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Blackfin SPI Compatible Interface Design and implementation details on the way to a valid SPI-LCD interface driver.

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Presentation on theme: "Blackfin SPI Compatible Interface Design and implementation details on the way to a valid SPI-LCD interface driver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blackfin SPI Compatible Interface Design and implementation details on the way to a valid SPI-LCD interface driver

2 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 2 /26 To be tackled today What is SPI? What is the SPI “master slave” relationship? How do you send commands from the Blackfin to a LCD device? What commands are necessary to control the LCD device -- HD44780?

3 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 3 /26 Master / Slave concept Slave Select (Chip Select) Master sends out active low chip select signal SS1, then slave 1 responds Master sends out active low chip select signal SS2, then slave 2 responds

4 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 4 /26 Master / Slave concept Master to Slave data movement Master sends out information to slave on MOSI wire Slave receives information from the master on MOSI wire Information (bits) is clocked by SCLK signal. 1-bit, 1 clock tick MOSI --MASTER OUT – SLAVE IN

5 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 5 /26 Master / Slave concept Slave to Master data movement Master receives information from slave on MISO wire Slave sends information to the master on MISO wire Information (bits) is clocked by SCLK signal. 1-bit, 1 clock tick MISO --MASTER IN – SLAVE OUT

6 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 6 /26 Lab. 5 concept – Using an SPI interface to an LCD screen Blackfin Processor LCD SCREEN SWITCHES (LOGIC LAB) SLAVE INPUT INTERFACE SLAVE OUTPUT INTERFACE MOSIMISO SLAVE SELECT PF5 used (PF0 to PF7) DATA CONTROL SPI CLOCK LOAD Slave to LCD

7 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 7 /26 Managed to obtain a general concept of how to make things happen to the LCD screen How do we make the LCD screen respond to control requests? Clear screen, move cursor, next line etc How do we make the LCD screen respond to data requests? Display letter a, b, C, 1, 2, (, ?, h etc How do we get Blackfin SPI interface to send the LCD screen those commands? How to we initialize the Blackfin SPI interface so all the above things work?

8 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 8 /26 Is this a possible solution? Writing “Hello” to the LCD ClearDisplay( ); UseFixedTimeASM( ); CursorIncrease( ); UseFixedTimeASM( ); DisplayOn( ); Use FixedTimeASM( ); WriteLetter(‘H’); UseFixedTimeASM( ); CursorMove( ); UseFixedTimeASM( ); WriteLetter(‘e’); etc. General concept is there, The exact details will have to wait a while QUESTION! What happens if you send a CursorMove( ) command and wait too long? Do you get two cursor moves? If so – how do you stop that from happening?

9 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 9 /26 Where does Blackfin fit in? ClearDisplay( ); This means that the following bits must be sent RS = 0, R/W = 0, DB7=DB6=DB5….DB1 = 0, DB0 = 1; from Blackfin SPI interface to LCD Possible solution -- Let us send out the ushort value 0x0001 from the Blackfin and arrange the wires from the interface to go to the LCD connections correctly Top 8 bits of ushort value – LCD control Bottom 8 bits of ushort value – LCD data Page 10-17 -- SPI Transmit Data Buffer Register SPI_TDBR – 16-bit read/write register. Data loaded into this data register is automatically transmitted over the SPI interface if the SPI interface is enabled for transmission.

10 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 10 /26 Questions still unanswered How do we configure the SPI interface inside the Blackfin? How do we activate the chip-select line – PF5? Does activating the PF5 line as SPI output control mean we have to change all the SetupPF8to11ASM( ) and other routines? When do we activate the chip-select line, and how long for? How do we know when LCD is ready for next character – do we poll a bit and wait till ready, or can it be done in the background? How do we stop multiple commands from being accidentally sent to LCD? -- cursor move etc

11 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 11 /26 Blackfin interface details More slave side Blackfin side

12 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 12 /26 Concept We write 16-bits (0xFF0A) in SPI_TDBR Hardware transfers this to SHIFT register SPI_TDBR now empty For next 16 ticks of SPI clock Hardware sends out 1 bit from shift register over MOSI line to SLAVE each clock tick – speeds up to 25 MHz per bit Hardware receives 1 bit over MISO line from the SLAVE and puts into shift register each clock tick – speeds up to 25 MHz per bit Hardware transfers shift register value (from slave) into SPI_RDBR (receive DBR) SPI_RDBR is now FULL This transmission over a serial line (16-bits 1 at a time) is much slower than other internal Blackfin operation Must be handled via interrupt control 0x F F 0 A

13 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 13 /26 This is NOT a possible solution! ClearDisplayASM( ) Initialize the SPI interface in main( ) P0  SPI_TDBR – SPI transmit data buffer register R0 = 0x0001;// LCD instruction [P0] = R0;  Not correct – TDBR is 16-bit R0 = some_value; Call UseFixedTimeASM;

14 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 14 /26 A more likely solution Still a work in progress !!!!!! volatile bool transmit_empty; volatile ushort transmit_value; EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(SPI_ISR) { SPI_TDBR  transmit_value; transmit_empty = true; Clear the interrupt signal so don’t re-enter ISR } ClearScreenASM( ) { while (transmit_empty = = false) /* wait for any old signal */ ; transmit_empty = false; transmit_value  0x0001; // Store the clear screen command ActivateInterrupt( ); }

