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Derek Meinke (ME, PM) Matthew Liff (ME) Tony Zhang (EE) Zaw Htoo (ISE)

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Presentation on theme: "Derek Meinke (ME, PM) Matthew Liff (ME) Tony Zhang (EE) Zaw Htoo (ISE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Derek Meinke (ME, PM) Matthew Liff (ME) Tony Zhang (EE) Zaw Htoo (ISE)

2 Project Description The scope of P10511 is to create a test fixture that will allow the use of various charging devices along with multiple diameters of photoreceptors. Test affect of charge uniformity with various device configurations and input parameters. Xerox test fixture is currently limited in versatility.

3 Project Description (cont.) Reasons for Reducing Drum Diameter  Advances in Charging Technologies  Reducing Wear Rate of Photoreceptor  Higher Rotational Speeds for Higher PPM  Reduced Footprint for Charging Devices  Cost Effective  Increased Reliability

4 System Objectives Different Charger Configurations  BCR versus Scorotron Photoreceptor Diameter Variable Drum Speed  Ion Transfer Charge Measurement (ESV)

5 Stakeholders Xerox Corporation  Faculty Guides Mike Zona Bill Nowak  Customers John Knapp Dale Mashtare  Faculty Consultant Marcos Esterman RIT KGCOE

6 Roles and Responsibilities NameDisciplineRole / Skills Mike Zona and Bill Nowak Xerox Faculty Guide, will work closely with the team on an on-going basis to facilitate success. Marcos EstermanXerox Faculty Consultant, will provide discipline technical support on an intermittant basis. Dale MashtareXeroxIndustrial Consultant Derek MeinkeME Project Manager, fixture design, charge device mounting, drum to motor coupling. Matthew LiffME Fixture design, charge device mounting, drum to motor coupling. Tony ZhangEE Electrical integration of high voltage and drive motor to data acquisition. Zaw HtooISELabview coder for user interface and system control/status.

7 Team Values and Norms Reasonably late to meetings is acceptable but not repeatable. Leave a message for a team member if cannot attend. At start of meeting, discuss team objectives for 5 to 10 minutes. CC all group members when emailing project information; respond within 24 hours. An understood consensus must be made for all decision making. Record meeting minutes.

8 Customer Needs List Customer NeedImportance Uniform charge distribution14% Accept multiple photoreceptor diameters 12% Uniform pre-charge erase12% Allow any charge device configuration11% Accurate drum speed control11% Parallel ESV axis with photoreceptor 9% Easily changeable components6% Voltage reading across entire drum length6% Data for both aluminum substrate & prod. PR6% Proper safety measures4% Generate minimal ozone3% Below target budget3% Allow different dielectric thicknesses2% Easy to use data acquisition menu0%

9 Specifications List Engineering SpecificationImportance Voltage Input (5-8kV)5% Surface Speed (≤1m/s)13% Drum Size (24-84mm)9% Charger Type (BCR or Scorotron)8% Charger Gap (1-2mm)15% Dielectric Thickness (~25µm)5% ESV distance (1-2mm)10% Budget ($2k)11% Uniform Erase Charge (-100V)13% Surface Charge (-300 to -800V)11%

10 House of Quality Customer Requirements Customer Weights Voltage Input (5-8kV) Surface Speed ( ≤ 1m/s) Drum Size (24-84mm) Charger Type (BCR or Scorotron) Charger Gap (1-2mm) Dielectric Thickness (~25 µm) ESV distance (1-2mm) Budget ($2k) Uniform Erase Charge (-100V) Surface Charge (-300 to -800V) Uniform charge distributionUniform charge distribution 14% 913919393 Accept multiple photoreceptor diametersAccept multiple photoreceptor diameters 12% 1991939993 Uniform pre-charge eraseUniform pre-charge erase 12% 31 31 93 Allow any charge device configAllow any charge device config 11% 333991 913 Accurate drum speed controlAccurate drum speed control 11% 193393 399 Parallel ESV axis with photoreceptorParallel ESV axis with photoreceptor 9% 3 191 9 Easily changeable componentsEasily changeable components 6% 999 391 Voltage reading across entire drum lengthVoltage reading across entire drum length 6% 3 31 1 Data for both aluminum substrate & prod. PRData for both aluminum substrate & prod. PR 6% 991 391139 Proper safety measuresProper safety measures 4% 91 1 Generate minimal ozoneGenerate minimal ozone 3% 9 9 1 3 Below target budgetBelow target budget 3% 3991 19 1 Allow different dielectric thicknessesAllow different dielectric thicknesses 2% 133 191 33 Easy to use data acquisition menuEasy to use data acquisition menu 0%

11 Unknowns and Open Issues How to Attach Varying Photoreceptor Diameters  V-flange? How to Align Charger with Photoreceptor Surface  Dial Gauges?  Tangency  Parallel Degrees of Error  Drum Velocity  Surface Charge Labview Hardware Interface  No Prior Experience within Team

12 Concept Generation Phase Clarify the Problem Need for Interchangeability Internal/External Searches Needs and Specifications Review Existing Model Systematic Exploration Planning Reflection of Product Concepts

13 Action Items Project Planning Documents Affinity Diagram of Activities Gantt Chart and Time Optimization Work on Systems Design  Specs and Risk Assessment Keep everything well documented in logbooks Peer Review and EDGE website Seek Feedback

14 Questions?

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