® MTAC Workgroup 116 Great Addressing to Increase the Value of Mail MTAC Update January 31, 2008 Postal Co-chairs:Industry Co-chairs: Charles HuntJody.

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Presentation on theme: "® MTAC Workgroup 116 Great Addressing to Increase the Value of Mail MTAC Update January 31, 2008 Postal Co-chairs:Industry Co-chairs: Charles HuntJody."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® MTAC Workgroup 116 Great Addressing to Increase the Value of Mail MTAC Update January 31, 2008 Postal Co-chairs:Industry Co-chairs: Charles HuntJody Berenblatt charles.hunt@usps.govjody.berenblatt@bankofamerica.com James WilsonChris Lien james.d.wilson@usps.govchris.lien@businessobjects.com

2 Issue Statement for Workgroup 116  Issue statement dated April 16, 2007  Mail is an important communication tool for businesses ●Cost effective way to promote goods and services  The Value of mail is lost when the mail does not arrive, arrives late (“stale”), or is delivered to the wrong recipient ●Inaccurate/Inadequate address information ●Individuals have moved or are deceased ●Message is unwanted and/or offensive

3 Key Discoveries of This Workgroup  There is a broad range of perceptions about mail ●One person’s “junk” is another’s treasure  Suppression of deceased individuals is not always a good idea and has its own set of issues ●Memorial donations, legacy names  Mail causes a huge ripple in an even larger pond ●So many areas are impacted by mail  Jobs, economy, commerce  Keep it in perspective ●What is the value to each person, company, family  Political mailings, small business

4 Evolution of Identifying Mail Value  The industry has reacted and is actively responding to the myths and misunderstanding ●DMA Mail Preference File  Expanded its value by providing consumer choice  Removed the $1 fee  Promotion materials to espouse the value of mail ●Mail Moves America  Web page contains significant facts about the value of mail  Updated surveys on mail value ●Jobs, financial impact on the economy, political and non-profit dependencies

5 Workgroup Report and Results  Final editing stages of our report ●The value of mail – economic and environmental ●Setting the record straight – Responding to the myths, misunderstandings, and misguided comments about mail ●Keeping up with customers on the move ●Suppression Lists – what they are, how to use them ●Application of available address quality tools  Best practices and overall return on investment (ROI) ●Data Mining – targeting the right person the right way and reducing duplicate mail pieces within the same mailing ●How to get involved – sources for more information and associations  Plan to submit our report in mid February, 2008

6 Thank You Workgroup Contributors!  Adam Collinson, Pitney Bowes  Anita Pursley, Quebecor World  Ben Cooper, Mail Moves America  Benjy Uhl, nFocus  Bob Gillen, Epsilon  Carmen Diquollo, Time Customer Services  Charles Hunt, USPS  Christopher Lien, Business Objects  Chuck Cairatti, Parris Printing  Chuck Kettler, OnePass Data Solutions  Darron Holland, USPS  David Robinson, Pitney Bowes  David Dufford, RR Donnelley  Deborah Sanders, USPS  Diane Elmer, Cox Target Media  E. C. Nix, DST Output  Ed Gleiman, Direct Marketing Association  Gerri Harrison, Check Free  Hank Martin, Address Vision  Irene Chen, Pitney Bowes  Jay Chambers, Acxiom  Jerry Cerasale, Direct Marketing Association  Jim Wilson, USPS  Jody Berenblatt, Bank of America  Joe Lubenow, Lubenow and Associates  Kathy Pescetti, AdMail West  Keanon Swan, Sprint Mailing Services  Ken Miller, Pitney Bowes  Mark Zona, OnePass Data Solutions  Mike Fanning, USPS  Paul Robbertz, Pitney Bowes  Robert Dunhill, Dunhill International List  Roger Brown, Pitney Bowes  Steve Colella, Calmark, Inc.  Wallace Vingelis, Anchor Software  Wanda Senne, World Marketing  Wayne Orbke, Bowe Bell & Howell

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