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Infertility in General Practice Kate Hooks ST2 GP.

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Presentation on theme: "Infertility in General Practice Kate Hooks ST2 GP."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infertility in General Practice Kate Hooks ST2 GP

2 Curriculum Statements The General Practice consultation Women's Health Men's Health Sexual Health

3 Definition Failure to conceive after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. 80% of couples will be pregnant after 12 months. 50% of those remaining will conceive in the second year. 50% of those left will conceive within the next 4 years.

4 The consultation All couples should receive history taking and examination in primary care. Need to identify those couples who require early intervention/referral Those who have modifiable risk factors.

5 The Woman Age Fertility history Same/new partner Length of time trying to conceive Frequency of intercourse and any difficulties Length of time since stopping contraception and the type

6 Any suggestion of ovulatory problems- Details of menstrual cycle Galactorrhoea or hirsutism Systemic disease BMI Stress Relevant Gynaelogical history Pain/IMB/PCB Smear history

7 Drug history Occupation Lifestyle Abdominal and pelvic examination

8 Male Previous children Length of time- frequency/ difficulties/ED History- Mumps/STDs/Trauma previous urogenital abnormality systemic disease surgery Drugs Occupation Lifestyle

9 Examine genitalia Secondary sexual characteristics Gynaecomastia

10 General Advice Find out couples- wishes, plans, beliefs and motives are Provide stats on normal patterns of conception Generally do not investigate until trying >1 yr Be explicit and talk about stress

11 Provide preconceptual advice Smoking BMI Alcohol Not recommended- BBTC Ovulation kits Post coital testing ASAB

12 Investigations <1 year only if identified as less likely to conceive Female Mid luteal phase progesterone- know cycle!! Serum gonadotrophins- if cycles are irregular. TFTs- if indicated PL- if indicated Chlamydia screen

13 Male Screen for Chlamydia Semen analysis- advice 1 st test abnormal- repeat in 3 months 2 nd test abnormal- refer

14 Referral Woman <35 years old- hx,exam and inv normal- ref if not conceived within 18 months. Woman >35 years or findings abnormal ref earlier Either partner known reason for infertility refer earlier. Counsel- before/during and after

15 Secondary and tertiary care Women- further hormonal tests Tests of tubal patency Hysterosalpingogram Hysterosalpingo-ultrasonography Problems- diag laparoscopy Men- more detailed examination semen Imaging urinary tract Testicular biopsy

16 Management Clomiphine Metformin BMI>25 unresponsive to clomiphene Dopamine

17 IUI- NICE- mild male factor, unexplained, mild endometriosis- up to 6 cycles IVF- NICE- woman aged 23-39 at time of treatment and infertility for at least 3 years- offered up to 3 stimulated cycle Doh- at least 1 full cycle funded by NHS ICSI- 44% all IVF Donor Insemination Embryo donation GIFT

18 Finally.... Be aware of the PCT funding in the area you are working

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