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AE6382 Introduction to Scripting AE 6382. What is a scripting l Scripting is the process of programming using a scripting language l A scripting language,

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1 AE6382 Introduction to Scripting AE 6382

2 What is a scripting l Scripting is the process of programming using a scripting language l A scripting language, like C, Fortran, and Java, has expressions, conditional statements, and loop statements. l Unlike C, Fortran, and Java a scripting language has u Loose typing u Interpreted rather than compiled u Usually as some higher level abstractions or built-in functionality

3 AE6382 Scripting Features l Scripting languages are generally interpreted rather than compiled l This results in slower execution times compared to a compiled language u C and Fortran are generally fastest u Java is compiled to bytecode that runs on a virtual machine and is slower u The implementation of each individual interpreter varies greatly – Perl, Python, and Ruby are compiled at runtime into an internal format that increases performance – Shell scripts and MATLAB re-evaluate each statement every time l Development cycle is shortened – edit/run

4 AE6382 Scripting Features l Scripting languages do not, in general, use strong typing of variables u A variable may during the course of execution contain strings, integers, and objects l Scripting languages frequently build into the basic language higher order abstractions u Text processing u Regular expressions u System interface mechanisms l Most scripting interpreters can be embeddedt into other programs to provide scripting capability within that program u Microsoft Office uses Visual Basic for Applications

5 AE6382 Scripting Languages l Simple command/shell scripting, level 1, is the simplest form of scripting l Intended to provide a “batch” execution capability l Unix/Linux u bash, ksh (Korn shell), sh (Bourne shell) u csh (C shell), tsch u These shells can work interactively or in script mode u Have basic programming constructs (if, loops, …) l Windows u cmd/command have no programming constructs u Windows PowerShell (4Q2006) will have extensive scripting based on C# language

6 AE6382 Scripting Languages l Limited scripting languages, level 2, have more sophisticated language structure but are limited in their native functionality u No native file I/O capability for example l JavaScript / Jscript / ECMAScript u Available on Unix/Linux and Windows u C based syntax u Used almost exclusively as the client-side scripting language in the various web browsers u Can be used as a system scripting language in Windows via the Windows Scripting Host u Not generally used in Unix/Linux for general purpose scripting – SpiderMonkey is C based JS interpreter – Rhino is Java based JS interpreter

7 AE6382 Scripting Languages l VBScript u Available only on Windows, based on Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) u Can be used as the client-side scripting language in Internet Explorer u Most often used with Windows Active Server Pages (ASP) for IIS based web sites u Can be used as a system scripting language in Windows via the Windows Scripting Host

8 AE6382 Scripting Languages l Full scripting languages, level 3, have a sophisticated language structure and extensive application support l Perl – Practical Extraction and Reporting Language u A procedure based language with support for objects u Extensive text processing capabilities and regular expressions u Extensible using modules u C based syntax with plethora of symbols u Developed in late 1980’s l Python (also Jython) u An object oriented language with some procedure traits u Extensible u A format based syntax u Developed in early 1990’s

9 AE6382 Scripting Languages l Ruby u An object oriented language u Extensible u C like syntax with minimal symbols (no {} () …) u Developed in early 1990’s l TCL – Tool Command Language u A procedural language u Extensible u A stack evaluation syntax, similar to Lisp (lots of []) u Developed as an embeddable scripting language u Developed in late 1980’s

10 AE6382 Scripting Languages l Other niche scripting languages u BeanShell – Makes it possible to use Java as a scripting language u REXX – C-like, objects, cross-platform, has a Java version

11 AE6382 Perl l General purpose scripting language – Practical Extraction and Reporting Language l Based on the Unix program awk in its early incarnation l Runs everywhere u On Unix/Linux it runs standalone using #! script file convention u On Windows it can run standalone or as an ActiveX scripting engine l Pros u Extensive text processing capabilities including built-in regular expressions u Can be easily extended, there is extensive support for all types of system programming u Has syntax to support object based programming u Most Unix system calls are built-in functions u The built-in system calls will do the right thing in Windows

12 AE6382 Perl l Cons u Can be difficult for beginners to learn u Variable naming scheme is initially confusing u There is a high learning curve

13 AE6382 Perl l Has 3 classes of variables u $var-scalar (integer, real, string,...) u @var-array of scalars, $var[0] u %var-hash of scalars, $var{key} l Has local, lexical, and global scoping of variables l Namespace separation l Objects and references are supported l Has the same set of operators as C plus some l Lexical and global scoping of variables l Statements end with ; l Comments are everything after # on a line l Functions sub name {... }

