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Multiple Object Pronouns Yippee!. Je mange la pomme. Rewrite the sentence to say: I eat it.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple Object Pronouns Yippee!. Je mange la pomme. Rewrite the sentence to say: I eat it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple Object Pronouns Yippee!

2 Je mange la pomme. Rewrite the sentence to say: I eat it.

3 Je mange la pomme. Rewrite the sentence to say: I eat it. Je mange LA POMME Je mange LA. Remember the French say: I it eat. Je la mange.

4 Use le, la, les et l to say it or them for DIRECT OBJECTS How do you say: I give the road map to Suzanne.

5 How do you say: I give the road map to Suzanne. To SUZANNE is not a Direct Object… It does not answer the question WHO or WHAT. To Suzanne does answer the question TO WHOM or FOR WHOM So that means it is an INDIRECT OBJECT

6 What are the possibilities for INDIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS Dealing with people in French? LUI or LEUR

7 I give the road map to Suzanne. Je donne la carte routiere à Suzanne. Now replace à Suzanne with an indirect object pronoun for people Which pronoun would you use? LUI --à + a person Use LEUR for à + people It is really that simple! Je lui donne la carte routiere.

8 The order is still a little weird (for an English-speaker.) The French say: I to her give the road map. Now write the sentence: I give the road map to Suzanne In French. Je lui donne la carte routiere.

9 That was easy, nest-ce pas? Lets make it harder. Write: I give the road map to Suzanne. Replace ROAD MAP with a direct object pronoun Replace TO SUZANNE with an indirect object pronoun for people Je la lui donne.

10 La= la carte routiere Lui= à Suzanne In French both Direct and Indirect object pronouns come Before the verb, or the helper verb, or the infinitive.

11 When you have a direct and indirect object pronoun in the same sentence what is the order? Je la lui donne. Elle le lui fait. Oui, the le, la, les, l comes first. Then you insert the lui, leur

12 Try a few: 1.Je donne le plan à Joseph. 2.Elle écrit ladresse pour Marie et Michelle. 3.Vous avez vendu la voiture à Pierre. 1.Je le lui donne. 2.Elle la leur écrit. 3.Vous la lui avez vendue. Eh oui, dont forget to make PAST PARTICIPLE AGREEMENT when you have A PRECEDING DIRECT OBJECT in the Passé Composé

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