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Oedipus Rex By Sophocles.

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1 Oedipus Rex By Sophocles

2 Journal Entry…Imagine
You have been summoned by a Greek oracle to have your future told to you…what news does she impart to you concerning your fate and your destiny?

3 “The keenest sorrow is to recognize ourselves as the sole cause of all our adversities”-Sophocles

4 Insight needed… 1. Who was Sophocles? 2. What seems to be Sophocles philosophy towards tragedy itself? Tragedy refers primarily to tragic drama that emphasizes the imperfection of human beings whose suffering is brought on by a combination of human and divine actions. A tragic hero/protagonist is the recipient of this suffering who acknowledges he/she has in someway displeased/angered the gods and must make retribution for his/her actions.

5 References ab&cp=6&gs_id=s&xhr=t&q=sophocles&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.cWc&biw=1366&bih=594&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=QKIkUpTTMdOssASKtohttp:// ab&cp=6&gs_id=s&xhr=t&q=sophocles&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.cWc&biw=1366&bih=594&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=QKIkUpTTMdOssASKtoCADACADA ab&cp=11&gs_id=18&xhr=t&q=oracle+of+delphi&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv ,d.b2I&biw=1366&bih=594&dpr=1&um=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=kYw_UtGwDKGQ2QWN94H4AQ

6 Sophocles Greek Dramatist: Posthumously honored as a hero.
ab&cp=6&gs_id=s&xhr=t&q=sophocles&bav=on.2,or.r_ qf.&bvm=bv ,d.cWc&biw=1366&bih=594&u m=1&ie=UTF- 8&hl=en&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=QKI kUpTTMdOssASKtoCADA

7 Sophocles: Playwright Born 496 BC Died 406 BC Athen’s Greece
Parents: Sophilus Father thought to be a wealthy nobleman Grew up in town of Colonus and educated in Athens Sophocles is one of three ancient Greek tragedians whose plays have survived. His first plays were written later than those of Aeschylus, and earlier than or contemporary with those of Euripides Public Office: Managed treasury of Greeks-Delian League Strategos General of Samian War( BC) and Archidamian War ( BC) Seven Complete tragedies: Oedipus Tyrannes, Oedipus at Colonus, Antigone, Electra, Trachinia, Ajax & Philoctetes Fragments of 90 others approximatley survived Religious Office: priest of Halon,helped introduce cult of Asciepius, god of medicine to Athens.

8 The Greek Gods The Olympian gods were the main gods of Ancient Greece. After overthrowing their ancestors, the Titans, the Olympian gods became the rulers of the World (Cosmos), representing the civilization of the world. The leader of the Olympian gods was Zeus. The gods were born and grew just like human beings, some of them even married, however they were unaging and death never came to them. They lived inside human-like bodies with an ethereal fluid called ichor running through the veins. They had passions and human weaknesses and were many times at fault, but were then obliged to take the full responsibility of their actions. Greek myths always refer to the twelve Gods of Mount Olympus, but actually, in total there were more Olympian Gods in Greek Mythology. However, there were never more than twelve at one time. The four alternative gods were Hestia, Hades, Dionysus and Demeter, depending on the location.

9 Mount Olympus The Olympian gods majestically and democratically dwelled on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece, built by the Cyclopes.

10 Cyclopes

11 Characteristics of the gods
Did you know… 1. Were born and grew just like human beings 2. Some of them even married 3. Never aged…no need for Botox! 4. Never died…immortal…they could always get even! 5. They lived inside human-like bodies with an ethereal fluid called ichor running through the veins. IMAGINE! 6.They had passions and human weaknesses and were many times at fault…their lives were like soap operas!! 7.BUT they had to take the full responsibility of their actions and suffered punishment and retribution.