14 AE6382 Perl l Has the same set of operators as C plus some additional l Statements end with ; (semi-colon) l Comments are everything after # on a line l The usual complement of conditional statements u if – then – else (also unless – then – else) l The usual loop statements u for u for each u while l Functions and methods are defined similarly u sub name (…) { … }

15 AE6382 Perl l Loop statements for ($i=0 ; $i < 10 ; $i++) { printf “i=%4d\n”,$i; } while ( ) { print; } @list = (0,5,8,12); foreach $value (@list) { print “Value=$value\n”; } foreach $value (0,5,8,12) { print “Value=$value\n”; } %hash = (part1=>0,part3=>70,part2=>4); foreach $key (sort keys %hash) { print “Value=$hash{$key}\n”; }

16 AE6382 Perl l Logical statements if ($i == 1) { print “i=$i\n”; $i++; } die “Unable to open file” if !open(IN,”filename”); if ($i == 1) { print “Group 1\n”; } else { print “Unknown group\n”; } if ($i == 1) { print “Group 1\n”; } elsif ($i == 2) { print “Group 2\n”; } elsif ($i == 3) { print “Group 3\n”; } else { print “Unknown group\n”; } unless ($i == 1) { print “Error: i != 1\n”; $i++; }

17 AE6382 Perl l Native Regular Expression Support while (<>) { next if m/.*error.*/; print; } foreach $line (@lines) { next if $line =~ m/^#/; @values = ($line =~ m/.+a=([0-9]+).+c=([0-9]+)/); print “$values[0] $values[1]\n”; } @lines contains (an array of strings): # a b c a=10 b=23 c=16 a=12 b=43 c=17 a=63, b=2, c=999

18 AE6382 Perl l Support for objects u use Modulename; (include class definition) u $var = Modulename::new(); (instantiate object) u $var->method(...); (invoke method) u $var->{property}; (access property) l Does not have a class keyword, a class is defined as a Perl module where the functions are invoked as methods and the use of the bless keyword.

19 AE6382 M/S Scripting Documentation l Script56.chm is the Windows scripting documentation file l Local copy 382/MS_scripting/

20 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l General purpose scripting language l Usually appears only in web browsers l Available on most platforms u In Windows Jscript is available as an ActiveX scripting engine, when run under the Windows Scripting Host it can functions as a general scripting system l Pros u Its syntax is very much like C u It has support for objects l Cons u Limited availability u Has limited access to host system (security feature)

21 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Variables u Typeless, refer to primitive types and objects u Can be arrays u Declared with var statement l Uses the usual set of C operators with some additions l Statements are terminated with ; l Comments marked with // and /*... */ l Functions and methods are declared with function name (...) {... }

22 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Loop statements var stdout = WScript.StdOut; var i; for (i=0 ; i < 10 ; i++) { stdout.WriteLine(“i=“+i); } var stdout = WScript.StdOut; var stdin = WScript.StdIn; while (! stdin.AtEndOfStream) { line = stdin.ReadLine() stdout.WriteLine(line); } var stdout = WScript.StdOut; var array = new Array(3); array[0] = 2; array[1] = 12; array[2] = 70; for (var value in array) { stdout.WriteLine("Value: "+array[value]); }

23 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Logical statements if (i == 5) { stdout.WriteLine(“Equality failed); } if (i == 1) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 1”); } else { stdout.WriteLine(“Unknown group”); } if (i == 1) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 1”); } else if (i == 2) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 2”); } else if (i == 3) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 3”); } else { stdout.WriteLine(“Unknown group”); }

24 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Regular Expression Support var stdout = WScript.StdOut; var stdin = WScript.StdIn; var re = new RegExp(".*error.*","i"); while (! stdin.AtEndOfStream) { var line = stdin.ReadLine(); if (line.match(re)) { stdout.WriteLine(line); }

25 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Regular Expression Support var stdout = WScript.StdOut; var stdin = WScript.StdIn; var re1 = new RegExp("^#","i"); var re2 = new RegExp(".+a=([0-9]+).+c=([0-9]+)"); var lines = new Array(4); lines[0] = "# a b c"; lines[1] = " a=10 b=23 c=16"; lines[2] = " a=12 b=43 c=17"; lines[3] = " a=63, b=2, c=999"; for (var line in lines) { stdout.WriteLine(lines[line]); if (lines[line].match(re1)) continue; re2.exec(lines[line]); var avalue = RegExp.$1; var cvalue = RegExp.$2; stdout.WriteLine(avalue+", "+cvalue); } // lines contains (an array of strings): // # a b c // a=10 b=23 c=16 // a=12 b=43 c=17 // a=63, b=2, c=999

