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1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkwL7aG w4fg&feature=related

2 Fronts and Weather Maps Unit 3: Weather and Climate Ms. Thind

3 Fronts Transition zones of different densities that area most often caused by temperature changes. 1) Stationary Fronts 2) Cold Fronts 3) Warm Fronts 4) Occluded Fronts

4 Stationary Fronts No movement Warm or cold front stop moving

5 Cold Fronts Transition zone where cold air mass advances and replaces a warm air mass

6 Warm Fronts Transition zone where warm air mass replaces a cold air mass

7 Occluded Fronts Cold front takes over warm front and one of the two fronts is lifted a) warm occluded front b) cold occluded front

8 Meteorology Concerned with the observation and recording of weather phenomena Concerned with the prediction of the future state of the weather by the application of scientific principles.

9 Weather Stations Located in a variety of places, usually in major centers of population, isolated Arctic islands, patrol ships at sea, on top of mountains Responsible for: observing and recording the state of the atmosphere Observations made 4 times a day at the same time

10 Weather Stations Weather information: - air temperature - air pressure and the amount it changed since the last observation (3 hours ago) - amount of precipitation and type since the last observation (3 hours ago) - direction and speed of wind - type, height, and amount of clouds - visiblity


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