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 Read Acts 2: 42-47.  What do these verses say about the early church?  Is this realistic today?  Why.

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2  Read Acts 2: 42-47.  What do these verses say about the early church?  Is this realistic today?  Why or why not?


4 Church  Ecclesia:  Greek  A duly summoned assembly  Church.

5 Church  Through Bishops, priests, deacons, religious and lay people, the Church authentically teaches us the faith handed down by the Apostles.  It guides us with the truth in our moral decision-making.


7  Jesus is the head  All others serve different functions equally important that make up one body  When one suffers all suffer  Unity in the midst of diversity  Different cultures, denominations, different forms of worship

8 The Body of Christ  Every person is needed  No one is less important than anyone else  (is this true today ?)

9 The Body of Christ  Every person brings some gift that is needed by the community  It is in the diversity of these gifts that the Church finds its strength

10  Body of Christ has also an eternal dimension to it.  It is the community that is here but also a society that is eternal (community of saints)

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