13 Glossary of Terms Agon: is the Greek word for 'conflict.'
City Dionysia: Dionysia, a festival held in Athens, which includes a tragedy competition. Dramatic irony: a situation in which the characters on stage do not know something (or some of them do not know something) which the audience does know. Dramatic irony recurs throughout Oedipus - for instance, when the Messenger suggests that he never killed the young baby that Jocasta had given him, signifying that he clearly had grown up to become Oedipus the King. Oedipus, however, does not realize this until much later. Oikos: the Greek word for 'household' or 'house' - often used to mean 'bloodline' or 'family'. It is the opposite to 'polis'. Polis: usually translated to 'city-state', but as well as literally referring to the city, it can also be the Greek word for 'citizenship', or 'body of citizens'. Satyr play: is the fourth, probably comic, play that would have been performed after a trilogy and written by the same author. The only surviving satyr play is Euripides' Cyclops. Skene: the permanent stone building at the back of the stage in which costumes and props could be stored, and which served variously as the internal locations that the play might require (houses, tents, etc.). Thebes: is the city in which the play is set and is often set up in classical literature as the 'other' or 'opposite' to Athens, where the City Dionysia took place.

14 Literary Devices: Know your terms!
Found in your glossary hand out and given in slides that follow Irony Situational irony Verbal irony Dramatic irony: The audience know more about the characters situation than the character does Hubris Catharsis Pathos Moira: Prologue Parodos Episode Odes Exodus Archetype

15 Literary Devices Irony & Hubris
Irony: A literary device in which an audience can perceive hidden meanings unknown to the characters. Verbal irony: occurs when what a character says or thinks he or she means is actually different from what the audience perceives is meant. Dramatic irony: audience knows more about the character’s situation than the character does. Hubris : tragic flaw , pride, error in judgment).

16 How did Oedipus anger the gods?

17 Let the Legend of Thebes begin…

18 The Theban Legend Read pages of text

19 Family Tree Cadmus [ Polydorus Latdacus Laius
Laius Jocasta Creon Eurydice [ [ Oedipus [ Haemon Oedipus + Jocasta { mother & wife} ________________________________ Antigone [ [ [ [ Eteocles Polynices Ismene Antigone

20 What does the name Oedipus mean? Is it an example of foreshadowing?
Answer: Swollen foot How is symbolic? Scarred Has fate marked him from birth? Has it set him apart? Has Apollo ensured his fate by constraining his movements since birth ?

21 Oedipus at the Oracle The Oracle tells him:
“You will grow up to kill your father and marry your mother.” Terrified at this prophecy, Oedipus vows leaves never Corinth. Believing Polybus and Merope are his real parents, he swears never to return to Corinth. During his travels, Oedipus comes to a place where three roads meet.

22 Where Three Roads Meet: How is it an example of Symbolism?

23 Encounters King Laius He encounters the royal company of King Laius.
Oedipus refuses to step aside to let them pass. The King’s chariot driver rides over Oedipus’ foot. In a fit of rage, Oedipus kills everyone in sight, except for one servant who escaped. Unbeknownst to Oedipus, he killed his own father fulfilling part of his destiny. Oedipus continues his journey.

24 Theban Legend Legendhttps://www. google. ca/search

25 Introducing something to sing about…
The Greek Chorus

26 Background to Greek Theater
Greek Tragedy Characteristics of Classical Greek Tragedy: Prologue Parodos III. Chorus IV. Episodes V Odes VI. Exodus

27 Greek Chorus in Oedipus

28 The Greek Chorus Began as large as 50, then smaller in size as actors become more predominate ( sometimes asmall as 5) . They provided time for: scene changes introduced background Gave summary information. Acts as a spectator to the action. Asks questions, takes part in the play Heightens dramatic effect through movement, song and dance Rhythmical Function-pauses/paces the action so audience can reflect and actors can rest/prepare * slide from Mrs. Chaulk PPT

29 The Chorus Song: Job of the chorus who sang their lines - Odes.
Strophe Antistrophe The strophe was sung as chorus moved from right to left ( movement on the stage) The antistrophe was sung as they moved from left to right. This provide visual symmetry and balance- what was equal on one side of the stage had to be equal on the other side of the stage as the chorus moved in the opposite direction.

