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FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Working with vocabulary words for February - -- start of the literary terms unit Please follow the directions on each slide…

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Presentation on theme: "FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Working with vocabulary words for February - -- start of the literary terms unit Please follow the directions on each slide…"— Presentation transcript:

1 FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE Working with vocabulary words for February - -- start of the literary terms unit Please follow the directions on each slide…

2 Simile 1. Which of these is a simile? (write in spiral) *pretty as a picture *beautiful rose *you are so pretty

3 Simile continued… 2. Now, please write FIVE examples of simile on the worksheet (answer #3).

4 Metaphor 3. Which of these is a metaphor? *it’s raining harder than snow *dogs are sunny days *dogs are great companions

5 Metaphor continued… 4. Please write the MEANINGS of these metaphors: 5. The rude email was a slap in the face. 6. He tried to ask the girl out, but his legs were rubber.

6 Personification continued… 7. Write THREE sayings/examples of personification.

7 Personification 8. In this paragraph, there are 3 examples of personification. Write them on your paper. Animals tell many tales. In most cases, it’s an animal’s tail that serves a helpful function. For example, the tail of a bird helps it fly. A porcupine uses his tail for a weapon. The tail shouts out, “Don’t mess with me”. A horse, on the other hand, will only use his tail in defense against flies and other bugs. The tail stands proud and tall warning bugs to fly away or else.

8 Onomatopoeia 9. Please copy this definition onto your worksheet: Onomatopoeia = use of a word whose sound imitates or suggests its meaning 10. In the following paragraph, please write ALL the words you find that are onomatopoeia…. (next slide)….

9 Alliteration 11. Write a five word string alliteration sentence using the consonant D. Ex: Daring Debby dove into the deep dark water. 12. Now do another sentence with the letter H. (like you did for #14) 13. Now, another sentence with the letter K. 14. Finally, a sentence using the letter P.

10 Foreshadowing continued… Francis couldn’t wait to go to her Junior Prom. She’d purchased her dress, had her hair done, and was anxiously waiting in her room for her boyfriend to call and tell her when he’d arrive. They were to leave at 8:00, but her boyfriend, Rick, didn’t call. By 8:30, Francis was nervous. By 9:00, she was getting very upset. Finally, at 9:30, the doorbell rang. Rushing downstairs, she opened the door to see a police officer standing on her porch…..

11 Foreshadowing continued… 15. Based on the paragraph, what do you THINK will happen next/what did happen to Rick? 16. What clues/foreshadowing made you think this…at least TWO examples from the text. (Don’t forget – you need to write in sentences).

12 Imagery  This slide is just to help you…

13 Imagery 17. Write a vivid, full of imagery, example for this setting: *Summer, Olympia, Warm, Breezy FYI: This will definitely be MORE than one sentence

14 Hyperbole 18. Please write THREE DIFFERENT sentences with examples of hyperbole.

15 First Person/Third Person 19. For each of these examples, please write if it is FIRST PERSON perspective or THIRD PERSON perspective (look back at your definitions). Write on your “PERSON/PARAPHRASE” page. a. One can hardly get away from all the commercials during the Superbowl. b. No one is able to always get 100% on every assignment. c. I can’t wait to watch the Superbowl on Sunday. d. Because I love to dance, I cannot wait for the Prom this Friday. e. Because she didn’t want to go to school, Sandy’s mom let her stay home for one day. f. I am so excited for Christmas that I can hardly wait.

16 Paraphrase READ THIS, then the question is on the next slide: Susie was very upset about the B she earned in math. She’d worked very hard, studied, and come in for extra help. Still, she was having a lot of trouble getting the concepts in algebra. She really didn’t know how to do any better, but she knew she would keep trying… (questions on next slide)….

17 Paraphrase continued… 20. For each one, is this a correct paraphrase from last slide? Yes or No? a. Susie really disliked math. She worked and worked, but still earned a B. b. Susie worked hard, but was frustrated at her inability to figure out the algebra concepts. She’d keep trying. c. Susie knew she had to keep trying in algebra, but was frustrated by how difficult it was. She tried hard, but couldn’t keep up. Finally, Susie realized she’d probably just always earn a B or C.

18 Protagonist /Antagonist Write PROTAGONIST or ANTAGONIST for the following examples: 21. Harry Potter 22. Luke Skywalker 23. Shrek 24. Wicked Witch of the West 25. Voldemort 26. Tony D. (from Freak the Mighty) 27. Killer Kane (from Freak the Mighty) 28. Big Bad Wolf 29. Little Red Riding Hood 30. Koly (from Homeless Bird)

19 Connotation Both of these words mean “a group working together”. GANG TEAM 31. Which one has a POSITIVE connotation? 32. Which of the two words has a negative connotation?

20 Connotation (much like tone) 33. For each of these words, please write the word…then put a + for positive tone, a – for negative tone, and a 0 for neutral tone. ex: energetic = + mischievous = - said = 0 a. happy b. said c. Hostile d. Angry e. Annoyed f. Adoring g. person h. Sinister i. angry j. outgoing k. disruptive l. friendly YOU MUST WRITE THE WORD and then the + or – beside the word

21 Dialogue 34. Is this an example of dialogue? Yes No “I’m thinking of having that ham sandwich.” thought Brenda. “Yep. I’ll definitely eat that today.” 35. Is this an example of dialogue?Yes No “I’m thinking of having that sandwich,” Lucy told her mom. “Great idea, Luce. You might as well have it.”

22 Idiom An example of one common idiom would be: “hold your horses” 36. Write THREE MORE idioms on your paper.

23 Idiom continued… Continued… 37. What do these idioms ACTUALLY mean? a. I can’t believe she told on me for taking the last cookie. She really threw me under the bus! b. “Here, let me lend you a hand,” said Stan when he found out about Ben’s bad grade in algebra. c. “I don’t know why Chuck is dragging his feet about asking Mindy to the dance.” d. Chris pulled himself up by the bootstraps, becoming very successful after he moved to America.

24 38. Finally, please identify the figurative language/literary terms present in the short story on the next page. For each item in italics and bold print, COPY down the words and then write what type of figurative language it is. Example of what you would write: pretty as a picture = simile

25 “My computer hates me,” screamed Leanne as she stupidly slammed her star-shaped pencil on the desk. “It is a rotten tomato. “ “Mom!” “Yes, Leanne. Try to remain calm and don’t drop over dead.” “Easy for you to say,” replied Leanne. “It’s going to take me forever to finish this English essay.” “No, it really won’t take you years to finish your essay. Just put your nose to the grindstone and you’ll be done in just twenty of thirty minutes.” “Aaargh! I have to disagree. It will take me longer than I will be alive to finish that work. “Fine,” replied Leanne’s mom. “You are sunshine. I hope you feel better. Before long, you’ll be happy as spring flower once again.”

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