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P ANTOMIME Acting without words. 2- PERSON SCENES Be aware of your audience Back to audience Body language Volume and pace Audience can’t understand you.

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Presentation on theme: "P ANTOMIME Acting without words. 2- PERSON SCENES Be aware of your audience Back to audience Body language Volume and pace Audience can’t understand you."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ANTOMIME Acting without words

2 2- PERSON SCENES Be aware of your audience Back to audience Body language Volume and pace Audience can’t understand you Audience won’t pick up on jokes Voice inflection Clarity and annunciation Pauses Rehearse!!! Learn your lines, you won’t stumble as much Think about what your character is actually saying

3 D AY OF S ILENCE R EVIEW Problems? Comments? I learned… People have difficulty reading lips. If you had to write everything to communicate it would take forever. Facial expressions must be clear and defined. Gestures had to be exaggerated and repeated a few times for people to notice. “Read aloud to the class”

4 C HARLIE C HAPLIN The Lion’s Den

5 P ANTOMIME P ROJECTS Add more detail!! Set the scene Break it down – step by step

6 S ETTING THE SCENE What time of day is it? What is the weather like? Are you inside or outside? How are you feeling? Example: Amber’s pantomime performance Early in the morning Inside Tired

7 C REATE AN OBJECT Visualize the object. See it in your mind. Approach the object. Move toward it. Take the object. Make contact with the object. Tell the audience it’s location, size, shape, weight, etc. Release the object. Take your hand away from the object – let go. Dirty tissue Flower Ball

8 SLOW DOWN ACTIONS Think about how things are actually done Put on a coat Open a jar Brush your teeth

9 L AYOUT Beginning How will you start/enter Set the scene Middle What is happening? End What happened? How is the audience going to know when you’re done? “Okay, that’s it.” Example : Begin your pantomime performance by standing down center, facing the audience. State your title clearly and distinctly and follow by bowing only your head. Perform you pantomime, keeping in mind the above guidelines. End your pantomime by returning to down center and bow your head again.

10 R ULES Your audience should be able to tell who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. Your scene should be complete, having a beginning, a middle, and an end. Every movement should be purposeful. Use concentration, sensory recall and emotional recall to make your performance believable.

11 P ANTOMIME S CENE Complete handout Rehearse

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