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University of South Carolina FY2007-2008 Preliminary Budget Board of Trustees Executive Committee June 8, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "University of South Carolina FY2007-2008 Preliminary Budget Board of Trustees Executive Committee June 8, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of South Carolina FY2007-2008 Preliminary Budget Board of Trustees Executive Committee June 8, 2007

2 2 The University of South Carolina budget presented today is pending final action on the Appropriations bill for the 2007-2008 fiscal year. The state funds information contained in the preliminary document is subject to change due to the final Conference Committee budget and any subsequent action by the Governor.

3 Tuition and Fees

4 4 Estimated Resident Undergraduate Cost per Semester Academic Years 2006-07 to 2007-08

5 5 Allocation of Undergraduate Resident Tuition Mandated Fee Distribution 2007-08 Proposed

6 6 Required Tuition & Fees per Semester for Full-time Students Current 2006-07 to Proposed 2007-08

7 7 Senior & Regional Campuses Required Tuition & Fees per Semester for Full-time Students Current 2006-07 to Proposed 2007-08

8 Fee Distribution Changes from FY2007 to FY2008

9 9 Columbia Campus Transportation Fee - NEW FEE - FT - $10 per semester, PT - $1.50 per credit hour To cover increased cost of operating shuttle bus service across campus Student Activities - FT increase of $2 from $68 to $70 per semester to cover SGTV - supported by Student Government; PT - $.50 per credit hour Student Health Center - FT increase of $5 from $146 to $151 per semester as third year of three year approved budget from FY2006 Beginning with FY2009 budget development, request will be annual Athletics - FT increase of $20 from $32 to $52 per semester to cover increased costs for supporting gender equity Summary of Distribution Changes

10 10 Summary of Distribution Changes Aiken Campus Student Health – FT increase to $32 per semester to cover inflationary increases and to provide additional 10 hours per week of health services to students; no PT increase Athletic Activities – FT increase to $190 per semester; PT increase to $17 per credit hour to cover increased cost of Athletic Scholarships in proportion to tuition and fee increases on campus Academic Support Services - Remove current BMF; academic support services fee will be eliminated; all of these services will be continued within the E&G budget Beaufort Campus Campus Activities - FT increase to $82 per semester; PT to $9 per credit hour to add intramural and recreational activities for student life Athletic Activity -NEW FT rate at $50 per semester; NEW PT rate at $4 per credit hour; to establish athletic activities Upstate Campus Athletic Activities – FT increase to $442 per semester; PT increase to $37 per credit hour to remove reliance of "A" funds for athletic activities, including salaries; year 2 of 2 phase-in Lancaster Campus Renovation Reserve - FT increase of $50 per semester to $75; NEW PT $2 per credit hour to cover campus deferred maintenance Athletic Activities - NEW FT $10 per semester; NEW PT $1 per credit hour to begin athletics program Salkehatchie Campus Campus Activities - FT increase to $20 per semester; PT increase to $8 per credit hour for additional funding for increased activities and increased enrollments Athletic Activities - FT increase athletics fee to $20 per semester; PT to $6.50 per semester to cover athletics programs Sumter Campus Renovation Reserve - FT increase to $33 per semester; PT increase $2.75 per credit hour for additional funding for facilities projects Union Campus No changes proposed

11 Columbia Campus Budget FY2008

12 12 USC Columbia – General “A” Funds Summary of Budgetary Changes (FY2008 vs FY2007)

13 13 USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Recurring Funding Recommendations

14 14 USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Recurring Funding Recommendations

15 15 USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Recurring Funding Recommendations

16 16 USC Columbia Campus – FY 2008 New and Continuing Non-Recurring Funding Recommendations

17 17 Source of “A” Funds

18 18 Use of “A” Funds

19 System Budget FY2008

20 20 FY 2008 State Funding Excluding Estimated Pay Package, Health Insurance and Retirement Allocation

21 21 USC System Total Current Funds Budget

22 22 Revenues Expenditures University of South Carolina System Proposed Budget FY2007-08 Total Current Funds

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