26 AE6382 JavaScript / JScript l Object support u var obj = new Object(); (instantiate object) u obj.method(...); (invoke method) u;(access property) u obj[“property”]; (access property)

27 AE6382 M/S Scripting Documentation l Script56.chm is the Windows scripting documentation file l Local copy 382/MS_scripting/

28 AE6382 VBScript l General purpose scripting language l Only available on Windows u Available as an ActiveX scripting engine, when run under the Windows Scripting Host it has general usage u Can be used as the client-side scripting in IE l Pros u Simple syntax (Basic) u Has support for objects l Cons u Windows only

29 AE6382 VBScript l Variables u Typeless, refer to primitive types and objects u Can be arrays u Declared with Dim statement l Uses a small subset of C operators l Statements are terminated by the end of line l Comments marked with ‘ (single quote character) l Subroutines Sub name

30 AE6382 VBScript l Loop statements Dim i i = 0 For i=0 To 9 Step 1 WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "i=" & i Next Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream Dim line line = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine() WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(line) Loop Dim d 'Create a variable Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") d.Add "0", "Athens" 'Add some keys and items d.Add "1", "Belgrade" d.Add "2", "Cairo" For Each I in d Document.frmForm.Elements(I).Value = D.Item(I) Next Do Until WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream Dim line line = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine() WScript.StdOut.WriteLine(line) Loop

31 AE6382 VBScript l Logical statements If i = 5 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Value is “ & i End If If i = 1 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine“Group 1” Else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Unknown group” End If If i = 1 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Group 1” ElseIf i = 2 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Group 2” ElseIf i = 3 Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Group 3” Else WScript.StdOut.WriteLine “Unknown group” End If

32 AE6382 VBScript l Regular Expression Support Dim re Set re = New RegExp re.Pattern = ".*error.*" re.IgnoreCase = True Do While Not WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream Dim line line = WScript.StdIn.Readline If re.Test(line) Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine line End If Loop

33 AE6382 VBScript l Regular Expression Support Dim line Dim i Dim match Dim re1, re2, matches, submatches Dim lines(4) lines(0) = "# a b c" lines(1) = " a=10 b=23 c=16" lines(2) = " a=12 b=43 c=17" lines(3) = " a=63, b=2, c=999" set re1 = New RegExp set re2 = New RegExp re1.Pattern = "^#" re2.Pattern = ".+a=([0-9]+).+c=([0-9]+)" For i=0 To 3 line = lines(i) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "--> " & line If Not re1.Test(line) Then ' WScript.StdOut.WriteLine line Set matches = re2.Execute(line) Set match = matches(0) WScript.StdOut.WriteLine match.SubMatches(0) & ", " & match.SubMatches(1) End If Next ' lines contains (an array of strings): ' # a b c ' a=10 b=23 c=16 ' a=12 b=43 c=17 ' a=63, b=2, c=999

34 AE6382 VBScript l Object support u Set obj = New Object(instantiate object) u obj.method(...)(invoke method) u property)

35 AE6382 Tcl l General purpose scripting language l Available on most platforms u In Windows it can run standalone an is also available as an ActiveX scripting engine l Pros u Interpreter has a small footprint u Easily embedded u Extensible using C l Cons u Strange syntax

36 AE6382 Tcl l Variables u Strings are the basic type u Can create lists and arrays l Uses the expr command to evaluate expressions l Format cmd op op... op l set var value (set counter 5) l Reference value: $counter (set i $counter) l Use [... ] to evaluate immediately

37 AE6382 Tcl l Loop statements for (set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i 3} { lappend aList $i } set aList set i 1 foreach value {1 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23} { set i [expr $i * $value] } set i foreach x [list $a $b [foo]] { puts stdout “x = $x” } set i 1 while {$i <= 10} { set product [expr $product * $i] incr i } set product

38 AE6382 Tcl l Logical statements if {$i == 5} { puts stdout “Equality failed” } if {i == 1} { puts stdout “Group 1” } else { puts stdout “Unknown group” } if {i == 1} { puts tdout “Group 1” } elseif (i == 2) { puts tdout “Group 2” } elseif (i == 3) { puts stdout “Group 3” } else { puts stdout “Unknown group” }

