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SDT-Specific IT-INTRODUCTION IT at the IT-University Versioning LaTex TODAY.

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Presentation on theme: "SDT-Specific IT-INTRODUCTION IT at the IT-University Versioning LaTex TODAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 IT at the IT-University Versioning LaTex TODAY

3 Support E-mail:, you can put your mobile number in the e-mail for better Personal: 2C.02 between 10-13 You can check the current system status at Do this before you ask for support, your server might be Username and Password, you should all have gotten this, otherwise contact IT. You have 1 GB available in your mailbox. DONT ANSWER PHISHING MAILS You can forward your e-mail to your “regular” e-mail. You can do it from either > Self-Service or from The IT-University expects you to read your e-mail regularly (and so do I!) SUPPORT AND E-MAIL

4 You are allocated a certain amount of credits for printing (the only service that costs money). You can buy more when these are used. You can print from all computers and collect in whatever printer you desire. You can get help from IT to set up your printer on your own computer, and there is help to be found from their website. PRINTING

5 You are allocated a “Home drive”, with 400 Mb of storage (daily backup). You can access this drive both from ITU and from home using SSH Your “Home catalogue” Files CAN be read by others! You can read files in others catalogues It does have private area, just for you It has an area, which is accessible from the internet Alternatively, use Dropbox (look at SAVE YOUR FILES

6 DO NOT DOWNLOAD ANYTHING ILLEGAL!!! If you do this, first your MAC address will be blocked. If you do it again, it can lead to suspension. Read more here: IT-POLITIC AT THE IT-UNIVERSITY




10 SO ITS ABOUT Basically the point is to share and backup projects 'Easy to set up‘ 1.Create the repository 2.Install the client 3.Use it

11 SET UP YOUR REPOSITORY (1 / 3) 1.Download PuTTy (for example) 2.Login Host name: Port: 22 Input username and password when prompted (hint: password wont show) Connect to your repository from Tortoise svn+ssh:// /

12 SET UP YOUR REPOSITORY (2 / 3) If you want a shared repository, you send an e-mail to with: Group name Purpose User names (ITU mail) Expire date If you want to test it, or just want a repository for yourself, then Use SSH to log into ITU Use the command “svnadmin create PATH” where PATH is the FULL path of your desired SVN repository (for example /import/home/username/svn)

13 SET UP YOUR REPOSITORY (3 / 3) Install the Client found at:

14 USE IT! Basic SVN Demonstration Merging Automated merge Assisted merge (conflicts) BUT this can only be done with text files like code and LaTex Think about this, if you are alone working on a single file, no problem, but if you are 5 guys working on 25 files...

15 WHAT IS LATEX Typesetting system Uses logic to describe the document (almost like code) Needs to be 'compiled' Sets up the document at compile time Chooses the most correct typesetting for you Has a steeper learning curve Enables the sharing of work Can have some annoying things

16 RESOURCES Download LaTex for Windows here: Two editors: (LaTex Editor) (A bit “Word’ish”, but still uses LaTex) Guide to LaTex Danish beginners guide to LaTex

17 SOME GOOD ADVICE You have to work for it (learning by doing) It will take some time in the beginning You will have to search the Internet for some solutions to something (but it will be there) Give it a shot

18 THE LATEX DOCUMENT The Preamble (the document settings) Documentclass Packages Page styles Documentclass is the type of the document, are you doing a report, an article. Think of packages of stuff you need to import, before using it... For example if you are going to do math, you need to import that math package. The pagestyles sets up, for example, headers. The actual document Chapters, sections, text, etc


20 A SIMPLE LATEX DOCUMENT Simple \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Small is beautiful. \end{document} There is no packages here, just a documentclass with a class. Save it as a *.Tex file. Either use your IDE to compile it, or use pdflatex (for example pdflatex test.tex, if the path is set correctly).

21 A “NORMAL” LATEX DOCUMENT \documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article} \author{H.~Partl} \title{Minimalism} \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \section{Some Interesting Words} \subsection{Some not so interesting words} \subsubsection{Boring words} Well, and here begins my lovely article. \section{Good Bye World} \ldots{} and here it ends. \end{document} Now we have a document class with an option and a class (still no packages). We have a title and a table of contents as well.


23 REFERENCES Setting a reference \label{thisIsAReference} How to reference it \ref{thisIsAReference} How to reference to a page with the label on it \pageref{thisIsAReference}

24 TABLES \begin{table}[htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{| c | c |} \hline A & 0.013163485 \\ B & 0.003447419 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \caption{Average End-to-End Delay (s)} \label{ExpEvaTable1} \end{table}

25 FIGURES Inserting a figure \begin{figure}[!h] \centering \includegraphics[width=90mm]{picturepath} \caption{First scenario - Two single lines} \label{Super2Line} \end{figure}

26 WHATS NOW IT-intro exercises 1.Create your own repository 2.Create and compile a LaTex document 3.Insert this LaTex document into your repository No computer / programs (or not going to use it) Work on your introweek project Evaluation REMEMBER to evaluate! The ONLY way we get better. What you have gone through is the result of last years evaluation! (And for this check your ITU mail!)

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