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INTRODUCTION. Painting with numbers! Aspects Modeling Rendering Animation.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION. Painting with numbers! Aspects Modeling Rendering Animation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Painting with numbers!

3 Aspects Modeling Rendering Animation

4 Aspects Visualization Virtual Reality Image Processing User interaction / Human Computer Interface 3D Scanning








12 What are we going to learn?

13 Extent of CG How CG systems work. How to model of real life objects. How to render modeled objects. How to make things more realistic. How to make things more beautiful.


15 Extent of CSE410 Understanding of Graphics API : OpenGL Understand how to use 3D API’s to create games, animations, renders or visualization. Learn how API’s work from inside.


17 Representation Points Lines Polygon

18 Mesh

19 Textures, shaders, post processing and other techniques like radiocity and raytracing are used to produce realistic rendering of modeled objects.

20 How can we show the objects on the screen from the mathematical data of the models we have?

21 2D Hypothetical World A canvas Infinitely extended drawing area having two perpendicular axes ( x and y ) A viewport a finite 2d rectangular are ( lets say it is 8x6 pixels ) that represents what is shown on the screen. Lets assume we have the following things true for our fantasy world of rendering.



24 We can do following drawing on the canvas. drawPoint drawRectangle (width, height ) drawPicture

25 And the following commands to place our desired drawing on the desired part of the canvas. Translate ( x, y ) Rotate ( x ) These commands effects any drawing done after calling them.

26 Sample drawings and outputs point().

27 Sample drawings and outputs translate(3,2) drawPoint().

28 Now lets say we want to draw the following picture. Translate ( -10, -5) Rotate ( -45 ) drawRectangle ( 10, 5 )

29 …and also don’t forget the need of a camera. Camera (-4,-3)

30 Now.. how does our graphics card calculate where to draw the pixels when it receives such coordinates for drawing from our program?

31 Sample again… camera ( 0, 0 ) translate ( 3,-1) point() Canvas coordinate (3,-1) Screen coordinate (3,1)

32 Sample again… camera ( -2, 1 ) translate ( 3,-1) point() Canvas coordinate (3,-1) Screen coordinate ? ( 5, 2 ) x = 0 + 3 – (-2) = 5 y = 0 – (-1) + 1 = 2

33 point() translate ( 3,-1) camera ( -2, 1 ) Calculation for x axisCommands 0 + 3 - ( -2)

34 Now we can make an equation ! Final coordinate on the screen = Actual coordinate + Transformation - Camera Position } Gives us coordinate on the canvas } Gives us coordinate on the screen Modeling Transformation Viewing Transformation

35 This process of calculating final output picture from initial coordinates/models in a step by step manner is known as Graphics Pipeline

36 With understanding of the hypothetical world now lets get real, How does our actual graphics systems work? How 3D objects are rendered on the screen? What more is there in the 3D pipeline?


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