30 Functions of the Chorus
To fulfill four functions in Greek Tragedy: To provide a passage in TIME To express PUBLIC OPINION EXPOSITION- to explain the action or fill in information To establish the MOOD and comment on the significance of the ACTION. The chorus also provide a moral or religious function to the drama reminding people that plays were written for the gods and illustrated that divine law was above mortal/state law. The dramatic function of the chorus is to exemplify and stress emotions of the drama: grief, anguish, pain, suffering, fears and hopes.

31 Examples of the chorus fulfilling the functions of tragedy
To provide a passage in time 2.To express public opinion 3.Exposition 4. To establish mood & comment on significance of the action. 5. The chorus provided a moral lesson. p. Example:_______________________ 2. Example:_______________________ 3. Example:________________________ 4.Example:_________________________ 5. Quote last entry:

32 Catharsis To achieve purgation of emotions means to achieve catharsis -the emotional bonding of the audience to the characters. Catharsis is the emotional release in drama or art - the feeling of repressed emotion. It means the audience is drawn emotionally into the drama and feels with and for the tragic hero.

33 Catharsis can only be achieved if the following points are met:
i) the hero accepts responsibility for his downfall because of a tragic flaw (hubris, pride, error in judgment). ii) order is restored at the conclusion of the drama as the consequence of the catastrophe (a disastrous happening, event and/or end). iii) the audience feels horror and pity at the plight of the hero- his/her destruction and the punishment of those who are innocent. The audience experiences pathos iv) the dignity of man is shown v) the audience sees the relentlessness of fate- the gods

34 Catharsis The audience feels horror and pity at the plight of the hero- his/her destruction and the punishment of those who are innocent. The audience experiences pathos

35 Pathos, Moira, Foil Pathos: the emotional quality in a work that arouses pity, sadness or compassion, and/or sympathy. An experience which arouses feelings of fear, pity, sympathy and compassion. Moira: stems from the Greek word for fate. Foil: a character whose qualities or actions serve to emphasize those of another character (protagonist)…provides a strong contrast to that character. Archetype: a recurrent symbol or motif in literature or art. For example, Oedipus, the tragic hero, Teiresias the wise, old man…any others? May be a character type, theme, image or particular pattern of events.

36 Please Put away all phones

37 Time: Set in the mythical past of ancient GreeceTime
Place: Colonus in Colonus (near Athens). 15 years later…

38 Tone Tragic Fearful Ominous Find evidence from the text… Diction
Dialogue Quotes


40 Breakdown of Play Breakdown of Play Applicable Lines Prologue Parodos
1st Episode (develops the main action) 1st Stasimon (song) 2nd Episode 2nd Stasimon 3rd Episode 3rd Stasimon 4th Episode 4th Stasimon Exodus lines 1-150 lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines lines

41 Prologue The purpose of the prologue was to explain events that took place before the action of the play. It is a scene which usually introduces the conflict of the play. Sophocles reveals this information through dialogue ( his contemporaries often used monologues).

42 Parodos Parodos: The Parodos follows the Prologue and marked the entrance of the Chorus. The Chorus is responsible for introducing themselves, exposing central drama and establishing the right mood. The chorus is a participating character in Sophocles’ plays. The group often interacts with principal characters, engaging in dialogue. The choragus, or chorus leader, often speaks for the entire chorus in the moments. They usually fulfill four functions in Greek Tragedy: 1. To provide a passage in TIME 2. To express PUBLIC OPINION 3. EXPOSITION- to explain the action or fill in information 4. To establish the MOOD and comment on the significance of the ACTION.

43 Scene 1:Ode I Ode 1: The episode, anywhere from three to six, develop the main action. The episodes are separated by the odes - choral songs or stasima. The odes supply exposition, comment on the action, and contribute to thematic development. They can also suggest a passage of time. Remember the odes are sung by the chorus so note the previous information concerning the four functions of the chorus. List the issues discussed in first ode. ( #12 Question on sheet)

44 Scene 2 Sophocles is a master of exposition, and the speeches of Jocasta and Oedipus (concerning their respective pasts) are excellent example of his craft. Show how this statement is true.

