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Research Development Fellows Program An Overview December 3 Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Acting Dean of Graduate.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Development Fellows Program An Overview December 3 Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Acting Dean of Graduate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Development Fellows Program An Overview December 3 Kimberly Andrews Espy, Ph.D. Associate Vice Chancellor for Research & Acting Dean of Graduate Studies Charles Bessey Professor December 3, 2010

2 The Program  Started in 2009 as an expansion of previous efforts to assist new faculty in their pursuit of external funding.  The RDFP is a competitive program that represents a substantial investment in promising new faculty  The RDFP is designed to provide the practical information and experience pre-tenure faculty need to successfully compete for external grant funding.  Wei Qiao – NSF CAREER (2009)  Richard Wilson – EPSCOR FIRST Award (2009), PANS paper

3 End Goal & Format  The program's goal is to help early career faculty enhance their proposal development skills and prepare a complete proposal for submission through: -Mentoring-Consultation with Program Officers -Learning Activities -NURamp -Consultation-1:1 Assistance from the Office of -Expert Review Proposal Development and Office of Sponsored Programs

4 Key Players  Kimberly Andrews Espy – Associate Vice Chancellor for Research  Noah Clayton – Project Manager, Office of Research  Nathan Meier, Tisha Gilreath Mullen, Carrie Wiese – Office of Proposal Development  Office of Sponsored Programs and ORED Communications Team

5 Mentors & Mentees  Determine a workplan to accommodate individual work styles (work out logistics)  Mentors: Provide feedback, advice, serve as a sounding board, reviewer, resource guide  Fellows: Work with mentors to learn about the grantsmanship process and develop skills to become more competitive in the pursuit of external funding

6 Expectations  Submit a proposal!  Meet regularly to discuss project conceptualization, goals and objectives, research plan, etc.  Commit to a mentor-mentee relationship for 1-year – Mentoring agreements due 12/10 to Noah  Work with OPD and Noah  Report any issues to Dr. Espy  We do not expect you to obtain funding on your first round. Grantsmanship is a lesson in persistance

7 Upcoming Calendar Highlights  Jan. 18 – Developing informative white papers and tear sheets for effective funding agency visits – (3:30, Alex. 203)  Jan. 24-28 – Individual program selection meetings  Feb. 23-24 - NSF applicants program officer visit  March 18 - Russell Morrison “Write Winning Grants” seminar  NURamp (schedule out in early Jan.)

8 Activities  Attendance is required for all activities  Stay informed of activities and events through the RDFP calendar webpage:  ml

9 Questions? For any questions regarding the program or anything else research related, contact: Noah Clayton, M.A.  402.472.8031 

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