Vital Signs, BMI, and Growth Charts - (a)(6) Accessibility-Centered Design-(g)(8) Auditable Events and Tamper-resistance- (d)(2) CPOE Laboratory (a)(2) Patient Health Information Capture – (a)(19) Image results - (a)(13) Audit Report(s) - (d)(3)CPOE Diagnostic Imaging (a)(3)Implantable Device List - (a)(20)Patient List Creation - (a)(16) Amendments - (d)(4) Drug-drug, Drug-allergy Interaction Checks for CPOE – (a)(4) Transitions of Care – (b)(1)eMAR- (a)(18) Automatic Access Time-out - (d)(5) Demographics -- (a)(5) Clinical Information Reconciliation and Incorporation – (b)(2) Social, Psychological, and Behavioral Data - (a)(21) Emergency Access-(d)(6)Problem List – (a)(7)E-Rx - (b)(3)Decision Support – knowledge artifact - (a)(22) End-User Device Encryption-(d)(7) Medication list – (a)(8)Data Portability – (b)(6)Decision Support – service - (a)(23) Integrity - (d)(8)Medication Allergy List – (a)(9)CQM – record and export - (c)(1)Incorporate Laboratory Tests and Values/Results – (b)(4) Safety Enhanced Design - (g)(3) CDS – (a)(10)CQM – import and calculate – (c)(2)Transmission of Laboratory Test Reports – (b)(5) Consolidated CDA Creation Performance – (g)(6) Drug-formulary and Preferred Drug List Checks –(a)(11) CQM – report (c)(3)DS4P – send (b)(7) Smoking Status - (a)(12)VDT - (e)(1)DS4P – receive (b)(8) Family Health History (a)(14); or Family Health History – Pedigree (a)(15) Secure messaging - (e)(2)Care Plan - (b)(9) Transmission to Immunization Registries (f)(1) Transmission to PHA – case reporting (f)(5)CQM filter - (c)(4) Transmission to PHA – syndromic surveillance (f)(2) Transmission to PHA – antimicrobial use and resistance reporting (f)(6) Accounting of Disclosures – (d)(9) Transmission to PHA – reportable laboratory tests and values/results (f)(3) Transmission to PHA – health care surveys (f)(7) Accessibility technology compatibility (g)(5) Transmission to Cancer Registries (f)(4) Automated Numerator Recording - (g)(1) or Automated Measure Calculation - (g)(2) SOAP Transport and Security Specification and XDR/XDM for Direct Messaging – (h)(3) Application Access to Common Clinical Data Set – (g)(7) Direct Project (h)(1) or Direct Project, Edge Protocol, and XDR/XDM (h)(2) Healthcare Provider Directory – query request (h)(4) Healthcare Provider Directory – query response (h)(5) Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation– (i)(1) Green = new to the 2015 Edition Light Blue = previously adopted in a certification edition to support MU1/MU2
2015 Base EHR Definition * red = new to the Base EHR Definition ** privacy and security removed – now conditional certification requirements 9 Base EHR CapabilitiesCertification Criteria Includes patient demographic and clinical health information, such as medical history and problem lists Demographics § 170.315(a)(5) Problem List § 170.315(a)(7) Medication List § 170.315(a)(8) Medication Allergy List § 170.315(a)(9) Smoking Status § 170.315(a)(12) Implantable Device List § 170.315(a)(20) Capacity to provide clinical decision support Clinical Decision Support § 170.315(a)(10) Capacity to support physician order entry Computerized Provider Order Entry (medications, laboratory, or diagnostic imaging) § 170.315(a)(1), (2) or (3) Capacity to capture and query information relevant to health care quality Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs) – record and export § 170.315(c)(1) Capacity to exchange electronic health information with, and integrate such information from other sources Transitions of Care § 170.315(b)(1) Data Portability § 170.315(b)(6) Application Access to Common Clinical Data Set § 170.315(g)(7) Direct Project § 170.315(h)(1) or Direct Project, Edge Protocol, and XDR/XDM § 170.315(h)(2)
