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Sustainability Seattle-Style Demand-side Strategies Margaret Pageler Urban Sustainability Advisor & Former Councilmember, City of Seattle.

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Presentation on theme: "Sustainability Seattle-Style Demand-side Strategies Margaret Pageler Urban Sustainability Advisor & Former Councilmember, City of Seattle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sustainability Seattle-Style Demand-side Strategies Margaret Pageler Urban Sustainability Advisor & Former Councilmember, City of Seattle

2 Sustainability imperative –accommodate growth –reduce consumption assessment –project demand –compare new supply with demand reduction goal –measurable goals and targets –community participation strategies –reducing waste and consumption outcomes –transparent –accountable

3 fast growing prosperous environmentally aware Seattle

4 city-owned electric utility customers inside and outside city limit enterprise fund: tariffs must pay all capital and operation costs Seattle City Light

5 water, sewer, drainage, garbage water serves the region of 1.3 million people enterprise fund: tariffs must pay all capital and operating costs Seattle Public Utilities

6 Energy conservation imperative –70’s oil embargo –nuclear power proposal assessment –energy savings less cost than nukes –Conservation Potential Assessment goal –use cost effective conservation to meet load growth strategies –tiered tariffs –rebates/incentives –market transformation –messaging –metering, measuring, reporting outcomes –load reduced 10% = 82,300 homes –customers saved $310 million –greenhouse gas emissions beats Kyoto targets

7 Recycling imperative –landfill is full (1987) –incinerator is proposed assessment –identified cost-effective recyclables goal –60% recycling in ten years strategies –free curbside pickup –tiered tariffs –market transformation –messaging –measuring, reporting outcomes –recycling at 38% –mandatory in 2004

8 Water conservation imperative –drought –endangered salmon runs assessment –identified 30 million gallons per day (113 ML) potential demand reductions goal –1% per capita reduction in water use each year for 10 years strategies –tiered seasonal tariffs –rebates/incentives –market transformation –messaging –metering, measuring, reporting outcomes –total water use at 1960’s levels despite rapid population growth –improved stream flows for salmon

9 Environmental management example - Environmental Management Office initiatives: –retrofit city buildings –pesticide-free parks –eco-procurement –green building –double-sided copying –greening the city fleet –urban reforestation benchmark best practices world- wide - ICLEI

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