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Oregon State University Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Mentor: Dr. Adam Higgins HHMI Summer 2011 Cameron Glasscock

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon State University Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Mentor: Dr. Adam Higgins HHMI Summer 2011 Cameron Glasscock"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon State University Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering Mentor: Dr. Adam Higgins HHMI Summer 2011 Cameron Glasscock Determining cryoprotectant toxicity with adherent endothelial cells Source: content/uploads/2011/02/Vascular.jpg Source:

2 Cryopreservation  Storage of biological materials  Tissue engineering, transplantation medicine, and other cell-based therapies  The problem: Ice crystal formation causes damage Source:

3 Cryoprotectant chemicals  Reduces damage caused by ice crystal formation  Vitrification  Addition and removal causes two types of damage  Osmotic damage  Toxicity damage Source:

4 Source: Source: Project  Goal: Determine toxicity of cryoprotectant chemicals with adherent endothelial cells.  Hypothesis: Cryoprotectant type, concentration, temperature, and exposure time have an effect on cryoprotectant toxicity Glycerol

5 Procedures 1. Endothelial cells seeded onto well plates 2. Exposure to cryoprotectant solutions Source Source: multi-channel-pipet-used-for-pipetting-a-96-well-plate-with-pink-solution-on-white.jpg

6 Procedures (Continued…)  Toxicity damage needs to be isolated from osmotic damage  Multi-step addition/removal during cryoprotectant exposure  Predict procedures with permeability and osmotic tolerance limits data Source: port%20notes.htm

7 Procedures (Continued…) 3. Toxicity measured using fluorescent cell viability assay PrestoBlue.  High fluorescence indicates more living cells Source:

8 Procedures (Continued…)  PrestoBlue measurements taken twice  Directly before solution exposure to give initial seeding density fluorescence  24 hours after solution exposure to give fluorescence after treatment Accounts for apoptosis PrestoBlue reagent 1) Add reagent to cells 2) Incubate 3) Read fluorescence

9 1m Experimental Variables DMSO 60 min40 min20 min10 min5 min0 min 4C37C 21C Glycerol Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol Cryoprotectant Type Concentration Exposure Time Temperature 3m 5m 7m

10 Data Analysis  Represented on cell survival versus time plot  Fit to exponential regression of the form:

11 Accounting for Multi-Step Add/Rem  Toxicity accumulated from lower concentrations  Accounted for with derived correction factor: 2-Step Add/Rem Procedure

12 Toxicity Function  The toxicity rate k is then plotted against concentration  Regression gives toxicity as a function of concentration  Mathematical representation of toxicity  Next step: Create a 3D regression to represent toxicity as a function of both concentration and temperature

13 Experimental Results  Initial Experiments  1,3-molal Glycerol at 21C  Used 96-Well Plates  Results were highly variable  Possible Sources of Variability  Uneven seeding distribution  Cell loss during wash steps

14 Investigating Seeding Distribution  Uneven seeding distribution caused by thermal gradients  Pre-incubation to reduce variability  Involves placing well plates with freshly seeded cells at room temperature for 1 hour before placing in 37C incubator Pre-Incubated 1,3-Glycerol Toxicity Data

15 Investigating Cell Loss During Wash Steps  Experiment  Cells seeded onto 96-well plate  Wells were washed with a PBS buffer solution  PrestoBlue measurement taken after wash steps

16 Revised Experiments  24-well plates  Avoid cell loss during wash steps  Increased well size helps to reduce variability

17 Experimental Conclusion  Initial experiments using 96-well plates yielded inconclusive data  Attempts to isolate cause of data variability  Seeding distribution  Cell loss due to wash steps  Experiment revised with some improvement using 24-well plates

18 Future Work  Improve experimental method  Try different cell viability assays  Optimization of cryoprotectant addition/removal for vitrification using:  Mathematical function for toxicity  Osmotic tolerance limits  Cell permeability data

19 Acknowledgements  HHMI  Kevin Ahern  Mentor: Dr. Adam Higgins  Allyson Fry  Ratih Lusianti  Kenneth Huang  Corey Lerch

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