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Fertility Central: Best Cost Options and Recommendations for Different Forages Brian Clark Prince Georges County Extension Agent Ben Beale St. Mary’s County.

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Presentation on theme: "Fertility Central: Best Cost Options and Recommendations for Different Forages Brian Clark Prince Georges County Extension Agent Ben Beale St. Mary’s County."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fertility Central: Best Cost Options and Recommendations for Different Forages Brian Clark Prince Georges County Extension Agent Ben Beale St. Mary’s County Extension Agent Charts and Nutrient Recommendation supplied by Adam Lyon, Nutrient Management Advisor, St. Mary’s Co. Some slides and pictures adapted from: Dave Myers Anne Arundel Extension Agent Dave Myers Ben Beale

2 Why worry about fertility?


4 Presentation Objectives Review basic fertility needs of forage crops –Basis for recommendations –Differences in legume v/s grass, yields, etc Review the commonly available nutrient sources –Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each –Understand the cost per acre using these nutrients

5 Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium Recommendations Based on pre-plant soil tests and yield goal The lower the soil test value, the higher the nutrient recommendation Nitrogen Recommendations Nitrogen recommendations are based on crop and yield goals.

6 Forage Recommendations Nitrogen recommendations are based on crop and yield goals.

7 Nitrogen Required to Achieve Average Yield


9 Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Magnesium Recommendations Based on pre-plant soil tests and yield goal The lower the soil test value, the higher the nutrient recommendation

10 Optimum (51-100) Excessive (>100) Low (0-25) Medium (26-50)

11 Optimum (51-100) Excessive (>100) Low (0-25) Medium (26-50)

12 Optimum (51-100) Excessive (>100) Low (0-25) Medium (26-50)

13 Optimum (51-100) Excessive (>100) Low (0-25) Medium (26-50)

14 Good recommendations depend on good soil samples UMD-AGNR Photo Archive;

15 Fertilizer Options? Fertility Inputs for Forages Manure Bio-Solids Commercial Fertilizer Legumes

16 Commercial Fertilizer Advantages: –Readily available –Easy to spread –Can apply exactly the amount needed for crop growth –Nutrients typically available immediately

17 Commercial Fertilizer Disadvantages –Can be Expensive –Nutrients typically available immediately- leaching –Doesn’t come with any organic matter

18 Commercial Fertilizer Best Management Practices –Soil Test on a regular basis. –Split apply Nitrogen according to crop growth needs –Be aware of N loss pathways Urea-volatilizes quickly. Losses can exceed 50% Apply shortly before a soaking rain to an established sod, if possible. –Calibrate spreader and tractor driver

19 Commercial Fertilizer: Types and Costs

20 Comparing Nutrient Prices within Types of Fertilizers

21 Poultry Litter UMD-AGNR Photo Archive;


23 Average Poultry Litter Not incorporated, applied in three split applications. Cost-share program not currently available. However, poultry litter does seem to be more available than last year.

24 Average Poultry Litter The availability of Nitrogen from Poultry Litter is dependent upon: –Mineralization rate Year 1: 50% Year 2: 15% Year 3: 8% –Temperature Average analysis for Perdue Poultry Litter: –3.0% N (0.3% Ammonium) –2.5% P –2.5% K

25 Figure 2- 4a. Distribution of available nitrogen from organic and ammonium nitrogen components in a typical broiler litter This litter contains 60 pounds of total nitrogen and 36 pounds of available nitrogen per ton. 16 lb 20 lb 4 lb 20 lb

26 Average Poultry Litter Poultry Litter will be available over a long period of time- at least 3 years. 1 ton of poultry litter in first year (No incorporation) will give: – 31 lbs N – 50 lbs P – 50 lbs K Per 1.0 ton of Poultry Litter, N mineralized: –First Year: 31 lbs –Second Year: 10 lbs –Third Year: 5 lbs

27 Poultry Litter Cost Average Rate, including transportation from the shore is $35.00 per ton. If using Poultry Litter to only supply Nitrogen, it is a relatively expensive. 1 ton, broadcast and not incorporated supplies 31 pounds of Nitrogen. Thus, 1 lb of N from PL costs about $1.10 This approach discounts the value any other nutrients (P and K) supplied.

28 Poultry Litter Cost If using Poultry Litter to only supply Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash on deficient soils, it becomes more of a value. 1 ton, broadcast and not incorporated supplies 31 pounds of N, 50 lbs P and 50 lbs K. Thus, the cost to replace the entire nutrient value of poultry litter with fertilizer is: $51.26

29 Applying Poultry Litter to meet N needs will oversupply P Blue bar indicates the Phosphorus needed per acre to achieve a 3.0 ton/acre yield goal for Orchardgrass given a Fertility level (FIV-P) of Optimum (51).