45 Scene 2:Ode II Ode II Ode II: Of what does Ode II warn against? Why is the oracle of Delphi important? How does one attain revelation? Question #22 on your sheet

46 Scene 3, Ode III How does this ode show that the chorus views their king (as King Oedipus view himself) as a child of luck and good fortune? (Question #30 on sheet)

47 Scene 4: Ode 4 How does the chorus react in the fourth choral ode to Oedipus’ turn of fortune? (Question #35) How does the chorus expand on the theme of illusion and reality? (Question #36)

48 Jocasta Her own hand did it. You have not seen,
And shall not see, this worst, shall suffer the less. But I that saw, will remember, and will tell what I remember Of her last agony. P. 60

49 Oedipus to Chorus …I ask to be no other man /Than that I am, and will know who I am.p.55

50 Oedipus The king saw too, and with heart-rending groans
Untied the rope, and laid her to the ground. But worse was yet to see. Her dress pinned With golden brooches, which the king snatched out And thrust, from full arm’s length, -into his eyes Eyes that should no longer see his shame, his guilt, (p.61)

51 Exodus Why do the play’s most violent acts occur off stage?
(Question #37)

52 Denouement What finally happens to everyone? Jocasta Oedipus Creon

53 Chorus: Then learn that mortal man must always look to his ending p. 68

54 https://www. google. ca/search

55 Brainstorming List the complications:
Match to literary device

56 Structure of Greek Drama and Sophocles’ Plays
The structure of Greek Drama: Violence and death offstage Frequent use of messengers to relate information Usually a single place (setting) Stories based on myth or history, but varied interpretations of both Characteristics of a Sophocles’ play: Emphasis on individual characters Reduced role of the Chorus Complex characters, psychological well-motivated Characters subjected to crisis which leads to suffering and self-recognition Common Theme: The choices people make and consequences Slide courtesy of Mrs. Chaulk

57 GROUP DISCUSSION Fate and Destiny:
Groups of 4 What role do the gods play in fate, destiny and free will? Fate and Destiny: If fate and destiny determines everything an individual will do before they are born, as Oedipus the King suggests, then of what crime is Oedipus guilty? If you believe in fate can you believe in free will?

58 Conflict The major conflict of Oedipus the King arises when Teiresias tells Oedipus that Oedipus is responsible for the plague, and Oedipus refuses to believe him. The major conflict of Oedipus at Colonus is between Oedipus and Creon. Creon has been told by the oracle that only Oedipus’s return can bring an end to the civil strife in Thebes—Oedipus’s two sons, Eteocles and Polynices, are at war over the throne. Oedipus, furious at Thebes for exiling him, has no desire to return.

59 Conflict between Oedipus and Teiresias Read pp
Conflict between Oedipus and Teiresias Read pp Note Oedipus responses… The major conflict of Oedipus the King: Teiresias tells Oedipus that Oedipus is responsible for the plague, and Oedipus refuses to believe him. As the soothsayer says… You are the cursed polluter of this land. P.35 The truth is my defense. P.35 I say the killer you are seeking is yourself. P.36

60 External Conflict External-the gods are angry!
You too have seen our city’s affliction, caught in a tide of death from which there is no escaping- Death in the fruitful flowering of her soil, Death in the pastures; Death in the womb of woman; And pestilence… Priest to Oedipus p.26-his plea continues… Save, Save our city, and keep her safe forever The banishment of a man, or payment of blood for blood./For the shedding of the blood is the cause of our city’s peril…We has a king,sir, before you came to lead us./His name was Laius…He was killed. And clearly the message of the god’s command/Is that we bring the unknown killer to justice.- Creon to Oedipus p.28

61 Against the gods and society
Oedipus: "Lead me quickly away out of this land. I am lost, hated of gods, no man so damned.“ p.63 Other examples:

62 Interpersonal Oedipus: "Creon! Was this trick his, then if not yours?“p.36 Teiresias: “You are the cursed polluter of this land.” p.35 Discuss

