Polar Bears Mammals Created by: Kate Cotter

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1 Polar Bears Mammals Created by: Kate Cotter http://ventana.sierraclub.org/conservation/regional/images/images07no5/polarBear.jpg

2 Physical Characteristics A polar bear’s weight is between 750 lb to 1700 lb. A polar bear weighs this much because a polar bear has to pounce on the ice to be able to catch his pray. A polar bear also is vertebrate witch means it has a backbone. Polar bears are warm blooded. Polar bears are very tall males are 8 and 1/3.females are 6 feet.

3 Life Cycle Most polar bears die when young If they survive polar bears can live up to 20 or 30 years http://www.lightmillennium.org/2006_18th/image/irem_polar_bear.jpg

4 Environment Polar bears live in the Arctic the far North Polar bears live where they can catch food Temperatures -40° to -50° http://www.greenpeace.org/raw/image_full/international/photosvideos/photos/polar-bear-in-arctic

5 Food Polar bears stock his pray. When he is ready he starts swimming slowly, then he attacks the breathing hole and the seal stops breathing then it dies. http://static.howstuffworks.com/gif/polar-bear-3.jpg

6 Adaptation Humans invented a knife, gun, and a bow and arrow to survive just like the polar bears can hunt fast. Polar bears can attack just as fast as a gun. http://www.logosoftwear.com/embroideryclipart/Archery.Bow%20and%20Arrow.(SZSP003).(1.73x1.5).638.gif

7 Survival Polar bears are threatened by pollution The polar bears are dying because of this crisis To help the polar bears please start recycling and help stop global warming.

8 Interesting Facts Polar bears almost always stand on their front legs Because when they meet another polar bear they stand and play for hours http://robertd.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/polar-bears-standing2.jpg

9 Resources Goddard,Jolyon.Polar bears Danbury,CT.:Grolier,2008 Nation Geographic,Kids. 10/3/08 http://Kids.nationalgeographic.com/animal/creaturefeature/polarbearhttp://Kids.nationalgeographic.com/animal/creaturefeature/polarbear. Patent,Dorothy. Polar bears. Danbury,CT.:A wild life CN.,2008 Zoobooks,polarbears.polar bears. Poway,cal.:Wild E D.lit.,2008 Zoobooks.10/3/08. http://www.Zoobooks.com/animalsatoz-detail.aspx2-q=49

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