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 WEFs/Collect parent/student notes  DOL Week 4 Quiz, collect sentences  SSR  “The Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” page 598 Check ? Support and Lit Analysis,

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Presentation on theme: " WEFs/Collect parent/student notes  DOL Week 4 Quiz, collect sentences  SSR  “The Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” page 598 Check ? Support and Lit Analysis,"— Presentation transcript:

1  WEFs/Collect parent/student notes  DOL Week 4 Quiz, collect sentences  SSR  “The Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” page 598 Check ? Support and Lit Analysis, complete Reading Skills. Quiz Monday

2  Interesting  Boring  Amazing  Engaging  Appealing

3  Collect ? Support “The Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” collect DOL sentences  Late books: Carly D. Taneja I. Divergent, Taneja I. Stranger with my Face  DOL Week 5 Quiz, SSR  Check ? Support? “The Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” stopped on 8  Assign: Reading Skill and Literary Analysis ?

4  Interesting  Boring  Amazing  Engaging  Appealing

5  Collect Reading Skills, Lit Analysis, DOL sentences  WEFs/Collect parent/student letter  Collect late books Amber F. Stranger with my Face, Maliyah J. Other Side of Dark  DOL Week 4 Quiz  “Lesson of the Moth” “Identity” Open book quiz  SSR

6  Interesting  Boring  Amazing  Engaging  Appealing

7  Collect? Support “Moth” and DOL sentences  WEFs/Collect parent/student letter /book pass  DOL Week 5 Quiz  SSR  Check ? Support, Complete Reading Skills and Lit Analysis delayed due to pictures. Finish Monday, quiz Tuesday

8  Interesting  Boring  Amazing  Engaging  Appealing

9  Collect DOL sentences and “Moth” Reading Check and Literary Analysis  DOL Week 5 Quiz  Open book Quiz  SSR  Collect late books: Winston/David Executioner

10  Interesting  Boring  Amazing  Engaging  Appealing

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