63 Internal Conflict Oedipus: "O light! May I never look on you again, revealed as I am, sinful in my begetting, Sinful in marriage, sinful in shedding of blood." p.58   Oedipus: Out of this land, out of the sight of man.p.65 Brainstorm examples

64 Irony Irony of Oedipus’ decree
What ironies underline the messenger’s appearance? Add to irony page. (#24) Reasons for irony: Creates supense Character relevation Illustrates theme Illustrates foreshadowing

65 Find examples of dramatic irony and cite respective quotes:
Find examples of dramatic irony and cite respective quotes:    1. Creon: Good news. That Is to say that good may come/Even out of painful matters, if all goes well.p.28 2. Oedipus: And it is my solemn prayer/That the unknown murderer, and his accomplices, If such there be , may wear the brand of shame/For their shameful act, unfriended ,to their life’s end. /Nor do I exempt myself from the imprecation" p.32 3. Oedipus :Now that I hold the place that he once held-/His bed, his wife-whose children, had fate so willed…I man to fight for him now, as I would fight /For my own father, and leave no way untried/To bring to light the killer of Laius. pp.32-33

66 Dramatic Irony Oedipus to Chorus:“I mean to fight for him now, as I would fight for my own father. P.33 Discuss

67 Irony Discuss Does it have a reversal of situation- peripeteia - reversal of fortune?

68 Oedipus You Tube Video

69 Aristotle Aristotle Greek Philosopher 384-322 B.C.
Used Greek drama to establish characteristics of tragedy Words from Aristotle an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude- through pity and fear, effecting the proper purgation emotions. Characteri stics of tragedy All tragedy MUST have song, spectacle, thought, plot, diction and characters.

70 Definition of a Tragic Hero
A tragic hero is someone of high or noble birth, virtuous but not preeminently just, who through some flaw (hubris), precipitates his/her own destruction and therefore gains knowledge through suffering. Tragic Figure: 1. Noble birth or high position has something to lose 2. Virtuous or essentially good motivation is unselfish/ good for the state 3. Tragic flaw or weakness hubris- stubborn/excessive pride 4. Individual learns lesson through suffering..... learns and admits he/she is wrong->self-knowledge and accepts responsibility and lives with guilt of actions


72 Oedipus as a Tragic Hero-give examples
Definition of a Tragic Hero: A tragic hero is someone of high or noble birth, virtuous but not preeminently just, who through some flaw (hubris), precipitates his/her own destruction and therefore gains knowledge through suffering. Tragic Figure: 1. Noble birth or high position has something to lose 2. Virtuous or essentially good...motivation is unselfish/ good for the state 3. Tragic flaw or weakness Hubris (stubborn/excessive pride) 4. Individual learns lesson through suffering..... learns and admits he/she is wrong (self-knowledge and accepts responsibility and lives with guilt of actions)

73 Oedipus 1.   Find examples and quotes that show the development of Oedipus for all the stages that follow and connect development to proving Oedipus as classical tragic hero Initial character Of noble birth / high position - Virtuous How are we introduced to him? Savior of city of Thebes Solver of riddles-Sphinx and Bent on discovering the truth- murder of Laius to save city from pestilence and plague to placate the gods.

74 How he engages in conflict
2. Conflict Conspiracy theory Rash and proud of power ? Suspicious of those around him: Tiresias -? Creon-?

75 Character change continued
Confident in own intelligence Disdainful of prophecy- Teiresias Example: Disdainful of prophecy- Teiresias

76 Forces of Change Oedipus’ quest for truth brings tragedy
Hubris- What is his tragic flaw? Oedipus’ downfall occurs Confident in own intelligence Disdainful of prophecy- Teiresias His suspicion of others proves to be an error in judgment Ex: Teiresias Creon Inscrutability of power and divine purpose proven- Oracles and Teiresias proven to be true- vindicated

77 Character Change…can you find quotes to support?
Appalled by truth but still determined to face it Self knowledge Humbled and accepting of his shame Grateful to others and trusting  Laments his ignorance  Respects power of fate, gods and prophets Wisdom gained through suffering

