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Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 1 Status Report for France SISMER Systèmes d’Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer French National Oceanographic.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 1 Status Report for France SISMER Systèmes d’Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer French National Oceanographic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 1 Status Report for France SISMER Systèmes d’Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer French National Oceanographic Data Centre Catherine Maillard, Michèle Fichaut, Gilbert Maudire, Eric Moussat, Loic Petit de la Villéon IODE Data Centre Meeting BODC, Liverpool, UK, April 10-11 2006

2 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 2 History and missions of the Data Centre SISMER (Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la Mer) is the Designated National Oceanographic Data Centre for France (French NODC) for the International Oceanographic Data Exchange programme (IODE) of UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC). It was created in 1990, following the former Bureau National des Données Océaniques (BNDO created in 1968) and belongs to the Informatics and Marine Data Department (IDM) of IFREMER, the main French government research agency devoted to ocean research and exploitation.

3 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 3 IFREMER IFREMER (the French Institute of Research and Exploitation of the Sea), a public institute of industrial and commercial nature, created by a decree of 5 June 1984, is the only French body with an exclusively maritime vocation. It is placed under the joint authority of the Ministries of Research and Technology, of Fisheries and Equipment and Transport. Annual budget : 150million €, 1700 executives, researchers, engineers, seamen, technicians and administrative staff Around 70 laboratories of research or service departments, located in 5 centres (Boulogne-sur-mer, Brest, Nantes, Toulon, Tahiti) and 21 stations along the entire coastline of metropolitan France and in French overseas territories 7 vessels (3 for coastal seas), 1 manned + 1 remote submersibles (Nautile and Victor), various anchored and drifting platforms equipped with scientific instruments.

4 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 4 Computer and Marine Data Department (IDM)

5 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 5 Reference Geographical Data GIS Michel BELLOUIS Patrick DANEL SISMER Team and main Activities Head : Catherine MAILLARD Secretary (with ISI): Béatrice MILOSAVLJEVIC (1/2) National Physical and Chemical Data Bank Michèle FICHAUT Françoise LE HINGRAT Nolwenn CARN Fabrice LEBEL (with Coriolis DC) National Geophysical and Geological Data Bank Eric MOUSSAT Céline CORDIER Martine PENNEC (BRGM, 1/2) Guillaume GALIBERT Operational Oceanography ARGO/Coriolis DC Loic PETIT DE LA VILLEON Christine COATANOAN Vincent BERNARD Yvette RAGUENES (*) Philippe LAINE (SHOM, ½) Pascal ROGARD (SHOM, ½) Total staff (full time equivalent )= IFREMER permanent 12 temporary 2 SHOM (Hydrographic Service of the Navy) 1 BRGM (Geological Survey) 0.5

6 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 6 SISMER MISSIONS To design and operate scientific information systems and databases in the domain of the sea; To set the standards of quality to be respected for data storage; To maintain an inventory of information systems and databases, the responsible scientists and rules for their availability; To represent IFREMER within national and international authorities concerned with the management of sea data; To provide training and transfer of knowledge within its field of competence.

7 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 7 Theme 1 – MAIN COMMON EQUIPMENTS IN THE SERVICE OF THE OCEANOGRAPHY PROGRAM: OCEANOGRAPHIC DATA CENTRES Oceanographic Cruises Data – National Data Banks (Eric MOUSSAT) National Geophysical and Geological Data Bank (Eric MOUSSAT) National Physical and Bio-chemical Data bank (Michèle Fichaut) Inventories: CSR, EDMED, EDIOS, EDMERP, CDI (SEASEARCH) Common Data management Software Tools, SEXTANT SIG (Claude MARCHALOT) SEADATANET (C. MAILLARD, G. MAUDIER, M. FICHAUT, V. HARSCOET) Merging (Mutualisation) of the physical data centres (Loïc PETIT DE LA VILLEON) Theme 2 - SURVEILLANCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE COASTAL ZONES PROGRAM: ENVIRONNEMENT HEALTH AND SAFETY OF THE CONSUMER MEDICIS Mediterranean integrated Project (MATER, MEDATLAS) (Axel ROMANA) Theme 3: AQUACULTURE, Theme 4: FISHERIES RESOURCES Theme 5: EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION OF OCEAN Floor PROGRAM: MINERAL RESOURCES, SEDIMENT PROCESSES AND IMPACT ON THE ECOSYSTEMS Margins Exploration and mapping EXTRAPLAC Database, DORSALES/RIDGE (E. Moussat) Benthic Ecosystems (J. Galéron) BIOCEAN Database (G. Maudire) Multidisciplinary Sea Bottom observatories (R. Person) ESONET Data management (G. Maudire) Theme 6: MARINE CIRCULATION AND ECOSYSTEMS, EVOLUTION AND PREVISION PROGRAM: DEEP SEA OPERATIONAL SYSTEMS (SOPHA) Centre de données in-situ, Thierry Carval, Loic Peitit de la Villeon Systèmes d'information pour SOPHA, Gilbert Maudire Centre de données spatiales and CATSJean-François Piollé PROGRAM: COASTAL OPERATIONAL OCEANOGRAPHY (OCO) OCO Data Centre (Michèle FICHAUT) SISMER PROJECTS

8 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 8 General Inventories Cruises summary reports (ROSCOP/CSR French Directory of Marine data (EDMED - MEDI) European Directory of Initial Observation Systems (EDIOS) Environmental Reserach Projects (EDMERP) Common Data Index (CDI) Ifremer database + Contribution to Sea-Search portal

