1 Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley 1.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley Healthy Youth Survey Forum Growing Up In Snoqualmie Valley 1

2 Age of Onset – Alcohol, Cigarette and Marijuana Use – 2004-2008 Average Age=12.5 Average Age=13 Average Age=14 Average Age=13 Average Cumulative rate! 2

3 Trends in 30 day use among 13- 14 year old youth - 2000-2010 N=78/353N=44/441 3 N=35/353N=22/441 N=34/422 N=17/422

4 Trends in 30 day use among 15- 16 year old youth - 2000-2010 N=153/347N=129/404 4 N=90/347N=103/404 N=122/420 N=84/420

5 Trends in 30 day use among 17- 18 year old youth - 2000-2010 N=182/326N=161/337 5 N=114/326N=111/337 N=197/394 N=122/394

6 My best friends are “smoking”, “drinking”, “using and selling” drugs. – ages 15 - 18 - “1 or more friends” Ages 15-18 = Grades 10-12 6 70% Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana 58% Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana 53% Cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana

7 Growing Up in The Valley (Cohort 8, 10 & 12) - Alcohol Use – 30 day Use 7

8 Growing Up in The Valley (Cohort 8, 10 & 12) – Marijuana Use – 30 day Use 8

9 Riding in a car – driver has been drinking & Driving a vehicle under the influence in the past month ages 15 - 18 - % Yes 9

10 Skipping and Cutting Classes! Monthly – 2004-2010 10

11 Bullying in the Past Month (school climate) Trend - 2004-2010 Grades 6-12 Total N=641/2570 11

12 Risk of Youth Depression Trend 2004-2010 Grades 8-12 Total N=577/1781 12

13 Suicide Ideation (plan & attempt) Trend 2004-2010 “plan” Grades 8-12 Total N=327/1781 13

14 Poor Family Management Risk Factor Trend - 2000-2010 Between 30-60% 14

15 Getting caught by parents? % No - 2004-2010 15

16 At a party, would you drink alcohol if offered by a friend? % Drink it! 16

17 Thank You! 17

18 Three Risk Factors Associated with Antisocial Behaviors 15-16 year old youth - 2000-2010 Favorable Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behaviors Rewards for Antisocial Involvement Interaction with Antisocial Peers 15

19 Fighting in the Past Year (community & school) Trend - 2004-2010 14

20 Harassment in the Past Month 8 th Grade (school climate) - 2004-2010 11

21 Harassment in the Past Month 10 th Grade (school climate) - 2006-2010 12

22 Harassment in the Past Month 12 th Grade (school climate) - 2006-2010 13

23 Four Risk Factors Related to Drug Use 15-16 year old youth - 2000-2010 Favorable Attitudes Toward Drug Use, Friends' Use of Drugs Perceived Risk of Drug Use, Intention to Use 6

24 At a party, would you drink alcohol if offered by a friend? % Refuse it! 16

25 Fighting in the Past Year (at school) - 2004-2010 32

26 Riding in a car – driver has been drinking in the past month 10 th – 12 th Grades - % How often 7 Note: According to 10 th grade 2010 results, an estimated 30 of 100 students who reported “riding”, account for 45% of all reported “riding” experiences.

27 Early Initiation to Drug Use (RF) – 2004-2010 18

28 Four Risk Factors Related to Drug Use Cohort - 2004-2008 Favorable Attitudes Toward Drug Use Friends' Use of Drugs Perceived Risk of Drug Use Intention to Use 19

29 Four Risk Factors Related to Drug Use Cohort - 2006-2010 Favorable Attitudes Toward Drug Use Friends' Use of Drugs Perceived Risk of Drug Use Intention to Use 19