78 Review of Characters Key players: Role of Oedipus, Jocasta, Creon and Teiresias

79 Character- Oedipus Oedipus to Thebes: “I grieve for you, my children.” pg 27
Oedipus – Long before the play begins, Oedipus became king of Thebes by solving the riddle of the Sphinx. His sharp mind and quickness to action have made him an admired and successful leader. When the priests come to petition him after a plague strikes the city, he has already set into motion two plans to deal with the city's crisis. Throughout the play, he makes decisions boldly and quickly, if not always wisely. In his attempts to discover the truth about the murder of Laius, he falsely accuses Creon and Teiresias of treachery, and even forces the reluctant shepherd to tell his story, which publicly reveals Oedipus to be the murderer and husband of his own mother. The same leadership skills that have brought him fame and success—decisive action, a desire to solve mysteries using his intellect—drive him to his own destruction.

80 Quotes revealing character and tragedy of Oedipus
Priest: “Your diligence saved us once … save our city, and keep her safe forever”p.26 Oedipus to Thebes: “I grieve for you, my children.” p.27 Oedipus to Chorus: “I mean to fight for him now, as I would fight for my own father.” p. 33 Chorus to audience: “Never therefore, will I consent to think him other than good.” p.39 Creon to Oedipus: “Can you believe this obstinacy does you any good?” p.40   Chorus to Oedipus: “Good words; and fitting for a prudent man” p.42  Chorus to audience: “…O Oedipus, that proud head.” p.59   Chorus to audience: “Oedipus, greatest of men…was envied by all his fellow-men for his great prosperity” p.68 Slide courtesy of Mrs. Chaulk

81 Jocasta Jocasta – Wife of Oedipus. Also, mother of Oedipus. When the play begins, she no longer believes in the prophecies of seers. She tries to convince Oedipus not to worry about what Teiresias says. As more evidence points toward the probability that Oedipus has in fact fulfilled a terrible prophecy, she begs him not to dig any further into his past. He will not be persuaded. Realizing that her son killed her first husband, that she is now married to her son, and that Oedipus is about to bring all of this to light, Jocasta takes her own life.

82 Creon Creon – Brother of Jocasta. Whereas Oedipus is the charismatic leader who speaks openly in front of his people, Creon is more political and perhaps more scheming. Creon is offended and alarmed when Oedipus accuses him of treason, but he speaks calmly and tries to show the error of the accusation by appealing to Oedipus's sense of reason. At the end of the play, however, he is more than willing to step into the power vacuum after Oedipus's terrible fate has been revealed. Even then, however, he cautiously makes sure to follow the dictates of the gods, rather than to trying to resist fate as Oedipus has done.

83 Teiresias Teiresias – The blind prophet or seer. He knows that the terrible prophecy of Oedipus has already come true, but doesn't want to say what he knows. Only when Oedipus accuses him of treachery does Teiresias suggest that Oedipus himself is guilty of the murder of King Laius. He leaves Oedipus with a riddle that implies, plainly enough for the audience to understand, that Oedipus has killed his father and married his mother.

84 The Chorus The Chorus – In this play, the chorus represents the elder citizens of Thebes, reacting to the events of the play. The chorus speaks as one voice, or sometimes through the voice of its leader. It praises, damns, cowers in fear, asks or offers advice, and generally helps the audience interpret the play.

85 Minor Characters Foil and contrast
Use character analysis chart from graphic organizer)

86 Priest A Priest – He comes to the royal house to tell Oedipus of the city's suffering and to ask Oedipus to save Thebes once more. Priest: Let us pray at Phoebus, From whom the answer came, himself may come To save and deliver out of her heavy afflictions.(p.30)

87 Messenger A Messenger – The messenger from Corinth informs Oedipus that King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth were not his actual parents. The messenger himself gave Oedipus as a baby to the Corinthian king and queen. He got the baby from a Theban shepherd whom he met in the woods. Oedipus's ankles were pinned together at the time—in Greek, the name "Oedipus" means "swollen ankles.“ Messenger: The infirmity in your ankle tells the tale p.54

88 Shepherd A Shepherd – The former servant of King Laius who took pity on the baby Oedipus and spared his life. The shepherd was also an eyewitness to the death of King Laius. When Oedipus commands the shepherd to tell him what he knows about Oedipus's origins, the shepherd refuses, and only relents under punishment of death.

