FALL 2008 TO FALL 2009 Ag ~ Decisions Tying the Pieces Together.

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Presentation on theme: "FALL 2008 TO FALL 2009 Ag ~ Decisions Tying the Pieces Together."— Presentation transcript:

1 FALL 2008 TO FALL 2009 Ag ~ Decisions Tying the Pieces Together


3 Know the Audience Bowman & Slope Counties in SW North Dakota  Bowman County Population 3101  Average age of producers is 57.2  Average farm size is 2,042 acres  Slope County Population 650  Average age of producer is 58.3  Average farm size is 3,231 acres  Average operation is small grains and livestock with supplemental income.



6 Design for Success Identify need. Have a marketing plan. Make an impact.

7 Focus Groups Strive for Diversity Be flexible Let the group define their needs Our focus group: Ag Lenders, Annie’s Participants, Producers Producer driven programs have the greatest potential for success


9 Identifying Program Needs Planning Meeting Establishing Partners Build on Existing Programs Use multiple teaching methods

10 The Marketing Club Strategy Our goal was for the same group to meet regularly on different risk management topics.

11 Marketing for Success It’s all in the name. Multi media outlets. Word of mouth. Its ok to be different.


13 Making it Happen The scheduling game. Use multiple forms of delivery. Build on other successful programs.

14 Topics Covered Estate Planning and Farm Transfer Family Business Communication Rangeland Management Global Economics & Marketing Speaking Up for Ag Management Strategies to Decrease Fertilizer Costs.


16 What makes a program successful? Number in Attendance? Information Learned? Are producers better prepared to manage risk?  Evaluations  Follow up programs

17 Pictures

18 Challenges Weather!

19 Challenges Charging for programs?

20 Lesson’s Learned

21 Different outcomes than expected. Audience varied.

22 Positive Outcomes 214 producers reached Brought attention to some major concerns Led to future program demands

23 Take the Next Step What’s new? Will it work here? Focus on Sustainability  Cover Crops  Sage Grouse  Increasing Diversity

24 Ag Decisions~Tying the Pieces Together  Andrea Bowman, NDSU Bowman County Extension Service  Andrea.bowman@ndsu.edu 701-523-5271 Andrea.bowman@ndsu.edu  Camie Janikowski, Bowman Slope Soil Conservation District  camie.janikowski@nd.nacdnet.net 701-523-3871 camie.janikowski@nd.nacdnet.net


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