30 Marijuana Use - 30 day Use 21

31 Alcohol Use - 30 day Use – 10 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 24

32 Alcohol Use - 30 day Use – 12 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 25

33 Alcohol Use - 30 day Use – 10 th & 12 th Grades “drinking category” Degree of Use 25

34 Marijuana Use - 30 day Use – 10 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 26

35 Marijuana Use - 30 day Use – 12 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 27

36 Pain killer Use - 30 day Use – 10 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 26

37 Pain killer Use - 30 day Use – 12 th Grade Experimental, Problematic and Heavy Use 26

38 My best friends are “smoking”, “drinking”, “using and selling” drugs. – 8 th Grade - “1 or more friends” 28

39 My best friends are “smoking”, “drinking”, “using and selling” drugs. – 10 th Grade - “1 or more friends” 29

40 My best friends are “smoking”, “drinking”, “using and selling” drugs. – 12 th Grade - “1 or more friends” 30

41 Three Risk Factors Associated with Antisocial Behaviors Cohort - 2004-2008 Favorable Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behaviors Rewards for Antisocial Involvement Interaction with Antisocial Peers 31

42 Three Risk Factors Associated with Antisocial Behaviors Cohort - 2006-2010 Favorable Attitudes Towards Antisocial Behaviors Rewards for Antisocial Involvement Interaction with Antisocial Peers 31

43 Drunk or high at school in the past year? 10 th – 12 th Grades - % Yes 34

44 How many students in your grade at school drank alcohol during the past 30 days? - % of students who believe that 30% or less and 50% or more of students in their grade did so 34

45 How wrong do most students in your grade think it is to drink alcohol regularly? - % of students who reported “wrong & very wrong” and “not wrong at all” 34

46 Incident Analysis – 8 th Grade Self-Reported Fighting & Fighting at School 8th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2010) – 422 students HYS 2010 Results: 366 students completed survey question “fighting” in the past year 187 students completed survey question “fighting at school” in the past year Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “fighting” incidents 247/366 or 67.5% of students reported “0 times” 40/366 or 16.4% of students reported “1 time”, that is 40 self-reported incidents of fighting 27/366 or 7.4% of students reported “2-3 times”, that is between 54 – 81 self-reported incidents of fighting or an average of 68 self-reported incidents of fighting 7/366 or 1.9% of students reported “4-5 times”, that is between 28 – 35 self-reported incidents of fighting or an average of 32 self-reported incidents of fighting 25/366 or 6.8% of students reported “6 or more times”, that is at least 150 self- reported incidents of fighting In summary, an estimated 32/117 ± 7 students who report “fighting” account for 63 percent (estimated 182 of 240 self-reported fighting incidents) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported incidents of “fighting” by students in 8 th grade. About 1/3 of students who reported “fighting” also report “fighting at school”.

47 Weapon at school & for Protection in the past month – % Yes 34

48 Opportunity Analysis – 10 th Grade Self- Reported Use of Alcohol 10th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2010) – 420 students HYS 2010 Results: 325 students completed survey question “30-day alcohol use” Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “opportunities” i.e. number of days they used alcohol in the past month 230/325 or 70.8% of students reported “0 days” 39/325 or 12.0% of students reported “1-2 days”, that is between 39 – 68 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 54 self-reported days 31/325 or 9.5% of students reported “3-5 days”, that is between 93 – 155 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 124 self-reported days 12/325 or 3.7% of students reported “6-9 days”, that is between 72 – 108 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 93 self-reported days 13/325 or 4.0% of students reported “10 or more days”, that is at least 130 self- reported days consuming alcohol In summary, in 2010, an estimated 25/95 ± 10 students who report “use of alcohol” in the past 30-days account for 56 percent (223 of an estimated 401 self-reported days of alcohol use in a month) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported days in the past month of “alcohol use” by students in 10 th grade. In the 2008, 27 students accounted for 57 percent, or 243 of an estimated 429 total days.