9 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 9 National Physical and Bio-Chemical Data Bank Main data sets in the national archives: CTD profiles30167 Bottle Cast profiles 41803 Current Meter Time Series 2093 Underway ADCP 80 Thermistor Chain Time Series 123 Sea surface salinity from TSG (cruises) 274 Related Projects : GODAR/WESTPAC/MEDAR/MEDATLAS, MATER, OCTOPUS, ACME, Bay of BISCAYE

10 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 10

11 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 11 ADCP Data processed in NRT in 2005

12 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 12 Operational Oceanography CORIOLIS Database

13 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 13 GOSUD Data

14 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 14 French RV Contribution to GOSUD

15 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 15 Operational Oceanography CORIOLIS Database

16 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 16 FORMATS Meta-data : RDBS Small-medium size files : autodescriptive ASCII (MEDATLAS) Large volume files : NetCDF (Argo, geophysical Data) Marine XML: transfer protocol for communication and web services

17 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 17 Quality Assurance Methodology QC0 : Check the format and the completeness of the information QC1 : Check the location and date QC2 : Check the data points Results GTSPP Quality flag to each numerical value (Physical-bio- chemical data) References - Standards CIEM-Marine Data Management working Group (CIEM) UNESCO/COI/IODE : International Oceanographic Data & Information Exchange

18 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 18 QC1 Control of the location and Date - Data collected in station

19 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 19 QC2 - Control of the Data points

20 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 20 QC1: Control of the location and Date - Time series on fixed mooring

21 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 21 National Geophysical & Geological Data Bank Content of the French National Archives (in number of cruises): PROCESSED R.V. NAVIGATION OF IFREMER & IPEV: 872 MULTIBEAM ECHO-SOUNDINGS: 386 BATHYMETRY : SINGLE-BEAM ECHOSOUNDING: 523 UNDERWAY MARINE GRAVITY DATA: 347 UNDERWAY MARINE MAGNETIC DATA: 283 MGD77 (international exchange format) 232 Imagery data of multibeam echosounders: 168 Seismics 57 Geological samples database BGM (joint project with French Geological Survey) Related Projects : National Bank, DORSALES-RIDGE, EUROSEISMICS, EXTRAPLAC

22 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 22

23 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 23 BGMB Sampling distriution around the metropolitan France

24 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 24 DORSALES-RIDGE

25 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 25 Visualisation of Seismic (SEGY) data on the Web Free software Seismic Unix (SU)

26 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 26 Reference Data – SEXTANT Coastal GIS Dissemination on Internet or Intranet depending on copyright Gridded Climatologies (Levitus, MEDATLAS, Reynaud..) Topographic Data (ETOP5, TOPO_2mn, Gravi_2mn, SHOM &IGN shoreline..) Tide Predictions - SHOM Data products on CDroms & diskettes received at SISMER Cadastral, economical and administrative information Dissemination on

27 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 27 Data Circulation Compilation Reformatting Scientific processing & validation in laboratories Data Collection by Research Laboratories on ships Data file Archiving By moored of drifting observing systems Data Management by the Data Centre QC RDBS Server Meta-data + RT data + control system LABORATORIES EDIOS MOORINGS CEDMED ROSCOP/CSR EUROSEISMIC Dissemination W W W server ftp other media

28 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 28 SISMER Data Management System Metadata SISMER Server Database Scientific Files ASCII, NetCdf RT & Upper ocean Data Coriolis Database www/ Standardized Transfer Protocol (XML) Standardized interface

29 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 29 DISSEMINATION TOOLS Web portals ftp sites for regular disseminations (modellers, IODE..) Manual processing to emails requests ( Specific products on Cdrom Annual Cruise Reports on paperprint

30 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 30 Nautilus Portal

31 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 31 Where? Geographical Selection

32 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 32 WHO? WHEN ? HOW? WHAT?

33 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 33 Development for on line data access Two software elements :  user interface (navigator)  interface between navigator and local data system (integrator) able to read standardized queries and to return meta- data and data Data Centre n Data Centre 1 Standardized interface Standardized Transfer Protocol & Interface Metadata Data Catalogue « Navigator » Web browser Queries

34 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 34 Publication Tools Data products on Cdrom  Regional DB for training etc. é data selection through several criterions including geographical areas – several output formats including ODV compatible

35 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 35 Manual Data Dissemination +  web site: about 1000 hit /day (excluding robots), a third of it for the cruise catalogue  Coriols Site: > 1000 data access/year

36 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 36 TOPICS 1 - Coastal and deep sea operational oceanography data systems 2. - Physical and bio-chemical databases for climate studies - this topic includes multidisciplinary data systems able to manage data collected from various sources and instruments over several years 3. - Geophysical and geological Data systems 4. - Standards and quality assurance issues for real time and delayed mode data management 5. - Marine GISs. 6. - Communication technologies and internet data services 7. - Marine Socio-Economical data and information systems related to the sea About 150 participants  presentations available on:

37 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 37 Conclusions: Main Recent Activities (2005-2006) New internet portal with on-line access to data Specifications for the merging of RT+DM physical & bio-chemical databases Improvement of the communication with the users/providers community: How to improve the visibility and get a better feedback from the users ? How to improve the data compilation? University Courses (E. Moussat, M. Fichaut, G. Maudire) International Conference IMDIS French Users Forum + letter (in French, 440 copies disseminated) Preparation of SEADATANET

38 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 38 Sea level time series NILOMETRE ®

39 Computer and Marine Data Department - SISMER 39 Visit our site: Thanks for your attention

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