30 Strategies for Poultry Litter Strategy One: –Use poultry litter as the first split application to meet any P and K needs. –As need for P and K diminishes, turn to commercial fertilizer to fill the rest of the yearly nitrogen needs. Strategy Two: –Use poultry litter every other year on soils testing optimal or above. –Monitor P soil levels with regular soil test

31 Orchardgrass Fertilization Budget Poultry Litter Scenario: Soil test results: K-medium, P-medium; Yield Goal -3 tons Unit lbs/Acre Total $/Acre Broiler Litter 5 tons/A @ 35.00/ton 175.00 (No MDA cost share) Nitrogen160 (150 * ) (amount negligible) 0.00 Phosphorus 250 (20 * ) 0.00 Potassium250 (100 * ) 0.00 Manure & Fertilizer Costs 175.00 Manure/Fertilizer Application Costs: Manure spreading 5 ton/acre 25.00 Stock pile Maintenance 10.00 Manure Application Costs 35.00 Manure Fertilization Grand Total $ 210.00 Acre (*) Amount required to supply N

32 Beef/Dairy/Swine Manure UMD-AGNR Photo Archive;

33 Distribution of Available Nitrogen from Organic & Ammonium Nitrogen Components in a Typical Dairy Manure (assumes incorporation the same day as application) 2.4 lb 3 lb 6 lb 0.6 lb

34 Average Manure Analysis 1989-1997 AvailableStockpile Lagoon Nutrient lbs/ton lbs/1000gal N 3.00.24 P 7.01.34 K 16.05.02 Ca 8.01.13 Mg 3.00.69 S 1.50.05 Mn 0.080.004 Zn 0.050.002 Cu 0.020.003 USNAD, Gambrills MD: No-Tillage System


36 Tall Fescue Fertilization Budget Dairy/Beef Manure Scenario: Soil test results: K-medium, P-medium; Yield Goal -5 tons Unit lbs/Acre Total $/Acre Manure (on-farm) 15 tons/acre 0.00 Nitrogen 45 (150) 105 lbs @.46/lb 48.30 Phosphorus 105 (40) 0.00 Potassium240 (100) 0.00 Manure & Fertilizer Costs 48.30 Manure/Fertilizer Application Costs: Manure cleanout 1.00/ton 15.00 Manure spreading15 ton/acre 22.00 Fertilizer spreading 12.00 Manure Application Costs 49.00 Manure Fertilization Grand Total $ 97.30/Acre (*) Amount required

37 Alfalfa Fertilization Budget Dairy/Beef Manure Scenario: Soil test results: K-medium, P-medium; Yield Goal -6 tons Unit lbs/Acre Total $/Acre Manure (on-farm) 15 tons/acre 0.00 Nitrogen 45 (0) 0.00 Phosphorus 105 (80) 0.00 Potassium240 (250) 0.00 Manure & Fertilizer Costs 0.00 Manure/Fertilizer Application Costs: Manure cleanout 1.00/ton 15.00 Manure spreading15 ton/acre 22.00 Fertilizer spreading 0 Manure Application Costs 37.00 Manure Fertilization Grand Total $ 37.00 Acre (*) Amount required

38 Granulite 5-3-0 Use is similar to fertilizer. Dehydrated bio- solid product. Analysis of 5-3-0 –Mineralization rate of 50% Contact: Cullin’s Lime for more info in St. Mary’s Advantages –In-expensive, easy to spread, readily available in Baltimore.

39 Granulite 5-3-0 Advantages –In-expensive, easy to spread, readily available in Baltimore or from local suppliers Dis-advanatages: –Organic material which must mineralize- nutrients may not be available immediately –Slight odor, though not bad –Bio-solid type product may be an issue with some landowners


41 Total Amount of Nutrients Supplied at Different Rates of Granulite (5-3-0)

42 Granulite 5-3-0

43 Liming Cost

44 Rule 1: Lime cost less than fertilizer. –Keep field pH in desirable ranges, especially for alfalfa. Cool Season Grasses: Most Legumes: Alfalfa: Annuals:

45 Domino’s Lime May offer a good value compared to conventional lime. By product of Domino Sugar refinement process located in Baltimore, MD Domino Lime may be obtained directly by contacting Tom Reilly, Eastern Materials Inc. at 410 365-6839 or 410-439-1811. 2007 Rates Delivery MilesCharge/Ton Delivered 0-50$ 5.68 51-70$ 7.30 71-90$ 8.92 91-110$10.55 111-130$12.17 131-149$13.80 >150$15.42 and up Genstar Aglime Domino Lime Moisture 5.0% -- CaO (calcium oxide) 51.0% 47.24% MgO (magnesium oxide) 1.0% 0.70% CaCO3 Equivalent (CCE) 93.0% 80.09% Pass 20 Mesh98.0% 100.00% Pass 60 Mesh80.0% 99.72% Pass 100 Mesh 56.0% 99.66%

46 In Summary: UMD-AGNR Photo Archive;

47 In Summary: General Recommendations Take soil test on a regular basis. Always split apply N regardless of source Balance specific field fertility needs with the crop and nutrient source Try to avoid nutrient loss from leaching, volatilization, etc. Add legumes to grass stands to supply some or all of N needs.

48 In Summary: Stop by and see your Nutrient Management Advisor!!!!!!

49 In Summary: 1) Important to get things in the right place –Alfalfa requires high K Poultry Litter, Manure –Grasses require high N Sludge, Manure

50 In Summary: 2) Take good soil test. Operate with good information. Do not apply nutrients you do not need.

51 In Summary: 3) Explore you Options. Manure, bio-solids, poultry litter, dehydrated sludge and fertilizer may or may not be a good fit depending upon your operation.

52 “Any Questions?” This man knows what he is smelling about! (Dr. Les Vough Pictured) University of Maryland Extension Ben Beale 301 475 4481 Brian Clark

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