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Hosted by Kaleb Bodman 100 200 400 300 400 FoodNumbersAnimalsTransportation 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Kaleb Bodman

3 100 200 400 300 400 FoodNumbersAnimalsTransportation 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Píngguǒ bǐng 苹果饼 What is a good dessert that has apples in a pie pan?

5 1,2 十 什么是 五 + 五 ?

6 1,3 Gǒu 狗 What is man’s best friend?

7 1,4 Qìchē 汽车 How do you say car in Chinese?

8 2,1 Bǐnggān 饼干 What small dessert comes in different shapes and sizes and can have sprinkles?

9 2,2 Wǔ, shí, shíwǔ, èrsh 五,十,十五,二十 How do you count to 20 by 5s?

10 2,3 Red-tailed hawk Hóng wěi yīng 红尾鹰 What is a red tailed bird that is a hunter?

11 2,4 Gōnggòng qìchē 公共汽车 What is long and can carry a lot of people?

12 3,1 Kǎo nǎilào sānmíngzhì 烤奶酪三明治 What is a cooked sandwich with only cheese and bread?

13 3,2 十 How old is Quinn Elrod

14 3,3 猫 What says Meow, it is a dog’s enemy, and it chases mice.

15 3,4 Fēijī 飞机 What has wings, flies, and can go to China?

16 4,1 Wǔcān 午餐 What is a meal that is eaten around noon?

17 4,2 二千五百 什么是五十 x 五十 ?

18 4,3 Láng 狼 What animal is part of the dog family and it is a hunter in the wild?

19 4,4 自行车 How do you write bike in Chinese?

20 5,1 Hànbǎobāo 汉堡包 What has a bun and 牛肉 ?

21 5,2 八十四 什么是十二 x 七 ?

22 5,3 Shīzi 狮子 What is the king of the jungle and males have manes?

23 5,4 Nǐ de jiǎo 你的脚 Who are Fred and Ed?

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