Certified Health IT Module(s) to Support the EHR Incentive Programs Stage 3 10 Base EHR Capabilities Base EHR Definition Meaningful Use Measurement Capabilities CEHRT Definition requirements (Objective 2) e-Prescribing, Drug-formulary checks (Objective 3) Clinical decision support, Drug-drug drug-allergy interaction checks Capabilities to support meeting specific Objectives (Objective 4) Computerized provider order entry (choose 1 of 3) (Objective 5 only) Patient-specific education resources (Objectives 5 & 6) View, download, & transmit to 3 rd party; API access to CCDS (Objective 7) Transitions of care, Clinical info reconciliation & incorporation (Objective 6 only) Secure messaging (Objective 8) Public health (EP: choose 3 of 7, EH/CAH: choose 4 of 7) Family Health History (choose 1 of 2) Patient Health Information Capture (and supports Objective 6) CEHRT Definition requirements Import, Calculate, and Report CQMs Privacy & Security Safety-enhanced Design Conditional certification requirements CCDA Creation Performance Quality Management SystemAccessibility-centered Design Mandatory certification requirements
Certified Health IT Module(s) to Support Other Health Care Settings and HHS Programs (Examples) 11 Long-term Post Acute Care Certification (example only) Capabilities to support meeting specific needs Transitions of care Clinical information reconciliation & incorporation Care plan Behavioral Health Certification (example only) Capabilities to support meeting specific needs Transitions of care Clinical info reconciliation & incorporation Social, psychological, & behavioral data Data segmentation for privacy Use of the Health IT Certification Program across the care continuum Conditional certification requirements Privacy & Security Safety-enhanced Design CCDA Creation Performance Mandatory Certification requirements Quality Management SystemAccessibility-centered Design Quality Management System Accessibility-centered Design Mandatory Certification requirements Conditional certification requirements Privacy & Security Safety-enhanced Design
2015 Edition Common Clinical Data Set (CCDS) Propose to rename the “Common MU Data Set” The Common Clinical Data Set includes key health data that should be exchanged using specified vocabulary standards and code sets as applicable 12 Patient nameLab values/results SexVital signs Date of birthProcedures RaceCare team members EthnicityImmunizations Preferred languageUnique device identifiers for implantable devices ProblemsAssessment and plan of treatment MedicationsGoals Medication allergiesHealth concerns Lab tests 2015-2017 Send, receive, find and use a common clinical data set to improve health and health care quality. ONC Interoperability Roadmap Goal
When and How to Comment ONC published the 2015 Edition Proposed Rule in the Federal Register on March 30, 2015 The comment period is open until May 29, 2015 You can review the proposed rule and comment here:!documentDetail;D=HHS_FRDOC_0001- 0572!documentDetail;D=HHS_FRDOC_0001- 0572 To assist in commenting on the rule, ONC provides a: Microsoft Word version of the rule ( mer_3-20-15.docx); and mer_3-20-15.docx Public Comment Template ( ment_template_4-1-15_final508_.docx) ment_template_4-1-15_final508_.docx 13
Transport and Security Workgroup Review of NPRM
NPRM Assignments & Workplan (HITSC – NPRM Comments Due May 20) MeetingNPRM AssignmentsRule & Reference (Public inspection version) April 8, 2015 3:00pm-4:30pm ET Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy & Security pp. 258-261 & Appendix A Automatic Access Time-Out §170.315(d)(5): pp. 155-156 End-User Device Encryption §170.315(d)(7): pp. 156-157 Integrity §170.315(d)(8): pp. 157-158 April 21, 2015 (Tues) 3:00pm-4:30pm ET Data Segmentation for Privacy – Send/Receive §170.315(b)(7)/ §170.315(b)(8) pp. 135-136 C-CDA Data Provenance pp. 110-111, 167-168 May 6, 2015 3:00pm-4:30pm ET Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation §170.315(j)(1): pp. 222- 234 Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance §170.315(d)(2): pp. 151-154
HITSC Readiness Evaluation and Classification Criteria for Technical Specifications Emerging Standards Pilots National Standards Adoptability Maturity Low Moderate High Maturity Criteria: Maturity of Specification Maturity of Underlying Technology Components Market Adoption Adoptability Criteria: Ease of Implementation and Deployment Ease of Operations Intellectual Property Source: nl-2014-002802.full.pdf?%2520ijkey=8oAq1ZTZyQ6edqC&keytype=ref nl-2014-002802.full.pdf?%2520ijkey=8oAq1ZTZyQ6edqC&keytype=ref The Metrics the HITSC has adopted for helping to determine when a technology specification is ready to become a national standard.
