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Dmitriy Zinovev. Summary 51 radiology reports 77 malignant cases 63 guesses.

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Presentation on theme: "Dmitriy Zinovev. Summary 51 radiology reports 77 malignant cases 63 guesses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dmitriy Zinovev

2 Summary 51 radiology reports 77 malignant cases 63 guesses

3 Cancer evidence (46 reports)ActualTotal Guessed 37845 171128 Total541973

4 Cancer evidence (Co-reference) (23 reports)ActualTotal Guessed 12719 11314 Total231033

5 Previous findings (23 reports)ActualTotal Guessed 12719 11314 Total231033

6 Previous findings (Co-reference) (23 reports)ActualTotal Guessed 221335 192342 Total413677

7 Accuracy Current findings: – 59.44% Previous findings: – 54.55%

8 Examples This lesion is unchanged in size compared with the study from August 2003 but has slightly grown compared with the study dated back to 05/20/99. On that study, the lesion measured 1.1 x 1.4 cm.

9 Examples At the T9-T10 level, again noted is a fat density right paraspinal mass which measures 1.5 x 1.9 cm on the current exam, not significantly changed since the prior exams.

10 Examples Lung windows demonstrate interval increased density and slight increase in size of a right upper lobe pulmonary nodule, especially when compared to the exams dated 11/04/03. This is seen on series 3 image 14 on the current exam and measures approximately 6 mm.

11 Examples There is interval decrease in size of a small spiculated mass in the anterior segment of the left upper lobe with maximum transverse diameter of 9 mm currently, versus 11 mm previously.

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