49 Incident Analysis – 8 th Grade Self-Reported Victimization of Bullying at School 8th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2010) – 422 students HYS 2010 Results: 358 students completed survey question “bullied” in the past month Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “victim of bullying” incidents 239/358 or 66.8% of students reported that they have NOT been “bullied” in the past month 49/358 or 13.7% of students reported being bullied “once”, that is 49 self-reported incidents of students being victims of bullying 32/358 or 8.9% of students reported being bullied “2-3 times”, that is between 64 – 96 self-reported incidents of bullying or an average of 80 self-reported incidents of bullying 20/358 or 5.6% of students reported being bullied “about once a week” i.e. at least 4 times in the past month, that is at least 80 self-reported incidents of bullying 18/358 or 5.0% of students reported being bullied “several times a week” i.e. at least 2 times/week, that is at least 144 self-reported incidents of bullying For a few students, bullying is a daily occurrence, but can not be estimated using HYS results. In summary, an estimated 38/119 ± 5 students who report being a victim of “bullying” weekly, account for 63 percent (estimated 224 of 353 self-reported incidents of bullying) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported incidents of “bullying” by students in 8 th grade. 3-5 out of 10 students (30% - 50%) who report being a victim of “bullying” also report “bullying” other students (CHKS 2010).

50 How do you usually get … in the past month – 8 th Grade – % Yes Tobacco 4.8% reported use Alcohol 10.5% reported use Pain killers 5.7% reported use Tobacco Alcohol Pain killers* * Note: “EVER” used Pain killers to get high Tobacco 8.0% reported use Alcohol 11.3% reported use Pain killers 4.7% reported use

51 How do you usually get … in the past month – 10 th Grade – % Yes Tobacco 17.8% reported use Alcohol 26.1% reported use Pain killers 11.8% reported use Tobacco Alcohol Pain killers* * Note: “EVER” used Pain killers to get high Tobacco 22.4% reported use Alcohol 30.6% reported use Pain killers 19.4% reported use

52 How do you usually get … in the past month – 12 th Grade – % Yes Tobacco 26.8% reported use Alcohol 57.8% reported use Pain killers 34.9% reported use Tobacco Alcohol Pain killers* * Note: “EVER” used Pain killers to get high Tobacco 31.6% reported use Alcohol 39.8% reported use Pain killers 31.9% reported use

53 Opportunity Analysis – 8 th Grade Self- Reported Use of Alcohol – HYS 2006 8th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2006) – 413 students HYS 2006 Results: 374 students completed survey question “30-day alcohol use” Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “opportunities” i.e. number of days they used alcohol in the past month 324/374 or 86.6% of students reported “0 days” 29/374 or 7.8% of students reported “1-2 days”, that is between 29 – 58 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 43 self-reported days 11/374 or 2.9% of students reported “3-5 days”, that is between 33 – 55 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 44 self-reported days 4/374 or 1.1% of students reported “6-9 days”, that is between 24 – 36 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 30 self-reported days 6/374 or 1.6% of students reported “10 or more days”, that is at least 60 self-reported days consuming alcohol In summary, in 2010, an estimated 10/50 ± 5 students who report “use of alcohol” in the past 30-days account for 51 percent (90 of an estimated 177 self-reported days of alcohol use in a month) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported days in the past month of “alcohol use” by students in 8 th grade.

54 Opportunity Analysis – 10 th Grade Self- Reported Use of Alcohol – HYS 2008 10th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2008) – 404 students HYS 2008 Results: 322 students completed survey question “30-day alcohol use” Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “opportunities” i.e. number of days they used alcohol in the past month 218/322 or 67.7% of students reported “0 days” 49/322 or 15.2% of students reported “1-2 days”, that is between 49 – 98 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 73 self-reported days 11/322 or 8.7% of students reported “3-5 days”, that is between 33 – 55 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 44 self-reported days 11/322 or 3.4% of students reported “6-9 days”, that is between 66 – 99 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 82 self-reported days 16/322 or 5.0% of students reported “10 or more days”, that is at least 160 self- reported days consuming alcohol In summary, in 2010, an estimated 27/104 ± 10 students who report “use of alcohol” in the past 30-days account for 67 percent (242 of an estimated 359 self-reported days of alcohol use in a month) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported days in the past month of “alcohol use” by students in 10 th grade.