39 AE6382 Tcl l Logical statements if {$x == 0} { puts stderr “Divide by zero” if (i == 1) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 1”); } else { stdout.WriteLine(“Unknown group)”; } if (i == 1) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 1”); } else if (i == 2) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 2”); } else if (i == 3) { stdout.WriteLine(“Group 3”); } else { stdout.WriteLine(“Unknown group”); }

40 AE6382 Python l General purpose scripting language l Available on most platforms u On Unix/Linux it runs standalone using #! script file convention u In Windows it can run standalone an is also available as an ActiveX scripting engine l Designed from the start as an object oriented language l Pros u Has wide support and runs everywhere u Jython is a version coded in Java and can access Java classes directly l Cons u Has a syntax based on formatting

41 AE6382 Python l Variables u Typeless u Scalar name = “sam” u Lists names = [“sam”, “bill”, “ted”] u Tuples (1,2,5,20) u Dictionaries rooms = {“sam”:302,”bill”:305,”ted”:401} l Namespace separation (packages) l Block structure is indicated by spacing l Strings are immutable

42 AE6382 Python l Loop statements Count = 0 for line in range(0..10): count = count + 1 print count Count = 10 While count < 10: count = count + 1

43 AE6382 Python l Conditional statements Value = 2 if value%2 == 0: print “Value is even” else: print “Value is odd”

44 AE6382 Python l Object support u Class definition u Object instantiation – obj = Special() u Method invocation – obj.method1(…) class Special: def __init__(self): self.count = 0 def method1(self,…): … def method2(self,…): …

45 AE6382 Ruby l General purpose scripting language l Available on most platforms u On Unix/Linux it runs standalone using #! script file convention l Designed from the start as an object oriented language l Pros u Is becoming widely used u Has a more conventional syntax without the clutter of C and Perl l Cons u Is relatively new on scene

46 AE6382 Ruby l Variables u Typeless u $global_variable u @@class_variable u @instance_variable u local_variable l Types of variables u Scalar name = “sam” u Arrays names = [“sam”, “bill”, “ted”], names[2] u Hashes rooms = {“sam”:302,”bill”:305,”ted”:401}, rooms{“sam} l Namespace separation

47 AE6382 Ruby l Loop statements count = 1 while count < 10 count = count + 1 end count = 1 until count == 10 count = count + 1 end loop count = count + 1 end count = 1 begin count = count + 1 end while count < 10 count = 1 begin count = count + 1 end until count == 10

48 AE6382 Ruby l Conditional statements value = 6 if value%3 == 0 print “remainder 0” elsif value%3 == 1 print “remainder 1” else print “remainder 2” end value = 6 unless value == 6 print “value is not 6 end print “stop” if value == 0

49 AE6382 Ruby l Object support u Class definition u Object instantiation – obj = u Method invocation – obj.method1(…) class special def initialize … end def method1(…) … end def method2(…) … end

50 AE6382 Scripting in Unix l The usual method of executing a script in Unix/Linux is to include the location of the interpreter on line 1 u #!/usr/bin/perl u #!/usr/bin/sh l The script must be readable and executable by the user attempting to run it

51 AE6382 Scripting in Windows l The usual method of executing a script in windows is to associate a file extension with the interpreter u file.plPerl script u file.pyPython script u file.cmdCommand file l Alternate methods are used for scripts that are to be run by resident ActiveX scripting engines u wscript u cscript u wsf – Windows Scripting File u hta – HTML Applications

52 AE6382 M/S Scripting Documentation l Script56.chm is the Windows scripting documentation file l Local copy 382/MS_scripting/

53 AE6382 Scripting in Windows l sample1.js u execute from cmd prompt> cscript sample1.js // Get the stdin and stdout descriptors // The WScript object is created automatically by WSH var stdin = WScript.StdIn; // properties var stdout = WScript.StdOut; // Get the value to pass to program stdout.WriteLine("Enter value for i: "); var i = stdin.ReadLine(); stdout.WriteLine("Enter value for j: "); var j = stdin.ReadLine(); // Create an instance of the WshShell object (COM object) var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // Run with access to programs I/O var WshScriptExec = WshShell.Exec("program1"); // Write to the running programs stdio WshScriptExec.StdIn.WriteLine(" "+i+" "+j); // Wait for the running program to exit while (WshScriptExec.Status != 1) { ; } // Read from the running programs stdout var output = WshScriptExec.StdOut.ReadLine(); stdout.WriteLine("Output from program: "+output);