89 Antigone & Ismene Antigone – Daughter of Oedipus and half-sister of Oedipus. Still a small child in Oedipus Rex, Antigone appears at the end to bid farewell to her father. She is the main character of Sophocles's Antigone. Ismene – Daughter of Oedipus and half-sister of Oedipus. Like Antigone, Ismene is a small child and appears only at the end of the play when her father says goodbye to her.

90 Imagery Sight versus blind imagery Insight
Sight versus blind imagery Insight Find three examples and quote reference of blind imagery: Oedipus  Teiresias Chorus 

91 Symbols Oedipus’ foot Three roadway cross Explain Explain

92 Tragic Discuss: Setting, Mood, Atmosphere & Tone

93 Chorus: Sons and daughters of Thebes, behold: this was Oedipus, Greatest of men; he held the key to the deepest mysteries p.68

94 Themes Fate and destiny: The fate and destiny of the individual lies in the hands and will of the divine gods. Knowledge is only gained through suffering Suffering is necessary if wisdom and self-knowledge are to be attained and the gods to be appeased. Truth is desirable over illusion for the achievement of self- realization, self- knowledge and wisdom ( one cannot ignore the truth such Jocasta & Oedipus tried to do) To know thyself is to know truth. Wisdom and love of the gods are the only means to happiness. The obedience to the gods- the unwritten law-comes before and above the state.

95 What Dante wrote about Banishment-
You shall leave everything you love most. This is the arrow that the bow of exile shoots first. 17th Canto of Paradise The Divine Comedy

96 Question Sheet Questions Discussion Questions Essay Questions

97 Quotes Hand out & those on power point slides
What was your favorite quote? For test find one quote for each literary element. Note find quotes that can be used for more than one literary device. For example: And it is my solemn prayer/That the unknown murderer, and his accomplices, If such there be , may wear the brand of shame/For their shameful act, unfriended ,to their life’s end. /Nor do I exempt myself from the imprecation" - Oedipus to Chorus p.32 Character revelation, dramatic irony and alludes to the god’s anger and demands for retribution (external conflict).

98 Assessments: 1.TEST: An expository essay –demand writing
2. Quote quiz or group worksheet 3. Listening and viewing assignment

99 Assignment Choices: Listening and Viewing
Directions Individual Choices As individuals, pairs or in groups of three do one of the following activities. Note Individual is indicated for some choices and pairs and groups for others due to time constraints for presentations. Also students may make their own suggestions but each choice is limited to specific numbers so we have a variety of projects. Create a symbolic mask for one of the major characters: Oedipus, Jocasta, or Teiresias. A painting or photo essay illustrating the plot, blind imagery, conflict, theme and/ or character development. Monologue by Jocasta, Creon or Teiresias. A farewell letter written to Oedipus from Jocasta Horoscope in an ancient Greek newspaper depicting the destinies of all characters in Oedipus The King. See p.25 of text.

100 Assignment Choices Pair Group A puppet show, dramatic scene or cartoon strip illustrating the conflict between Jocasta and Oedipus Or Teiresias and Oedipus Or Creon and Oedipus. Do a scene with the oracle. Write a modern day soap opera on the trials and tribulations of Oedipus. Write a rap depicting the encounter between Jocasta and Laius over the prophecy concerning their son or one outlining the irony found in Oedipus. Jeopardy Game on Oedipus Rex

101 Due Date October

102 Destiny awaits …What does your oracle say?
May you please the gods with your creativity, punctuality and genius for if they are angered what fate will befall you ? P.S. The oracle knows where you live!

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