Workgroup Discussion: NPRM Comments Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy and Security Automatic Access Time-Out End-User Device Encryption Integrity
EHR Module Certification: 2011 – 2015 NPRM 2011 Edition certified “Complete EHRs” and “EHR Modules” Complete EHRs were required to meet all privacy and security criteria EHR Modules were required to meet all privacy and security criteria unless a developer could demonstrate that a P&S criterion was inapplicable or that it would be technically infeasible for the EHR Module to be certified in accordance with such certification criterion EHR Module developers complained that P&S criteria often were not applicable to their products and the certification process was cumbersome/inefficient 2014 Edition introduced “Base EHR Definition” as baseline capability that providers needed to meet to receive MU incentive payment – security included in definition Certification available for “Complete EHRs” (included Base EHR Definition) and “EHR Modules,” which were not required to meet any P&S criteria HITSC/PSWG asserted that providers would have no way of knowing whether any given set of EHR Modules they might choose to use would enable them to meet HIPAA P&S requirements – and suggested an alternative approach [1) implement capability, 2) define interfaces to external security services, 3) document why N/A] 2011 Ed. 2014 Ed.
EHR Module Certification: 2011 – 2015 NPRM 2014 Release 2 final rule eliminated Complete EHR certification for all future edition (starting w/ the 2015 Edition) so that all technology submitted for certification would be assessed as an “EHR Module” HITSC/PSWG recommended specifically allocating security requirements to types of EHR modules, based on the functionality each provided. Then, for each applicable requirement, module could meet requirement in any of 3 ways [2) implement capability, 2) define interfaces to external services, 3) document why N/A] 2015 NPRM proposes to do as the PSWG recommended, except provides only two options: Technically demonstrate; or Document that service interfaces are implemented for each applicable P&S criterion * ONC does not propose the inapplicable or technically infeasible approach for the 2015 Edition because they propose what they think is applicable. They request comment on this approach. ** P&S certification criteria are not directly linked to the EHR Incentive Programs Stage 3 2014 NPRM 2015 NPRM
NPRM Allocation (page 261 in review document)
Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy and Security Proposal: a new approach for privacy and security (P&S) certification – Requirement: an ONC-Authorized Certification Body (ACB) must ensure that a Health IT Module presented for certification to any of the certification criteria that fall into each regulatory text “first level paragraph” category (see chart on next slide) is certified to one of two approaches: Technically demonstrate, or System documentation Comment: ONC seeks comment on the overall clarity and feasibility of this approach.
Workgroup Discussion: NPRM Comments Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy and Security Automatic Access Time-Out End-User Device Encryption Integrity
Automatic Access Time-Out NPRM proposes no changes to “automatic access time-out” criterion for the purposes of gap certification – See 2014 Edition “automatic log-off” criterion NPRM acknowledges past TSS WG (PSWG) work – Eliminate reference to “sessions”; avoid being overly prescriptive so as to inhibit system architecture flexibility Proposal: require a Health IT Module to … automatically stop user access to health information after a predetermined period of inactivity and require user authentication in order to resume or regain the access that was stopped Comment: ONC welcomes comments on this assessment
Workgroup Discussion: NPRM Comments Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy and Security Automatic Access Time-Out End-User Device Encryption Integrity
End-User Device Encryption NPRM proposes no changes to “end-user device encryption” criterion for the purposes of gap certification Require criterion consistent with Appendix A of Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication 140-2 – Propose move to updated version (Draft, October 8, 2014) Comment: ONC welcomes comments on this assessment
Workgroup Discussion: NPRM Comments Health IT Module Certification Requirements: Privacy and Security Automatic Access Time-Out End-User Device Encryption Integrity
NPRM proposes no change to “integrity” criterion, but proposes that testing against this criterion focus on receipt of a summary record NPRM seeks guidance on when the SHA-1 integrity standard should be changed to SHA-2 – Many companies, including Microsoft and Google, plan to move to SHA-2 no later than January 1, 2017 – Direct requires that both SHA-1 and SHA-256 (one type of SHA–2 hash algorithm) be supported Comment on: If, and when, NPRM should set the baseline for certification to the 2015 Edition “integrity” certification criterion at SHA–2. *144
Next Set of NPRM Topics Workgroup Discussion: Topics For April 21 Data Segmentation for Privacy – Send/Receive CCDA Data Provenance Auditable Events and Tamper-Resistance (time permitting)
Backup & Reference Material
Proposed CMS Meaningful Use Objectives Objective 1: Protect Patient Health Information Objective 2: Electronic Prescribing Objective 3: Clinical Decision Support Objective 4: Computerized Provider Order Entry Objective 5: Patient Electronic Access to Health Information Objective 6: Coordination of Care through Patient Engagement Objective 7: Health Information Exchange Objective 8: Public Health and Clinical Data Registry Reporting
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