54 AE6382 Scripting in Windows l sample1.wsf u execute from cmd prompt> sample1.wsf // Get the stdin and stdout descriptors // The WScript object is created automatically by WSH var stdin = WScript.StdIo; // properties var stdout = WScript.StdOut; // Get the value to pass to program stdout.WriteLine("Enter value for i: "); var i = stdin.ReadLine(); stdout.WriteLine("Enter value for j: "); var j = stdin.ReadLine(); // Create an instance of the WshShell object (COM object) var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); // Run with access to programs I/O var WshScriptExec = WshShell.Exec("program1"); // Write to the running programs stdio WshScriptExec.StdIn.WriteLine(" "+i+" "+j); // Wait for the running program to exit while (WshScriptExec.Status != 1) { ; } // Read from the running programs stdout var output = WshScriptExec.StdOut.ReadLine(); stdout.WriteLine("Output from program: "+output);

55 AE6382 Windows Scripting Host l WSH is the context within which VBScript and JScript run l PerlScript and PythonScript are also available l Start WSH scripts using cscript or wscript u cscript - console mode u wscript - windows mode, no stdin, stdout, or stderr l The WSF format can contain several scripts in one text file

56 AE6382 Component Object Model COM l Why use COM l The Component Object Model (COM) is the key to making full use of Windows l COM is accessible from C++ and scripting l Scripting an application is called automation l Also referred to as ActiveX and OLE

57 AE6382 Objects in COM l A class defines an object u Properties are variables u Methods are functions l When a class is instantiated an object is created u Each object has its own copy of the properties u When a method is invoked it operates on only the object that is the target of the invocation

58 AE6382 Objects in COM l An application can make many classes available for use via COM l The client code (a script for example) must create an instance of the class (an object) and save a reference in a variable l The application’s methods may then be invoked on that object to access the application l Using Windows Script Components (see Script56.CHM) scripts can be made available to other COM clients via COM

59 AE6382 Objects in COM l Two methods for accessing COM u vtables – C/C++ u Dispatch – scripts l Classes contain properties and methods l Collections are classes that enumerate objects Dim worksheets, worksheet, excel... Set worksheet = excel.Worksheets(“sheet1”)... Set worksheet = excel.Worksheets(2)... ‘ excel is an instance of Excel.Application ‘ worksheet is an instance of Worksheet class ‘ ‘ implied Item method ‘ Set worksheet = excel.Worksheets.Item(2)

60 AE6382 Creating a COM Object Instance l Scripting languages have a mechanism for instantiating a COM class Perl: use Win32::OLE;... my $excel = Win32::OLE->new(‘Excel.Application’); JScript: var excel = new ActiveXObject(“Excel.Application”); VBScript: Dim excel Set excel = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”); Python: import win32com.client... excel = win32com.client.Dispath(“Excel.Application”);

61 AE6382 Creating a COM Object Instance l Once top level object has been created the remaining hierarchy is accessed as per the language’s normal object mechanism l Tcl and Ruby can also instantiate COM objects

62 AE6382 Object Models l Every COM enabled Windows application has an object model l Requires knowledge of object model to access application l Discovering the object model u Use documentation (Office is documented) u Use an object browser and trial and error – ActiveState Perl includes a simple Object Browser – Visual Studio include an Object Browser

63 AE6382 Example - Perl #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use Win32::OLE qw(in with); use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Excel'; use Win32::OLE::Variant; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:LOCALE :DATE); # Program dies on errors $Win32::OLE::Warn = 3; # The use of ' rather than " is noted my $excel_file = 'c:\latham\ae8801d\perltut.xls'; # Create a connection to Excel # Try to use an existing object else create a new object my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application','Quit'); print "ERROR: ",$Win32::OLE::LastError,"\n" if $Win32::OLE::LastError; # Turn off any alter boxes (such as the SaveAs response) $Excel->{DisplayAlerts} = 0; # Make Excel visible on the desktop $Excel->{Visible} = 1; # Add a workbook and save the file my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Add(); $Book->SaveAs($excel_file); # To open an existing file replace above with # my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open($excel_file);

