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Human Digestive System. Digestive System Functions Ingest food Break down food Move food through digestive tract Absorb digested food and water Eliminates.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Digestive System. Digestive System Functions Ingest food Break down food Move food through digestive tract Absorb digested food and water Eliminates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Digestive System

2 Digestive System

3 Functions Ingest food Break down food Move food through digestive tract Absorb digested food and water Eliminates waste materials

4 Mouth

5 Diagram of Teeth

6 Mouth Breaks down food into small pieces Begins starch digestion (amylase) Saliva produces amylase and lubricates food Moves food into esophagus Epiglottis covers trachea Peristalsis moves food to stomach

7 Esophagus Pushes food to Stomach

8 Motility: Peristalsis

9 Figure 14.3B Slide 14.5 Copyright © 2001 Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Peristalsis

10 Stomach Muscles churn food – mechanical digestion. Glands produce gastric juice = pepsin + HCl Pepsin breaks down proteins (only at pH 2) Food leaves after 2-4 hrs Pushes food through pyloric sphincter to small intestine

11 Stomach

12 Stomachh

13 Small Intestine Digestion is finished here –Peristalsis finishes mechanical digestion –Pancreatic juice produces enzymes to finish chemical digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

14 Small Intestine


16 Digestive System

17 Pancreas Makes enzymes to break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins

18 Liver Produces bile Processes food for use by body Question: What is the function of bile? Bile is stored in the gallbladder.

19 19 Liver Location –R. Hypochondrium –Epigastric region 4 Lobes –Left –Quadrate –Caudate –Right Each lobe has lobules – Contains hepatocytes – Surround sinusoids – Feed into central vein

20 20 Liver Functions –Makes bile Detergent – emulsifies fats Release promoted by: –Vagus n. –CCK –Secretin Contains –Water –Bile salts –Bile pigments –Electrolytes –Cholesterol –Lecithin

21 21 Liver –Detoxifies/removes Drugs Alcohol –Stores Gycolgen Vitamins (A, D, E, K) Fe and other minerals Cholesterol –Activates vitamin D –Fetal RBC production –Phagocytosis –Metabolizes absorbed food molecules Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids

22 22 Liver Dual blood supply –Hepatic portal vein Direct input from small intestine –Hepatic artery/vein Direct links to heart

23 Liver

24 Large Intestine Absorbs water Bacteria live here (produce methane) Bacteria produce B vitamins and Vitamin K Stores solid waste in rectum until elimination.

25 Large Intestine

26 Digestive Endocrine Glands Pancreas – insulin = blood sugar Thyroid – thyroxine = metabolic rates Thyroid – calcitonin = blood calcium levels Parathyroid – PTH = calcium, phosphorus absorption rates and helps make Vitamin D

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