55 Opportunity Analysis – 12 th Grade Self- Reported Use of Alcohol – HYS 2010 12th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2010) – 394 students HYS 2010 Results: 228 students completed survey question “30-day alcohol use” Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “opportunities” i.e. number of days they used alcohol in the past month 113/228 or 49.6% of students reported “0 days” 50/228 or 21.9% of students reported “1-2 days”, that is between 50 – 100 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 75 self-reported days 29/228 or 12.7% of students reported “3-5 days”, that is between 87 – 145 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 116 self-reported days 18/228 or 7.9% of students reported “6-9 days”, that is between 108 – 162 self-reported days of alcohol use or an average of 135 self-reported days 18/322 or 7.9% of students reported “10 or more days”, that is at least 180 self- reported days consuming alcohol In summary, in 2010, an estimated 36/115 ± 10 students who report “use of alcohol” in the past 30-days account for 62 percent (315 of an estimated 506 self-reported days of alcohol use in a month) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported days in the past month of “alcohol use” by students in 12 th grade.

56 Opportunity Analysis – 8 th -12 th Grade Self- Reported Alcohol Access – HYS HYS Results: Access questions related to “30-day alcohol use” Alcohol “access” of students who reported “alcohol use in the past 30 days” Note: 85% of alcohol users report “easy” access vs. 62% of non-users, 95% of heavy & problematic users report easy access Alcohol UsersHeavy & Problematic Alcohol Users

57 Opportunity Analysis – 10 th -12 th Grade Self-Reported Parental Discussions – HYS HYS Results: Parental discussion question related to “30-day alcohol use” Alcohol “discussions with parents about reasons not to use alcohol” by students who reported “alcohol use” Note: no difference in the percentage of “Yes” responses for alcohol users, heavy & problematic users, and non-users.

58 Opportunity Analysis – 10 th Grade Self- Reported Parental Aversion – HYS HYS Results: Parental aversion question related to “30-day alcohol use” Alcohol “parental aversion to regular use of alcohol” by students who reported “alcohol use” Note: 12 th Grade show similar results

59 Opportunity Analysis – 10 th -12 th Grade Self-Reported “Caught by Parents” – HYS HYS Results: Parental monitoring and supervision question related to “30-day alcohol use” “get caught by parents if drinking alcohol” by students who reported “alcohol use” Note: small difference in the percentage of “Yes” responses for alcohol users, heavy & problematic users, and experimental-users. 8 out of 10 alcohol users report “No”

60 Opportunity Analysis – 12 th Grade Self- Reported DUI – HYS HYS Results: Driving under influence question related to “30-day alcohol use” Driving under influence of “AOD” by students who reported “alcohol use” Note: In the Valley over 100 students age 16-18 report driving under the influence monthly

61 Incident Analysis – 10 th Grade Self-Reported Suicide Attempts

62 Incident Analysis – 12 th Grade Self-Reported Suicide Attempts 12th Grade SVSD population (Oct. 2010) – 394 students HYS 2010 Results: 117 students completed survey question “actually attempted suicide” in the past year Analysis – Counting the average number of self-reported “suicide attempt” incidents 109/117 or 93.2% of students reported that they have NOT “attempted suicide” in the past year 8/164 or 4.9% of students reported “once”, that is 8 self-reported incidents of suicide attempts 4/164 or 2.4% of students reported “2-3 times”, that is between 8 – 12 self-reported incidents of suicide attempts or an average of 10 self-reported incidents 0/164 or 0% of students reported “4-5 times” 2/164 or 1.2% of students reported “6 or more times”, that is at least 12 self-reported incidents of suicide attempts In summary, an estimated 6/14 ± 5 students who report “suicide attempts” in the past year, account for 73 percent (estimated 22 of 30 self-reported incidents) of the total number of a conservative estimate of all self-reported incidents of “suicide attempts” by students in 10 th grade.

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