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Peer Support Group Europe and Central Asia: Lessons Learned and Updates Progress Report By PSG Co-chairs 07 May 2015 United Nations CCA/UNDAF Processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Support Group Europe and Central Asia: Lessons Learned and Updates Progress Report By PSG Co-chairs 07 May 2015 United Nations CCA/UNDAF Processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Support Group Europe and Central Asia: Lessons Learned and Updates Progress Report By PSG Co-chairs 07 May 2015 United Nations CCA/UNDAF Processes in Europe and Central Asia

2 UNDAF * Roll-out countries UNDP Azerbaijan Georgia Kosovo **(UNSCR 1244) Serbia Tajikistan Turkey Turkmenistan UNFPA Armenia Belarus FYROM Kazakhstan Uzbekistan ** All references to Kosovo are made in the context of UNSCR 1244 (1999) * Where the text refers to UN RCs, UNCTs, and UNDAFs, it should be clarified that in Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) those terms are replaced by ‘UN Development Coordinator’, ‘UN Kosovo Team’ and the ‘UN Common Development Plan’ 2014 2015 MontenegroAlbania

3 PSG - 14

4 PSG Engagement UNDAF related workshops: Regional UNDAF roll-out workshop, Bratislava, Feb 2014 Global DaO Workshops for PSG/RCOs May and November 2014 Integrating anti-corruption in UNDAFs, Istanbul, June 2014 PSG Meeting with RCOs, Budapest, December 2014 UNDAF Training for Albania (4-7 May) and Montenegro (23-25 June) PSG Reviews – 33++ documents 12 Roadmaps, 11 CA/CCAs/Context Analysis, 11 UNDAFs, UNDAF Matrices Support during in-country/ territory workshops and events RBM/HRBA workshops conducted for 5 UNCTs 11 SPRs and 1 UNCT retreat supported together with UNSSC On-line and hotline support to all UNCTs, including providing immediate options to issues (e.g., Kazakhstan SPR, Kosovo UNSCR 1244) Regular feedback to UNRCs by PSG Co-Chairs Regular feedback to Regional UNDG Chair and Regional CO by PSG Co-Chairs


6 UNDAF STATUS 2014 ArmeniaArmenia-UN Development Assistance FrameworkBeing Finalized AzerbaijanUN-Azerbaijan Partnership FrameworkFINALIZED BelarusUNDAFBeing Finalized FYR MacedoniaUN Partnership for Sustainable DevelopmentPreliminary draft received; further revisions needed for PSG review GeorgiaUN Partnership Framework for GeorgiaBeing Finalized KazakhstanPartnership Framework for DevelopmentFINALIZED Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) UN Common Development PlanBeing Finalized SerbiaGoS-UN Partnership FrameworkBeing Finalized TajikistanUNDAFBeing Finalized TurkmenistanTurkmenistan-UN Partnership Framework for Development FINALIZED TurkeyUN Development Cooperation StrategyBeing Finalized UzbekistanUNDAFFINALIZED

7 2015 AlbaniaRoadmap reviewed; UNDAF evaluation on-going on track (UNDAF Training, 5-7 May) MontenegroRoadmap reviewed; evaluation on- going on track (UNDAF Training 23-25 June) UNDAF STATUS Three countries – Serbia, Kazakhstan, Turkey – expressed intention to Deliver as One; Albania and Montenegro will continue DaO; others adopting selected DaO pillars

8 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS LEADERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT UNRC leadership critical to UNDAF process Where UNCT members were involved in drafting and finalizing the roadmap/CCA/UNDAF, and with active leadership and facilitation of the UNRC and Heads of Agencies, UNDAF processes went largely smoothly. Non-Resident Agencies should be actively involved throughout the UNDAF process, not only in SPR

9 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS PROCESS UNCT should plan UNDAF process early, jointly. UNDAF training for UNCT critical Fix timelines as early as possible, especially the date for completion of the country analysis, and the dates for the SPR. Numerous UNDAF guidance and policy documents simplify, harmonize Annual reviews done only by a few UNCTs make Mid- Term Reviews mandatory, and hold UNDAF evaluation at the end of the UNDAF Wherever possible, the lead time for the entire UNDAF development process needs to be shortened to 6-8 months

10 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS SUBSTANCE The substantive quality of documents has been uneven, despite all the efforts to provide programmatic coherence and assure the quality standards. More attention needed on root cause analysis, SWOT, theory of change, and analysis of UN comparative advantage at country level. Need stronger description in the UNDAFs on the shift and strategy for moving from “assistance” framework to “partnership development” frameworks M&E of UNDAFs very weak ensure accountability of Results Groups; Annual UNDAF Progress Reports should be submitted to Regional UNDG to track % accomplishment based on UNDAF targets

11 LESSONS LEARNED AND RECOMMENDATIONS PSG Ideal to have PSG nominees/members trained on UNDAF and process facilitation Having two PSG Co-Chairs allowed PSG to perform QA and technical support functions effectively PSG model for ECA region unique and has potential for replicating in other regions. We suggest to find a mechanism of sharing it with other regions. Overall, the feedback of UNCTs on the PSG support has been positive.

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