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Steve Wheeler Faculty of Education University of Plymouth Web 2.0 and the Future of Higher Education Web 2.0 Workshop for the University of Bath June 23,

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Presentation on theme: "Steve Wheeler Faculty of Education University of Plymouth Web 2.0 and the Future of Higher Education Web 2.0 Workshop for the University of Bath June 23,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steve Wheeler Faculty of Education University of Plymouth Web 2.0 and the Future of Higher Education Web 2.0 Workshop for the University of Bath June 23, 2008 © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

2 The Answer is in the room... © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

3 Education needs transformation… “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school” – Einstein "In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad." - Nietzsche Source: Chambers English Dictionary © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

4 Education needs to be transformed… "Learning is what most adults will do for a living in the 21st century." – Perelman "I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think." - Socrates Source: © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

5 ....from this. To this.... What has actually changed?


7 Transformation… …to change people or things completely, especially improving their appearance or usefulness …to convert one form of energy to another Source: Chambers English Dictionary © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

8 The need for transformation… “Generally, teachers do not use ICT at all, or if they do, it is often reluctantly, and in a fashion that falls short of its full potential. This hardly represents a transformation of the way we learn.” - Wheeler Source: Wheeler, S. (2005) Transforming Primary ICT, p 1 © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

9 Rhizomatic Learning ““A rhizomatic plant has no centre and no defined boundary; rather, it is made up of a number of semi- independent nodes, each of which is capable of growing and spreading on its own, bounded only by the limits of its habitat.” © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

10 Rhizomatic Learning ““In the rhizomatic view, knowledge can only be negotiated, [and is] a personal knowledge- creation process with mutable goals and constantly negotiated premises.” Source: Cormier, D. (2008) © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

11 Wisdom of the crowd vs Stupidity of the mob A wiki principle

12 =?



15 =30 =33

16 The need for digital literacies… © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 What to store Where to store it How to find it How to apply it Other new literacies What format to use

17 The new digital literacies… © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 What to store Where to store it How to find it How to apply it [Other new literacies] What format to use Assessing value New rules (copyright) Avoiding plagiarism Mixing and mashing How to share

18 Source:

19 Can we get from this...?.... to this...?... And what do we need, to do it?

20 Web 2.0: the Social Web “The social web is transforming the way people use the Internet to do business, access information and connect with each other. It has revolutionised the way we are entertained, and altered forever the way we learn”. Source: John, P. & Wheeler, S. (2008) © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

21 Trends in Education © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Just in case

22 Trends in Education © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Just in case Just in time

23 Trends in Education © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Just in case Just in time Just for me

24 Trends in Education © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Just in case Just in time Just for me Apprenticeship model Standard Curriculum Bespoke Curriculum Personalised Learning

25 Trends in Education © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Just in case Just in time Just for me Apprenticeship model Standard Curriculum Bespoke Curriculum Personalised Learning Personal Learning Environment

26 Social Software for Personal Learning Personal Learning Environment Podcast Social Network Mobile Phone © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Chat

27 Social Software for Personal Learning Personal Learning Environment Podcast Social Network Wikis Mashup Mobile Phone © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 ? Blog Social Tags Chat

28 Social Software for Personal Learning Personal Learning Environment Podcast Blog E-Portfolio Social Network Wikis Mashup Social Tags Mobile Phone © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Evidence of Personal Learning ? Chat

29 Wiki Activities Establishing ‘wikiquette’ All about me Barriers to learning Gold mining Key message Mr Average In the News! To err is human What’s in a Name? Your Starter for 10… Measuring up (Evaluation) Measuring up (Evaluation) Supporting students with learning difficulties Supporting students with learning difficulties Live Wiki Example 

30 What do you think are the key benefits of the wiki? The main benefit is definitely the immediacy and interactivity and the possibility of sharing and solving problems with an online support group. (FE) Vast amount of people on the wiki sites that can help you find that important information. (ML) It provides an interactive forum where questions can be asked and answered both by students and tutors. (ML) The wiki has helped to develop new IT skills and encourage the group to interact more. (PR) The final thing I would like to say is the wiki encourages others on our course to communicate to each other and in a way that you wouldn't do in email. (HE) ML = Military PR = Prison FE = Further Ed HE = Higher Ed

31 What do you consider to be the main limitations of the wiki? No way of knowing if someone else is on the Wiki other than checking the recent changes (PR) …. I find the Wiki too complicated it's easier to just search on the internet to find what you want and it's quicker. (PR) I did struggle with the wiki initially e.g. trying to set up links and setting up new pages but I found with a bit of patience and perseverance I was able to do it in the end. Reading the instructions in the first place helps!!! (HE) …waiting for a response. Not everyone logs on regularly for various different reasons mostly very valid ones. (ML)

32 Any other comments? As a tool for meeting core elements of an educational training course I see this as a valuable tool. (PR) The main problem I had was logging on, then apparently erasing someone’s work accidently (not proven). Since then I have learnt how to: make links, post messages, add pictures and make better use of the web space information. (ML) If more people use (the) wiki then discussions are likely to be posted more frequently. (ML) You are relying on everyone to use it regularly to get the full benefit so users have to be engaged with it in some way. (HE) I think the greatest benefit would be when we've left the course and can't use the student portal, it would be good to catch up with each other. (HE)

33 Wiki activities – 5 stages (Wheeler, 2007) Exploration Exhibition Explanation Elaboration Evaluation

34 Wiki activities – 5 stages Exploration orientation, basic principles, making initial contact

35 Wiki activities – 5 stages Exhibition show and tell, share ideas, post links to resources

36 Wiki activities – 5 stages Explanation simple posting & editing, informing and describing

37 Wiki activities – 5 stages Elaboration collaboration in posting, dialogue and complex edits

38 Wiki activities – 5 stages Evaluation assess value, accuracy & significance of content

39 Wiki activities – 5 stages Exploration Exhibition Explanation Elaboration Evaluation orientation, basic principles, making initial contact show and tell, share ideas, post links to resources simple posting & editing, informing and describing collaboration in posting, dialogue and complex edits assess value, accuracy & significance of content Deeper Cognitive Engagement

40 Wiki activities – 5 stages Exploration Exhibition Explanation Elaboration Evaluation Social Academic Technical/Practical

41 Technology and Learning Student engagement Passive Active Exchange Swap traditional practices for technology Enrich Engage students by using richer mix of media Enhance Deepen learning through the use of technology Extend Change the content, process & location of learning Empower Empower students to take control of their own learning Learning Deep Shallow Source: National College of School Leadership, Nottingham (2006) © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

42 Learning Media Student engagement Passive Active TV Podcast CAL Blog Wiki Learning Deep Shallow Source: Wheeler, S. (2008) Social Network Chat Room Social Tagging © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Radio

43 Broadcast vs. Social Media Student engagement Passive Active TV Podcast CAL Blog Wiki Learning Deep Shallow Source: Wheeler, S. (2008) Social Network Chat Room Social Tagging © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Collaborative LearningIndependent Learning Social MediaBroadcast Media Radio

44 Formal vs. Informal Learning Student engagement Passive Active TV Podcast CAL Blog Learning Deep Shallow Social Network Informal Learning Formal Learning Source: Wheeler, S. (2008) Social Tagging Chat Room Wiki © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Radio

45 Student engagement Passive Active TV Podcast CAL Blog Wiki Learning Deep Shallow Social Network Chat Room Social Tagging Personal Learning Environment Source: Wheeler, S. (2008) © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008 Personal Learning Environment

46 Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth, UK Steve Wheeler University of Plymouth, UK Thank You © Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth, 2008

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