15 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 15 /26 A better solution Still a work in progress !!!!!! ClearScreenASM( ) { while (transmit_empty = = false) /* wait for any old signal */ ; transmit_empty = false; transmit_value  0x0001; // Store the clear screen command ActivateInterrupt( ); } WriteLetterASM(char letter) { while (transmit_empty = = false) /* wait for any old signal */ ; transmit_empty = false; transmit_value  0x200 | letter; ActivateInterrupt( ); Call CursorMoveASM; // Get ready for next } Change to C++ programs as no longer taking directly to the hardware ClearScreen( ) { TransmitSPIvalueASM(0x0001); } WriteLetter(char letter) { TransmitSPIvalueASM(0x0200 | letter); Call CursorMoveASM} CursorMove ( ) { TransmitSPIvalueASM( 0x????); } etc

16 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 16 /26 SPI_registers -- Hardware Chap. 10 SPI_BAUD Maximum serial clock rate is ¼ of the system clock rate SCK freq = Peripheral clock frequency / 2 * SPI_BAUD SPI_FLG (Not SPI_FLAG) FLS5 bit – activates PF5 as slave select line FLG5 bit -- control value of PF5 line when FLG5 bit is low, PF5 output is low, when FLG5 bit is high, PF5 output is high, Can now answer question – do we need to change our other PF programs to handle SPI interface? NO!!

17 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 17 /26

18 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 18 /26 SPI-registers -- more SPI_STAT – SPI Status register Has some read only bits Has some “write 1 to clear” sticky bits which are set when error condition occurs Need to write 1 to clear these bits during SPI Setup SPI_TDBR – transmit data buffer register Value written to this register is transmitted over SPI interface Writing to this register clears the SPI transmit interrupt signal One of the question about SPI_ISR function is answered by this information

19 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 19 /26 Status register information RO and W1C bits

20 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 20 /26

21 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 21 /26 SPI_CTL register Values needed during setup TIMOD – transfer initiation mode 01 – Start transfer with write to SPI_TDBR. Interrupt when SPI_TDBR is empty. Timing issues possible here – get an interrupt after SPI_TDBR is empty the first time PSSE – Slave Select Enable 0 – Disable – setting this as 1 makes this Blackfin a slave device. There might be circumstances where you want one Blackfin as master, and another as a slave – but this is not one of them. SIZE = 1 (16 bits) LSBF – Last significant bit first 0 as we want MSBF first as that is the way the interface has been designed MSTR – master 1 as we want Blackfin to be master, not slave SPE – SPI Enable 1 – but we might not want to do this during set-up WOM – Write open drain master 0 – Normal – because this was the way the interface was designed EMISO – Enable MISO to allow slave to talk to master 0 – Not in this part of the lab GM – Get more data 0 – when SPI_RDBR (receive buffer) is full – discard new incoming data – don’t really care at the moment

22 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 22 /26 SPI_CTL register Things we still don’t understand SZ – send zeros (or last word) when SPI_TDBR is empty causes what to happen? CPOL – clock polarity Means what? CPHA – Clock Phase Means what? When CPHA = 1, the core activates the desired slave by clearing one of the SPI flag bits – what we need to happen MURPHY’S RULE – any bit whose function is not obvious will be the key of whether you get the interface to work or not

23 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 23 /26 Now at the stage where we can do some experimenting with the hardware We know that the following pins are “key” to the operation of the interface. Place scope probes on these lines MOSI – this will show the data being transmitted from the SPI interface PF5 – chip select line When this is pulled low, then the slave will accept any data being transmitted, otherwise data is ignored When this goes – low to high – then the serial data transmitted to the slave is “latched” (converted into a parallel signal that is then sent to LCD as a data or a command request.

24 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 24 /26 SPI-Tests – Initialization Set_SPIregisters_ASM(ulong BAUD_SCALE) #define BAUD_SCALE 0x8000 // Make system slow so we can scope the data transfers TEST(SET_SPI_Registers, ConfigureSPIregisters) { if (test_level < 1) { puts("\tIGNORED LEVEL 1 TEST ***** SET_SPI_Registers"); return; } __SaveAndResetUserReg(); WatchDataClass spi_reg(4, pSPI_BAUD, pSPI_CTL, pSPI_FLG, pSPI_STAT); WATCH_MEMORY_RANGE(spi_reg, (Set_SPIregisters_ASM(BAUD_SCALE)), READ_CHECK | WRITE_CHECK); // Warning – many of the SPI_STAT bits are W1C – write 1 to clear – DON”T write 0’s USHORTS_EQUAL(spi_reg.getFinalValue(0), BAUD_SCALE); USHORTS_EQUAL((spi_reg.getStartValue(1) | 0x01 | SPE | MSTR | CPOL | CPHA | SIZE), spi_reg.getFinalValue(1)); USHORTS_EQUAL((spi_reg.getStartValue(2) | FLS5), spi_reg.getFinalValue(2)); USHORTS_EQUAL(spi_reg.getStartValue(3), 1); // Reset value is 1 CHECK(spi_reg.getReadsWrites() == 5); __RestoreUserReg(); }

25 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 25 /26 SPI Tests – use of the interface EX_INTERRUPT_HANDLER(spi_ISR); TEST(WriteSPIValue, ConfigureSPIregisters) { if (test_level < 2) { puts("\tIGNORED LEVEL 2 TEST ***** WriteSPIValue"); return; } __SaveAndResetUserReg(); Set_SPIregisters_ASM(0x800); Set_SIC_IMASK_ASM(0x2000); WriteSPI(0x0A); // Connect SPI interface to LED’s on logic station WriteSPI(0xFF05);// Values should be there WriteSPI(0x0F0F); // Look at values on MOSI line with scope __RestoreUserReg(); // Values should be there }

26 6/3/2015 SPI Initialization, Copyright M. Smith, ECE, University of Calgary, Canada 26 /26 Information taken from Analog Devices On-line Manuals with permission Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Analog Devices assumes no responsibility for its use or for any infringement of any patent other rights of any third party which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent right of Analog Devices. Copyright  Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.

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