64 AE6382 Example – Perl # Create a reference to a worksheet my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets('Sheet1'); $Sheet->Activate(); $Sheet->{Name} = "sample_sheet"; # Insert some data into the worksheet my ($mday,$mon,$year) = (localtime(time))[3,4,5]; $year += 1900; my $str = $mon.'/'.$mday.'/'.$year; $Sheet->Range("a1")->{Value} = $str; $Sheet->Range("c1")->{Value} = "This is a long piece of text"; # Save $Book->SaveAs($excel_file); # Set cell colors via a loop foreach my $y (1..56) { my $range = 'b'.$y; $Sheet->Range($range)->Interior->{ColorIndex} = $y; $Sheet->Range($range)->{Value} = $y } # Re-format existing cell my $range = 'A1'; $Sheet->Range($range)->Interior->{ColorIndex} = 27; $Sheet->Range($range)->Font->{FontStyle} = "Bold"; $Sheet->Range($range)->{HorizontalAlignment} = xlHAlignCenter; # Set column widths my @columnheaders = qw(A:B); foreach my $range (@columnheaders) { $Sheet->Columns($range)->AutoFit(); } $Sheet->Columns("c")->{ColumnWidth} = 56;

65 AE6382 Example - Perl # Insert borders around cells my @edges = qw(xlEdgeBottom xlEdgeLeft xlEdgeRight xlEdgeTop xlInsideHorizontal xlInsideVertical); $range = "b1:c56"; foreach my $edge (@edges) { with (my $Borders = $Sheet->Range($range)->Borders(eval($edge)), LineStyle => xlContinuous, Weight => xlThin, ColorIndex => 1); } # Insert a picture my $picture1 = $Excel->Worksheets('Sheet2')->Shapes->AddPicture('c:\latham\ae8801d\image.jpg',-1,-1,0,0,200,200); $Excel->Worksheets('Sheet2')->{Name} = "B-17"; #$picture1->{Left} = 100; #$picture1->{Top} = 100; # Save $Book->SaveAs($excel_file); # Create a chart my $Sheet3 = $Excel->Worksheets('Sheet3'); my $Chart1 = $Sheet3->ChartObjects->Add(200,200,200,200); $Sheet3->{Name} = "Chart Example"; $Chart1->Chart->ChartWizard({Source => $Sheet3->Cells(1)}); $Chart1->Chart->SeriesCollection(1)->{Values} = [19,3,24,56,34,33,16,10,3,100]; # Print a list of the worksheets foreach my $Sheet (in $Book->{Worksheets}) { print "Worksheet:\t",$Sheet->{Name},"\n"; } print "Ready to quit"; <>; exit;

66 AE6382 Example - JScript // var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); excel.DisplayAlerts = 0; excel.Visible = 1; var book = excel.Workbooks.Add(); var sheet = book.Worksheets("Sheet1"); sheet.Activate(); sheet.Name = "sample sheet"; var wk2 = excel.Worksheets("Sheet2"); var pic1 = wk2.Shapes.AddPicture("c:\\latham\\ae8801d\\image.jpg",-1,-1,100.,100.,100.,50.); wk2.Name = "B-17"; pic1.Left = 100; pic1.Top = 100; WScript.Echo("Hello"); WScript.Sleep(2000); excel.Worksheets(1).Activate(); WScript.Sleep(2000); excel.Worksheets(2).Activate(); WScript.Sleep(2000); excel.Worksheets(3).Activate(); WScript.Sleep(2000); //var stdout = WScript.StdOut; //var stdin = WScript.StdIn; //var answer = stdin.ReadLine(); //stdout.WriteLine(answer); excel.Quit(); // var in = File("stdin"); // fgets(in);

67 AE6382 Example - Python import win32com.client excel = win32com.client.Dispatch("Excel.Application","Quit") excel.DisplayAlerts = 0 excel.Visible = 1 book = excel.Workbooks.Add() sheet = book.Worksheets("Sheet1") sheet.Activate() sheet.Name = "sample sheet" picture = excel.Worksheets("Sheet2").Shapes.AddPicture("c:\\latham\\ae8801d\\image.jpg",-1,-1,100.,100.,100.,50.) excel.Worksheets("Sheet2").Name = "B-17" picture.Left = 100 picture.Top = 100 # Create a chart #sheet = excel.Worksheets('Sheet3'); #chart1 = sheet.ChartObjects.Add(200,200,200,200); #sheet.Name = "Chart Example"; #chart1.Chart.ChartWizard({Source => $Sheet3->Cells(1)}); #chart1.Chart.SeriesCollection(1)->{Values} = [19,3,24,56,34,33,16,10,3,100]; print "Hello from" answer = raw_input("Quit ? ") excel.Quit();

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